News ID : 174690
Publish Date : 5/25/2024 1:16:21 PM
UN Secretary General pays tribute to Iran's martyred president, FM

UN Secretary General pays tribute to Iran's martyred president, FM

UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres has arrived at the venue of the mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations in New York to pay tribute to President Ebrahim Raisi and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Guterres, who was welcomed by Amir-Saeid Iravani, Iran's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations on Friday, sympathized with the Iranian government and nation and the families of the victims.

President Raisi was returning from a ceremony to inaugurate a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan on Sunday when his helicopter crashed in Varzaqan, northwestern Iran.

Amir-Abdollahian and several senior provincial officials were also on board the helicopter who were all martyred.


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