News ID : 166947
Publish Date : 3/8/2024 1:16:03 PM
Global call for removing Zionist regime from UN Commission on the Status of Women

Israel's dark record in killing of women on International Women's Day

Global call for removing Zionist regime from UN Commission on the Status of Women

NOURNEWS – This year, on International Women's Day, the situation is critical as Gaza, in occupied territories, becomes a killing ground for many women. From October 7 to March 8, over 31,000 Palestinians have fallen victim to the brutal attacks of Zionist occupiers, resulting in 200 martyrs a day, 8 every hour, and one Palestinian every 8 minutes. To these 31,000 victims, add 72,000 injured and wounded, and hundreds of thousands displaced and homeless to comprehend the dimensions of cruelty and occupation.

In this five-month massacre, more than 7,000 women, 45 a day, and 2 martyrs every hour have been killed. Half of the injured, wounded, and displaced are also women. On March 8, 2024, with this number of innocent women's coffins, the International Women's Day is commemorated. Can anyone recall a year in the 47 years since March 8 was designated as International Women's Day when 45 unarmed women a day fell victim to the deadly and brutal violence of racist government forces? This year's International Women's Day is a mourning ceremony for women and mothers who tragically lost their lives before the eyes of official, private and online media channels, but these millions of witnesses, aside from expressing sorrow and condolences, have not taken any action.

The world has never been free from violence, discrimination, and inequality against women. Humanity's record is a bleak history of oppression and excess. The new world, advocating for gender equality, rejecting various forms of violence against women, has gone to war against the traditions of the world. In this dark record, in Gaza, the capital of oppression and violence against innocent women, who become victims in the heart of the modern world in the most brutal way, stands out, and in modern institutions, there would be no avenger for their bloodshed.

The UN Commission on the Status of Women is expected to address the systematic killing of innocent and helpless Palestinian women. The commission, composed of representatives from 45 countries worldwide, is selected based on fair geographical distribution: 13 members from Africa, 11 from Asia, 9 from Latin America and the Caribbean, 8 from Western Europe, and 4 from Eastern Europe. The bitter irony is that Israel, a regime with a record of massacring 7,000 Palestinian women, is now a member of the UN Commission on the Status of Women!

On a day when global conscience stands tall in respect for women, condemning any discrimination and violence against women, the least and best observance of women's authority is to expel the Zionist oppressor regime from the UN Commission on the Status of Women because it mercilessly kills 45 Palestinian women daily in the most tragic and ruthless manner. The ethical and legal duty of this commission is to protect the security and dignity of women as the "mothers of the earth." A regime that has killed 7,000 women in 5 months, wounded at least 30,000 more, and pushed hundreds of other women into depression and anxiety due to the loss of their children undoubtedly does not deserve a place in a commission whose duty is to safeguard women. This year's International Women's Day is a challenging test for this international body to prove how sincere and steadfast it is in fulfilling its sacred duty to protect women, these mothers of the earth, by not allowing the Zionist regime's name to be written as a member of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Seriousness and efforts from the commission members are eagerly awaited.


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