News ID : 55871
Publish Date : 10/19/2020 3:51:52 PM
Shamkhani: The United States is looking for insecurity, whether it is Afghanistan or Iraq

It was discussed during the meeting with the Chairman of High Council for National Reconciliation

Shamkhani: The United States is looking for insecurity, whether it is Afghanistan or Iraq

In this meeting, Admiral Shamkhani explained the destructive policies of the United States in the West Asian region, which resulted in nothing but war, destruction and backwardness for the people of the region, emphasizing: The basis of US policy is chaos and insecurity, and it does not matter if it is pursued in Afghanistan or Iraq.

NOURNEWS - Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of High Council for National Reconciliation of Afghanistan, who has visited Tehran, met with Admiral Ali Shamkhani, Representative of the Supreme Leader and Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, and discussed bilateral and regional issues.
In this meeting, Admiral Shamkhani explained the destructive policies of the United States in the West Asian region, which resulted in nothing but war, destruction and backwardness for the people of the region, emphasizing: The basis of US policy is chaos and insecurity, and it does not matter if it is pursued by Afghanistan or Iraq.
Referring to the role of the United States in launching terrorist movements, the most prominent example of which is the establishment of the dreaded and terrorist current of ISIS, he said: The only way to stay safe from such dangerous traps of America is to resist and maintain unity and cohesion, the way that great martyrs such as Haj Qassem Soleimani and Ahmad Shah Massoud showed us with their lives.
The Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council mentioned the inter-Afghan dialogue, the preservation of the republic and the rights of ethnic groups and religions, and the observance of the constitution as the main and very effective components in establishing long lasting stability and security in Afghanistan, emphasizing: The United States has always sought to undermine key stabilizing elements in Afghanistan in order to maintain its presence and perpetuate insecurity.
He called any action outside the framework of values ​​and nationalism a betrayal of the years of struggle and self-sacrifice of the Afghan people and clarified: the long-term interests of the suffering people of Afghanistan should not be sacrificed to some fleeting interests.
Shamkhani stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran has practiced good neighborliness over the past 40 years with the full support and acceptance of more than 3 million Afghan refugees and expects the country's officials to allow it to penetrate with unity and empathy calling: Do not carry out the sinister plans of foreigners to create a rift between the two countries.
In the continuation of this meeting, Abdullah Abdullah, in a speech appreciating the support and principled positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards Afghanistan, considered the expansion of relations with the friendly and brotherly country of Iran as one of the principles and priorities of his country's foreign policy.
The Chairman ofHigh Council for National Reconciliation of Afghanistan, presenting a report on the latest developments in the Afghan peace process, stated: The establishment of lasting peace and security in this country has an effective role in maintaining security and stability in the region.
He mentioned the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the peace process in Afghanistan as an encouragement to the government and people of Afghanistan and added: "The Islamic Republic of Iran has always played a decisive role in creating regional stability and peace, especially in Afghanistan."


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