News ID : 74291
Publish Date : 8/2/2021 11:35:21 PM
The UAE, from betraying Palestine to the action against the Islamic world


The UAE, from betraying Palestine to the action against the Islamic world

The evils and negative role played by the UAE government against the countries of the West Asian and North African regions clearly represent the mercenary of the Sheikhdom rulers for the United States and Zionists, and their betrayal and crimes against the Muslim world.

NOURNEWS - Tunisian President Kais Saied has taken power unilaterally with the dissolution of the parliament and government, with the Tunisian media and politicians reporting on the UAE's role in creating crises and social and political unrest in their country.
In this regard, the speaker of the Tunisian parliament, Rached Ghannouchi, announced the UAE's moves to destroy the 2011 revolution of the Tunisian people and considered the action of Kais Saied part of these moves.
Although Anwar Gargash, the UAE president's diplomatic adviser, has denied the allegations, a look at the sheikhdom's record in the region and in Islamic countries reveals significant evidence that the Tunisian authorities have endorsed the accusation against Abu Dhabi.
In the West Asian region; In Iraq, there are reports of the UAE playing a role in the country's social and political unrest, with Abu Dhabi giving its full support to the holding of an illegal referendum in the Kurdistan Region in 2017, which was strongly opposed by Baghdad.
The UAE in Syria by supporting terrorist groups, in Lebanon by creating a crisis and supporting the causes of economic and social unrest, in Yemen as one of the main pillars of crimes against the people of this country and in the Palestinian area alongside the Zionist regime in killing Palestinians, a black case he has created himself.
The evil Emirati rulers in Africa have played the same critical role, as Egypt has repeatedly complained about the UAE's negative role, stressing that the UAE's interference has led to disputes between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia over water resources and the al-Nahda Dam.
In Sudan, the UAE's tense interventions and actions were both against the will of the people against the government of Omar al-Bashir and led to its compromise with the Zionist regime.
In Libya, the UAE's armed and political support for Caliph Haftar led to the continuation of the crisis in the country, and on the other hand, economic promises paved the way for Morocco's inclination towards the Zionist regime.
The role of the UAE in the Ethiopian unrest and the tendency of the government of this country to expand relations with the Zionist regime and the continuous intervention in the affairs of Algeria in response to the demands of the people are not hidden from anyone.
The UAE, centered on the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, also played a key role in the 2016 coup against Erdogan in Turkey.
The sum of these processes, along with the malice of this Persian Gulf sheikhdom against the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic in recent years, shows that the evil and negative role of the UAE against the countries of the region and Islamic countries has been proven.
The evaluation of this negative and vicious role-playing reaches an interesting common point, and that is; All the target countries of the UAE, such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Palestine, are at war with the Zionist regime and want the US to withdraw from the region, or like Libya, Algeria and Tunisia are among the supporters of Palestine, or like Sudan and The Maghreb have been forced to hide their relations with the Zionist regime due to popular demand.
More importantly, the people of these countries are in line with the Islamic Awakening and a potential role model for the people of the UAE to revolutionize and end tyranny and achieve true democracy and freedom.
This important point shows that the rulers of the UAE, as a tool in the hands of the West and Zionism and in line with their sinister plans, are practically betraying and committing crimes against the Islamic world and Muslim nations, which in the not too distant future regional isolation and intensification In this country to get rid of the rulers dependent on the United States and Zionism.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi


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