News ID : 53714
Publish Date : 9/10/2020 2:38:19 AM
Why isn't America's awful management in crises the number one issue in the world?

Why isn't America's awful management in crises the number one issue in the world?

Comparing the magnification of issues that are much smaller and less important than current events in the United States by these same media shows their role and will in hiding the inefficiencies of the West, especially the United States, so that perhaps the declining pace of self-proclaimed hegemony can be accelerated.

NOURNEWS - The United States has faced deep critical faults in recent months that the government has virtually failed to manage. In addition to the inability to manage the Corona crisis with high morbidity and death rates, which at the same time led to severe recession and the spread of poverty and unemployment, intensified anti-racist protests faced by exemplary violence by the government, failure to contain California forest fires and the burning of the Bonhome Richard warship off the coast of San Diego should be added to Washington's list of inability to deal with the crisis.

These crises, combined with the dictatorial, irrational, and offensive behavior of Trump on the one hand, and the purely political attitudes of Democrats on the other, have forced the American people to chant "Death to America" ​​for the first time.

However, the US government has not only failed to resolve external tensions and crises, but with a unilateral approach has practically blown them into the fire of these tensions.

The world is witnessing that such a disgraceful management is not only not becoming the first issue in the world by the mainstream media, but all the power of these media on the one hand is spent lying about the power block against the United States in the world and on the other hand, it is spent deceiving the public opinion inside to win the next elections.

Comparing the magnification of issues that are much smaller and less important than current events in the United States by these same media shows their role and will in hiding the inefficiencies and inefficiencies of the West, especially the United States, so that perhaps the declining pace of self-proclaimed hegemony can be accelerated.

But what exactly is the reason for this? The only reason these events do not become the world's foremost is that the mainstream media in the world, which is responsible for directing public opinion, is run by Americans and Zionists.

In addition to the mainstream media, the Zionist network, which governs the flow of information in the world, also has the general management of social networks and central messengers in the world and uses a variety of formal methods (platform) and content to counter the free flow of information.

More precisely; contrary to the false and deceptive slogan of free flow of information and freedom of expression, the only task of the cartels and big corporations affiliated with the global network of Zionism Christianity, which have formed the Western media empire relying on power and wealth, is to support this corrupt structure.


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