Nournews: The UK, claiming to be a human rights defender and a supporter of children, faces a deep crisis in the field of children's rights, which is a cause for concern. Recent incidents and cases in this country mirror systematic problems in the social, political, and judiciary structures, leading to widespread violations of children's rights.
Horrific crimes against children
Cases such as the murder of Sara Sharif, a 10-year-old girl who was a victim of torture and gruesome murder, are just examples of the recent crisis. Her father and stepmother were found guilty, but this is just a part of the reality. British media try to relate this crime to the race and culture of migrants to evade investigating the roots of the crisis in the UK.
Statistics show that sexual and physical abuse of children in the UK is a serious crisis. Among the cases is the sexual abuse of more than 500 children by the famous BBC host Jimmy Savile, which mirrors weaknesses in the observance and support of children. Many children, particularly in poor and marginal areas, are deprived of legal support, which has increased harm to them.
Refugee children: Neglected victims
The condition of refugee children in the UK is very catastrophic. Often living in hotels and care centers under poor conditions, these children frequently fall victim to mafia groups and human smugglers. A lack of oversight and the inattention of authorities, including the police and the interior ministry, threaten the safety of these children.
Double standards regarding children's legal rights
Visible paradoxes concerning domestic and foreign policies, particularly in the field of children's rights, reflect the invalid claims made by British authorities regarding the support of human rights. The UK's support of criminal regimes such as Israel, which constantly commits crimes against children, is a true example of London’s lack of truthfulness in defending children's rights. In recent attacks on Gaza that led to the killing of thousands of children, the UK not only failed to respond but also indirectly fueled these crimes by sending weapons to Israel.
In need of serious review
The widespread violation of children’s rights in the UK, from domestic crimes to support for aggressive policies in the international arena, requires serious attention and review.
The global community and international media must stop bias and superficial policies and investigate the truth. Before claiming to be a defender of human rights worldwide, the UK must first address its domestic crises and take responsibility for the crimes that have made children victims of structural injustice.
Human rights claims without any commitment to action will only amount to an ineffective political persona.