News ID : 53814
Publish Date : 9/14/2020 10:41:06 AM
The United States is the greatest threat to world order and peace

The United States is the greatest threat to world order and peace

The United States is fomenting regional unrest, violating international order, and undermining world peace.

NOURNEWS - A spokesman for China's Ministry of Defense said in a statement: "The United States is fomenting regional unrest, violating international order and undermining world peace."

He continued: "US operations in Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries have resulted in the deaths of more than 800,000 people and the homelessness of millions more."

The Chinese official added: "The United States has published a so-called report that misinterprets China's normal military and defense structure." We call on the United States to consider China's military and defense structure as real and logical.


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