News ID : 75422
Publish Date : 9/13/2021 11:03:39 PM
The Iraqi Prime Minister met with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran


The Iraqi Prime Minister met with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran

Admiral Ali Shamkhani, representative of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on Sunday afternoon to discuss bilateral issues and the latest political and security developments in the region.

NOURNEWS - In this meeting, Admiral Shamkhani welcomed the initiative of the Iraqi government in holding the Baghdad meeting and stated: Focusing on joint efforts and convergence of countries in the region without the presence of extra-regional countries should be on the permanent agenda of countries in the region.

The Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran called the increasing movements of terrorist groups in the Iraqi Kurdistan region a concern and a threat to the security of the two countries' borders, and stressed the need for immediate disarmament and expulsion from Iraq.

Referring to the cooperation of some compromising countries in the region with the Zionist regime, Shamkhani said: "Such measures taken within the framework of the new US national security doctrine in the region not only do not help create security and stability, but will escalate the crisis and intensify insecurity in the region."

He mentioned 20 years of catastrophic US occupation of Afghanistan, which proved that the US presence and intervention in the region would not result in anything but instability, insecurity and great material and spiritual damage to the people of the region.

Shamkhani said that the nations of the region have already incurred a lot of costs to end the US presence in the region; He added: "Following up the case of the assassination of the great resistance commanders of the martyrs General Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mehdi al - Mohandis and punishing its perpetrators is still at the top of the demands of the two nations of Iran and Iraq and the Resistance Front."

The Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran stressed the full implementation of the Tehran-Baghdad agreements, especially in the economic field, and added that the expansion of comprehensive cooperation with neighbors is the unchanging policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and one of the main priorities of the new government.

In this meeting, the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, referring to the privileged and strategic role of the Islamic Republic in the fight against terrorism, especially ISIS, said: The Iraqi government and people will never forget the sacrifices and comprehensive assistance of the Iranian government, people and armed forces in the difficult situation in Iraq.

He added: "The Iraqi nation and government will always stand by the Iranian government and nation in times of difficulties and hardships, thanks to the valuable assistance of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

The Iraqi Prime Minister described the continuous cooperation of the national security institutions of the two countries in various dimensions complementing and accelerating the relations between Iraq and Iran and noted: Iraq is ready to use its political and security capacities to cooperate and bring the countries of the region closer together and to resolve misunderstandings that are detrimental to stability.



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