News ID : 55777
Publish Date : 10/15/2020 11:58:50 PM
Details about the Lebanese delegation's indirect talks with the Zionist regime

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Details about the Lebanese delegation's indirect talks with the Zionist regime

With the aim of paving the way for Beirut to enter the normalization process with Tel Aviv, the Zionist regime will try to move beyond the military and technical framework through politics and diplomacy and into the framework of politics and diplomacy, and therefore Hezbollah opposed with the presence of civilians in Lebanese delegation.

NOURNEWS - Talks on the demarcation of the sea border between Lebanon and the Zionist regime began today, Wednesday, and the two negotiating delegations hosted by the United Nations in southern Lebanon met.

Yesterday, Lebanese President Michel Aoun met with UN Special Coordinator Jan Kubic to discuss developments and Lebanon's position on the South Sea border demarcation talks.

Michel Aoun had instructed the Lebanese negotiating team that the talks were purely technical and related to the demarcation of the sea border, and that the talks should be limited to this issue.

In his latest position, the Lebanese Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed that Beirut would not reach an agreement on the recognition of Israel and would only negotiate the demarcation of the maritime borders.

Meanwhile, late Tuesday, Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Amal movement issued a statement announcing their opposition to the current structure of the Lebanese negotiating team on the demarcation of the border with Israel.

The statement said that the Lebanese negotiating team should not include civilians and that this contradicts the framework announced by the speaker of the Lebanese parliament, Nabih Berri, to the detriment of Lebanon and its interests.

Hezbollah and Amal had emphasized that the Lebanese negotiating team included political and economic figures, which is a desirable issue for the Zionist enemy, so the structure of the Lebanese delegation should be restored in accordance with the 1996 agreement and Resolution 1701.

In any form; The first round of talks took place on Wednesday in the Naqoura area of ​​southern Lebanon, inside blue tents hosted by the UN envoy, while the Lebanese delegation refused to take a joint photo with the Israeli delegation, and no direct talks took place between the two delegations.

The Lebanese delegates also committed themselves to the Arabic language and an American translator translated their conversations. The talks are expected to last no more than two or three sessions.

The borders that the Lebanese government will discuss during these talks will include only sea borders and not land borders. The reason for this is that the land borders between Lebanon and the occupied territories are clear and pre-drawn borders. Therefore, there will be no negotiations on land borders between the two sides during the border demarcation negotiations.

The geographical scope of the land borders between Lebanon and the occupied territories has also been approved by the United Nations, and the issue of land borders is completely final and will not be negotiated. Therefore, the area being negotiated is the economic zone at sea. This area covers about 70 square kilometers. The area is in the shape of a triangle consisting of 3 points.

Some experts believe; With the aim of paving the way for Beirut to enter the normalization process with Tel Aviv, the Zionist regime will try to move beyond the military and technical framework through politics and diplomacy and into the framework of politics and diplomacy, and therefore Hezbollah opposed with the presence of civilians in Lebanese delegation.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi


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