News ID : 76662
Publish Date : 11/6/2021 4:18:10 PM
Iran's 20 Percent Enriched Uranium Stockpile Surpasses 210 Kilogram

Iran's 20 Percent Enriched Uranium Stockpile Surpasses 210 Kilogram

According to the Parliament's 'Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions and Protect Rights of the People' law, we were tasked with producing 120 kg of 20-percent enriched uranium, while now we have exceeded 210 kilogram," Kamalvandi said.

NOURNEWS - Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi announced that Iran's 20-percent enriched uranium stockpile has exceeded 210 kilograms, while its 60-percent enriched uranium stands at 25kg.

According to the Parliament's 'Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions and Protect Rights of the People' law, we were tasked with producing 120 kg of 20-percent enriched uranium, while now we have exceeded 210 kilogram," Kamalvandi said.

He also added that the AEOI has already produced 25kg of 60-percent enriched uranium.

Amid the indifference of the JCPOA parties to continued US violations of the JCPOA, in December 2020, the Iranian Parliament passed the Law on 'Strategic Action Plan to Counter Sanctions and Protect Rights of the People' that prompted the Iranian administration to restrict the IAEA’s inspections and accelerate the development of the country’s nuclear program beyond the limits set by the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement.



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