News ID : 50690
Publish Date : 5/28/2020 12:23:11 PM
Iranian Oil Tanker's Hat-Trick in the Caribbean

Iranian Oil Tanker's Hat-Trick in the Caribbean

The third Iranian oil tanker bound for Venezuela reached the escort position in the Caribbean Sea at around 14:00 local time on May 27.

NOURNEWS- The third oil tanker (Foxon) carrying Iranian oil products bound for Venezuela, was escorted to the Caribbean Sea at around 14:00 local time on Wednesday May 27.

Foxon oil tanker was escorted by military warships and Venezuelan fighter jets as it entered Venezuela's exclusive economic waters.

Foxon oil tanker will continue its journey to the port of Amuay in western Venezuela as it enters Venezuelan waters.

The arrival time of the third ship to the port of Amuay is estimated at 17:00 local time on May 29.



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