News ID : 51736
Publish Date : 6/29/2020 3:40:44 PM
Trump's confusion in the face of protesters; From an iron fist to the naming of the NASA office as a black woman!

Exclusive by NOURNEWS;

Trump's confusion in the face of protesters; From an iron fist to the naming of the NASA office as a black woman!

The US government's response to anti-racism protests over the past few weeks has shown its confusion over such a phenomenon, which has been fueled by a handful of iron fists on the one hand, and by blackmail on the other.

NOURNEWS - These days, as the fire of protests against racial discrimination in the United States has ignited, many large and prominent economic organizations and centers are trying to exonerate themselves from the rule of discrimination by using symbolic and sometimes propaganda measures to show their transnational perspective.

The first reactions to this issue in the United States came from Facebook and Twitter employees. Facebook employees joined the protesters in a symbolic move by leaving their workplaces. Twitter also tweeted a message of praise by hiding Trump's message.

Other scientific centers and private companies, such as fashion and clothing brands, have also tried to focus on their brand's advertising by using the social space created, using people's feelings and covering propaganda against racism.

In this regard; The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced yesterday that it will rename its headquarters in Washington as Mary Jackson, NASA's first female African Engineer.

Although this customary action is a demonstration of the opposition of US government institutions to racism, it is only a hypocritical attempt to reduce the White House and Donald Trump's violent stance and behavior against the protests of the capitalist structural racists. The pressure of public opinion.

The US government's response to anti-racist protests over the past few weeks has shown its confusion over such phenomena, which, on the one hand, have entered into an iron fist policy and, on the other hand, have been trying to retouch the situation with such demonstrations.


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