News ID : 175002
Publish Date : 5/27/2024 4:16:12 PM
Oman’s government Iran’s long-standing, close friend

Iran’s acting FM:

Oman’s government Iran’s long-standing, close friend

Oman’s foreign minister met with Iran’s acting Foreign Minister, Ali Baqeri-Kani.


NOURNEWS: In this meeting and the following press conference, Oman’s foreign minister, Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi, sympathized with the government and people of Iran.

He said that he had traveled to Iran to offer condolences and sympathize with the Iranian nation over the loss of Martyrs of Service, as well as to consult about various issues, including bilateral collaboration and the issue of Palestine, which is facing tyranny, massacre, and destruction.

He noted that Iran-Oman relations are thriving and hoped the relations would expand further. “Many political and diplomatic attempts have been made regarding the issue of Palestine so far to restore peace and justice,” he added, expressing hope that these attempts would be actualized.

Ali Baqeri-Kani appreciated the friendly messages regarding the martyrdom of the President, Foreign Minister, and their companions.

“Today, my brother, the Foreign Minister of Oman, at the head of a delegation, arrived in Tehran to offer condolences, showing once again that Oman is a lasting and close friend of Iran’s government, and we appreciate their approach.”

Noting that one of the main axes of consultations with Oman was Gaza and the crimes of the Zionist regime against Palestinians, Baqeri-Kani said that “both countries agreed more serious and continuous efforts must be taken to halt these crimes and to send humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.”

He said that the foreign ministry had a special place in the doctrine of President Raisi, and one of the main pillars of the doctrine was neighborhood policy.

“Today we are on the path of affirming friendly and brotherly connections and enhancing multilateral collaborations with our neighbors.”

Baqeri-Kani emphasized that the way to keep aliens out of the region is tied only to the boost of friendly ties and pursuing collaboration with neighbors.


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