NOURNEWS- In an interview, Ardeshir Zahedi, the former foreign minister of the ruling regime and former Iranian ambassador to Britain and the United States, said in an interview about Iran's confrontation with foreigners:
I confirm that the United States wants to use force against Iran, but they do not recognize Iran and take advantage of the current situation in the world. What they are saying to Iran today is against honor, morality and humanity, especially in a country that claims to be a superpower. The superpower must understand and know its audience.
Today, the population of the country is 83 million, when we were 35 million. Of these 83 million, at least 60 million are literate and can read and write. 40 million are university graduates. 30 million out of 83 million are people who work, and 20 million of them are women, which is an honor for Iran and every other country, and we should all be proud of it.
A country that claims to be a superpower cannot even boycott medicine for these people and cause them trouble. Just because he thinks regime change in Iran is that simple and can bring them to their knees.
I call on the youth to read the recent 200-year history of Iran to see that, unfortunately, foreigners have always used force on Iran, and therefore Iran must have the power to stand up to the oppression of foreigners. These noble people - whom I am really proud to say I am Iranian - endure all these problems so that they do not sell themselves.
Unfortunately, there are people who have either forgotten their country or lost their dignity. We have a Persian proverb that matches these: The worst person is the one who has bitten his mother's breast! Some people are examples of this proverb and say: Go and drop a bomb on Iran! On whom? The heads of people who are being oppressed for no reason? On the heads of people who endure problems with such dignity that they can help and serve their country.
It is being oppressed and oppressed by foreigners in Iran, and it must be stopped. Fortunately, the Iranians are men and women, and they have been able to gradually get their rights and prove themselves. As I'm talking to you right now, the New York Times article is in front of me about the Iranian resistance to these pressures. I mean, Americans themselves accept that.
It is being oppressed and oppressed by foreigners in Iran, and it must be stopped. Fortunately, the Iranians are men and women, and they have been able to gradually get their rights and prove themselves. As I'm talking to you right now, the New York Times article is in front of me about the Iranian resistance to these pressures. I mean, Americans themselves accept that.
They (the Americans) are trading with Saudi Arabia. What is the title of Saudi Arabia except that it is a murderous and bloodthirsty regime that goes and kills people in another country and then says: I am the protector of Mecca! A person who is a Muslim and has honor does not commit murder and bloodshed, which is so brutal.
Israel has had an atomic bomb since day one, and the United States has turned a blind eye to it. I have said several times in meetings with various ambassadors at the United Nations that we are ready to come and free the whole region from nuclear weapons, but they did not accept it because the Israeli arsenal did not touch! The missile is Iran's right, especially since they sold 150 million weapons to the Saudis to go and do dirty work in Yemen and kill people!
Europe has come and signed the Borjam agreement. Now the United States has come and put pressure on them, and they are gradually retreating to protect their interests and companies! This is against the morals and obligations of the European Union. Of course, China and Russia are committed to signing the UN Security Council, but sometimes they relax!
It is not right for someone to say that because I have the power to do whatever I want. You can't have any power by bullying and you can't do anything in front of the people of the world! The whole area of the Persian Gulf and other places has been polluted! They have come and, contrary to all the historical evidence, they have taken Palestine, and now they are saying: you have to ask my permission to go to the bathroom you want to go to! Which international law accepts this behavior?
Some Arabs have forgotten the Palestinians for money and to help them! The treatment of Palestinians is against human rights. Why is no one talking about this? What is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine?! I once told Gromyko that he had been hit, and of course we reconciled. The words must be logical.
I am proud of Iran that it has prepared most of the things it needs, without having bought them from abroad, with the efforts and zeal of these young engineers. The submarine and the missile and everything it needs has improved and all this has improved.
Iran must be strong against the enemy. Is Iran supposed to give everything and do what they did with Gaddafi with Iran? Iran is not Libya, which has been polluted and still remains there! Gaddafi was deceived. Iran is smarter than that. It has a history and it has honor, and it is not easy to shake it.
The British acted in violation of international law and captured the Iranian ship. Fortunately, Iran persevered, and European lawyers and judges saw that Britain had done something wrong, and that the Iranian ship was finally released. Iran took its wrestling against their invasion and of course did a very good job, because as I said: the account is the account, brother Kaka! So Iran acted strongly and the British did not go under the same burden.
