News ID : 120423
Publish Date : 12/9/2022 6:14:18 PM
An ineffective big lie; The escape forward plan started!


An ineffective big lie; The escape forward plan started!

Western-Zionist media, whose big lie about Russia's use of Iranian drones in the Ukraine war, and despite Iran's repeated requests, are still unable to provide the smallest document for this false claim, now run forward and make new claims in an attempt to induce the point is that since the components of these drones are not Iranian, they have not been able to prove this issue!

NOURNEWS - The Western-Zionist media, whose big lie about Russia's use of Iranian drones in the Ukraine war, and despite Iran's repeated requests, are still unable to provide the smallest document for this false claim, are now running forward and making new claims in an attempt to induce The point is that since the components of these drones are not Iranian, they have not been able to prove this issue!

In this regard, the Zionist Maariv newspaper wrote in a report:

Canadian officials have announced that they have begun an official investigation into how parts produced in this country found their way into Iranian drones used by the Russian military in Ukraine.

At the same time, the local media of Ukraine claim that according to the investigation of the Kyiv authorities, telecommunication parts from Talisman Wireless Company were used in these drones.

A little earlier, the Wall Street Journal reported that the infrared lenses produced in Israel along with more than 200 other parts from the United States of America, the European Union and other allied countries were used in these drones.

Earlier, despite Iran's request to hold a joint meeting to investigate this issue, the Ukrainians first canceled the first meeting for no reason, and in the second meeting, they could not provide any evidence for their claims.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi


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