News ID : 48285
Publish Date : 4/19/2020 7:37:47 PM
Trump has accelerated forces that will end American Empire: writer

Trump has accelerated forces that will end American Empire: writer

An American writer believes that Trump’s measures are accelerating what will eventually put an end to the American Empire.

NOURNEWS - “As soon as Trump became an agent of the Israel Lobby and revoked the JCPOA, he accelerated the forces that will bring an end to the American Empire,” E Michael Jones, the current editor of Culture Wars magazine, told Mehr News Agency on Saturday.

Here is the full text of the interview:

How far do you think the United States can continue its unilateralism in the international arena? Do you see any sign of stopping on its way?

As soon as Trump became an agent of the Israel Lobby and revoked the JCPOA, he accelerated the forces that will bring an end to the American Empire. Jews don't understand limits. They always push things too far and create a reaction, and that is precisely what the Israel Lobby is doing now. Trump is uniting the Eurasian landmass. This violates a fundamental premise of Anglo-American foreign policy which has been in force for over a century, even since Halford Mackinder wrote The Pivot of Civilization.

The Trump administration has refused to ease sanctions against Iran amid the pandemic. Many believe that the anti-Iranian sanctions are a tool of collective punishment. How do you assess the White House animosity towards the Iranian nation which seems to be continuing even amidst a global pandemic?

The Jews run the sanction office at the U.S. Treasury Department, and they see Iran as the main enemy of Israel. The fact that Israel and America had to back down militarily after the murder of Soleimani means that the sanctions will get worse.

How do you see the effects of COVID-19 outbreak on US politics? Will the US hegemony continue as before?

The COVID-19 pandemic was a desperate attempt on the part of the oligarchs to regain control over the narrative which they lost in the great internet hate speech battle of 2019. That attempt failed largely because of the internet and their inability to control it.

The world saw another unilateral measure by Trump administration recently when he announced that he would halt funding for the World Health Organization. What do you think is the main purpose of such a measure?

Defunding the WHO is a good idea because WHO is an agent of Big Pharma which has been imposing toxic vaccines on Africa and other places for years. Big Pharma is now the main oligarchic instrument involved in the attack on representative government throughout the world.

Interview by Mohammad Ali Haqshenas

Mehr News Agency

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