News ID : 190020
Publish Date : 9/18/2024 10:26:46 AM
First group of Umrah Hajj pilgrims leave Iran for Saudi Arabia

First group of Umrah Hajj pilgrims leave Iran for Saudi Arabia

The first group of Iranian Umrah Hajj pilgrims in the current Iranian calendar year (starting March 21) has left the country for Saudi Arabia to begin their spiritual journey.

The Iranian pilgrims departed for Saudi Arabia on Wednesday morning to perform the Umrah pilgrimage.

The official seeing-off ceremony of the 257 Hajj pilgrims was held at Imam Khomeini International Airport and was attended by Iranian authorities and Saudi Ambassador to Tehran Abdullah bin Saud al-Anzi.

Undertaking the hajj at least once in a lifetime is a duty for Muslims who are physically and financially able to make the journey.


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