News ID : 74289
Publish Date : 8/2/2021 11:21:48 PM
Iran warns Washington and London: no making pretext


Iran warns Washington and London: no making pretext

Western officials are concerned about the deterioration of maritime security, while the United States and Britain not only have a long history of piracy, but have also turned a blind eye to the Zionists' continued mischief in securing shipping lanes and carrying out terrorist acts against other countries.

NOURNEWS - Since Thursday, July 27, when the Israeli company's Mercer Street crashed in the Oman Sea, some regional and Western media outlets have immediately blamed Iran, claiming that Iranian drones have targeted the ship.
This unrealistic claim, for which no evidence has been presented so far, has led to a wave of false accusations by Western and Zionist officials against Iran, and continues to do so.
The new foreign minister of the Zionist regime, Yair Lapid, on Friday, August 29, officially called the accident an air strike and blamed Iran.
The U.S. Central Command said in a statement on Saturday that a Mercer Street tanker escorted by Ronald Reagan's U.S. aircraft carrier had been damaged in a drone strike that killed two Romanian and a British national.
The story became even more sensitive because, in addition to the mentioned comments, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also claimed in a controversial statement: Iran has targeted the Israeli ship!
Blinken emphasizes that Washington is confident that Iran has targeted the tanker in the Oman Sea, he said: "We will show a proper response to Tehran in this regard!"
After this comment; British Foreign Secretary Dominique Robb also entered the fray, claiming without providing any evidence that Iran has deliberately and deliberately targeted Israeli ships in Oman waters.
Rob stressed: Britain is consulting with its international partners for a "coordinated response to this unacceptable attack"! In the meantime; The British government's emergency committee called the Cobra meeting was held at the level of British government officials on the attack on Mercer Street and how to respond to it, and Al-Jarida claimed that Israel was a beacon for a direct attack on Iran's positions from the US and Britain. It is green.
The margins formed around the accident for the Israeli ship and the involvement of American and British officials in this matter are important in several ways:
First, the flood of accusations against Iran in this case is while so far no document has been presented about Iran's role in this incident.
Second, the remarks made by Blinken and Robb in this regard, while understandable in terms of completing the Iran-phobia project to bring their extravagant menus to the negotiating table, are a sign of the West's extreme intelligence weakness and continuing crisis-making for political purposes.
Third, Western officials have expressed grave concern about the deterioration of maritime security, while the United States and Britain not only have long history of piracy, but have also turned a blind eye to the Zionists' continued mischief in securing shipping lines and carrying out terrorist acts against other countries.
The abduction of an Iranian ship in the Strait of Gibraltar by the British and the US Navy's numerous harassments of Iranian tankers and ships in various locations, along with numerous attacks on Iranian vessels in the Red Sea and off the coast of Syria and Lebanon in the Mediterranean, which are accused of being the front row Zionists, are only part of these measures.
In this regard, an official told Nournews: "Although the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the threats of Western officials and the Zionist regime as more propaganda gestures, taking any action against Iran's national interests and security will face a strong and decisive response and responsibility for the consequences;" it also targets Washington and London directly.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi


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