News ID : 168885
Publish Date : 3/30/2024 4:31:10 PM
Grossi being political once again

Grossi being political once again

In an interview with the PBS Network on March 29, Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, stated that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has become "an empty shell," with neither of the two parties fulfilling their responsibilities.

NOURNEWS: Grossi disregarded the roles of America and European countries in what he describes as turning the JCPOA into "an empty shell." He once again criticized the progressing peaceful nuclear program of our country, stating that "Iran’s nuclear program has various aspects and has become so complicated," with the country moving towards increasing maximum enrichment.

Despite numerous agency reports indicating that Iran was diligently fulfilling its commitments, Donald Trump, the former President of the US, made an illegal move by officially withdrawing from the JCPOA on May 8, 2018. This action effectively violated the nuclear deal by imposing new sanctions against Iran.Top of Form

Continuing his trend of statements that suggest he is moving away from a technical and legal approach and towards a more political stance, Grossi added, "Iran's nuclear program requires thorough investigation, yet these investigations are lacking."

Iran has long believed in the necessity of resolving and removing differences and misunderstandings through dialogue and constructive interaction with the agency. Over the past years, it has engaged in close and constructive dealings with the agency, while also conducting continuous technical and legal negotiations on issues that the agency is pursuing. Iran has addressed several important cases, including the claims of the agency about two of the four alleged sites, the agency's ambiguity about 84% uranium particles, and the nuclear material imbalance at the Jabr Ibn Hayyan laboratory.

Grossi's entirely political remarks come at a time when Iran, within the framework of the February 2023 statement, has continued its cooperation with the agency's inspectors. Iran has fulfilled all of its commitments, including cooperation with the agency's inspectors under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement.



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