The world knew that if it fell there (Saudi Arabia), the world would change in terms of oil. We helped Saudi Arabia survive. This was the case, and if it weren't for us, it would have disappeared! Now this boy is working for you! It's good that someone remembers their background!
However, we must not allow the domination of the United States and Britain to be repeated. I remember when I was a kid, my father was kidnapped by that scoundrel, and we, like Willan and Wanderer, were left without parents! What a tragedy we went to meet my sister and then came to Tehran. When we wanted to go home from somewhere, we had to give an account to a Russian, British, or American soldier: where did we come from and where do we want to go? In our own home, we were treated like thieves. That was our situation.
Economically, the situation in the country was bad ... We stood in line and took "silo" bread, which broke our teeth from the stones inside! We must defend our country and not let a series of puppets come behind the scenes and jeopardize the interests of our country. I have no doubt that today's young people in Iran read and know history well. They also have zeal and courage. No one has been able to use force against Iran to this day, and in the end, the head of this nation has been deprived of his right. Even now, they must have power and put their rights in their hands.
The calamity that befell Iraq and started a war, and this is the situation in Iraq today, which has destroyed everything, either in the dear country of our neighbor Afghanistan or in Pakistan, which is causing other troubles. Each of them is doing everything they can to stay in power for two more days, under the influence of those around them and the influence of Israel ... But they have the problem that when we say we want the interests of our country, they say no. Of course, they are very wrong and they do not have such a right. Iran has repeatedly said that it has nothing to do with signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, provided that we all sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
An atom is both a dirty thing and a good thing. Just like language, if it says good, it's good, and if it says bad, it's bad. If all countries are to use the atom only for electricity and non-war issues, Iran must have it. My friend and comrade Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto used to say: We Pakistanis are ready to eat grass, but we will not give up ... and their work ended in an atom. But, of course, the atom is anti-human, and I strongly oppose anything that is anti-human. Man is human.
I am a supporter of all human beings. I don't believe in the superior race either. What is the ruling on the filth that they have done and are doing in Yemen? What did they do wrong in Syria? And elsewhere!
When people outside or inside Iran speak out against me, when I oppose the boycott of the people and defend the independence of the country and the right to nuclear facilities, and stand by the nation and my people, when someone stands up to this position, whoever he is without Skeptics doubt the roots of the nation and it is a betrayal, whether it is reformist or monarchist, and it introduces its nature to the people and the people will respond to it.
Any person or group that acts against the country and goes and takes money from others to destroy its country is neither trustworthy nor respectable. If he comes to this country, he must serve someone who has brought him to work to keep him. All this is free. All of them are betraying. This gentleman who says: Go and drop a bomb, even if there is no one in Iran, isn't the grave of his parents, aunt and aunt in Iran? These are fools and traitors, and they do not get anywhere, and they are unfortunate, because I believe that Iranians have honor and must pursue honor and justice.
Unfortunately, there is no justice and dignity in the world today, and everyone who has the power and the money will do whatever they want, and they will follow them. What kind of justice is this that says and does everything at its United Nations with a "no"? In any case, it is better than not having it, but there is no justice in it.
What did they do wrong in Syria except destruction? Were they able to change the regime? What did they do wrong in Afghanistan other than destruction? The same is true in Yemen. They want their own interests. If there is fairness, every country has the right to defend its interests. If you do not do the right thing, then the cannon and the gun will show that this is the device they have set up.
What the United States is doing against Iran is childish and stupid behavior. A superpower that should not say childish things. Must have a study. The British at least went everywhere, calculated, and studied. You see, all these actions are unfair and dishonorable. I may be criticized for saying these things, but all these words are from the bottom of my heart and I am not afraid of anyone.
I have repeatedly stated in my interviews and articles, both during and after the revolution, about Britain's damage to Iran, and I was the only one in Iranian history to threaten British Foreign Secretary George Brown if your warplanes and fighter jets once again landed on top of our ships. If they cross over to Persian Gulf, we will target them and destroy them.
In my opinion, the main reason for the revolution was that the Pahlavi government did not give freedom to the people. this is a fact. In this age of freedom of speech, it is the right of the people. Regarding the situation in the country and the reason for the decline of Pahlavi, the main reason was that the government, men and officials did not see the facts and there is no doubt about what the likes of Alam and Hoveida and other corrupt men brought to this country. What can be expected from the government when this minister is in court or he is obviously the prime minister?
Jame Jam Newspaper