News ID : 171452
Publish Date : 4/27/2024 5:00:38 PM
Iran calls for united parliamentary action against Israeli regime

Iran calls for united parliamentary action against Israeli regime

A senior delegation representing the Iranian parliament in an international conference on Palestine and its occupied capital of al-Quds has called for a united effort among parliaments in the world to make the Israeli regime accountable for its crimes in Gaza.

The Iranian delegation made the plea on Saturday while participating in the Fifth Conference of the League of Parliamentarians for al-Quds in Türkiye. 

Senior Iranian lawmaker Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi, who is leading the delegation in Istanbul, said in a speech to the conference that countries around the world should cut their diplomatic relations with the Israeli regime and close down the regime’s embassies in their capitals. 

Zahedi said parliaments around the world should set up a united diplomatic front to deal with Israel and to bring its leaders to account for the crimes they have committed in Gaza since October last year. 

He criticized Western governments for their unjust treatment of the issue of Palestine at a time when tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli aggression on Gaza. 

The Iranian parliamentarian said the tragedy in Gaza unmasked the fakeness of claims of advocating human rights in the Western countries and led to an awakening among the public in those countries.


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