News ID : 53348
Publish Date : 8/26/2020 7:33:16 AM
Iran Plans to Move Ahead Irrespective of US Election Results

Iran Plans to Move Ahead Irrespective of US Election Results

Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiyee said on Tuesday that victory of a republican or democrat in the US presidential election will not change Iran’s path of progress and efforts to protect its people.

NOURNEWS - Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiyee said on Tuesday that victory of a republican or democrat in the US presidential election will not change Iran’s path of progress and efforts to protect its people.

“Anyone who will reside in the White House and the house of cards should know that we have planned for the worst conditions and we will protect our people’s life,” Rabiyee told FNA in Tehran on Tuesday.

He underlined that Iran does not cling its progress to the policies adopted in the White House, saying, “As the Supreme Leader said if they make a good decision, we will use it,but anyway, we will continue protection of people’s life and the country’s development.”

“We have not stopped (progress) for the power shift in any country,” Rabiyee said.

In relevant remarks last month, Iranian First Vice President Eshaq Jahangiri said that the US has failed to bring Iran to its knees through imposing economic sanctions, adding that it is time to defend our success.

US' plots to destroy Iran's economy will definitely fail and Iran will continue gaining more successes, Jahangiri said.

"Iran's economy is growing positively in the non-oil sector and it is a good opportunity for us to support and defend Iran's success," he added.

Also, in June, Jahangiri said although the US sanctions had impacts on country’s economy, Washington has failed to attain its goals through its sanctions policy.

Sanctions have just harmed our economy but failed to collapse it, Jahangiri said.

The government is trying to shoulder the pressures of the sanctions and remove them from the people, he added.

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