News ID : 170292
Publish Date : 4/14/2024 1:23:10 PM
UN Sec-Gen reacts to Iran's attack against Zionist regime

UN Sec-Gen reacts to Iran's attack against Zionist regime

Commenting on Iran’s latest drone and missile attack on Israel, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that the international community cannot afford another war.

According to TASS, Guterres said "I am deeply alarmed about the very real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation. I urge all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid any action that could lead to major military confrontations on multiple fronts in the Middle East."

He added, "I have repeatedly stressed that neither the region nor the world can afford another war."

While Israeli Permanent Representative to the UN Gilad Erdan believes that Iran’s attack violates the UN Charter, Iran’s mission to the UN said the attack came as a response to Israel’s attack on its diplomatic facilities In Syria and was carried out in line with the Charter’s clause on legitimate self-defense.

The Israeli regime attacked Iran's consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus on April 1. The Israeli aggression led to the destruction of the entire building and the martyrdom and injury of the entire people inside it.

Seven of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) military advisors were martyred following the Israeli attack on Iran's consulate in Damascus on Monday, IRGC said in a statement.

Reacting to the Israeli aggression, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kan'ani on Monday night said that the Islamic Republic of Iran, while reserving its rights to take countermeasures, decides on the type of reaction and punishment of the aggressor.


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