News ID : 166606
Publish Date : 3/4/2024 10:24:46 PM
Grossi's 2nd act of performance during IAEA meeting

Grossi's 2nd act of performance during IAEA meeting

The way the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has dealt with Iran's collaborative approach, particularly its attempts to create a negative atmosphere against Iran during the meeting of the Board of Governors, suggests that the agency and its director general are straying from the legal and technical path under the influence of adverse politics from the US, European countries, and the Zionist Regime. Their actions appear to be deceitful and transparently politically motivated.

NOURNEWS: The quarterly meeting of the IAEA kicked off on March 4 in Vienna, Austria. However, last week Reuters published a significant advertisement to create a negative atmosphere against Iran. The advertisement claimed that Reuters had gained access to the agency's quarterly report on Iran's peaceful nuclear program.

Representatives from 35 member states are participating in the meeting, which is being held from March 4 to March 8 at the headquarters of the IAEA in Vienna.

According to the meeting's program, the topic of Iran is one of the main agenda items, consistent with previous meetings.

Every three months, the IAEA provides its report on the execution of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA) in Iran, along with its quarterly report on the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, to its 35 member states.

During the inauguration ceremony of the meeting, the Director General of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, once again used biased language regarding Iran's relationship with the agency, stating, "I am seriously concerned that Iran has unilaterally halted the implementation of the joint statement (March 4)."

Grossi's highly political commentary was heard, despite Iran continuing its collaboration with the agency's investigators within the framework of the March 2023 statement and fulfilling all its commitments under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA).

Grossi, following his consistent strategy of paying little attention to Iran's constructive and legal interactions with the agency, added, "We are faced with increasing challenges in Iran, because even though the amount of 60% enriched uranium has declined, Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium is still increasing.

This part of Grossi's statement, referring to the reduction in the stockpile of 60% enriched uranium, indicates that the negative advertisement by Reuters about Iran's peaceful nuclear program was published with his collaboration. Reuters had also highlighted these aspects in its report.

Reuters, claiming to have gained access to the agency's documents, declared that Iran's stockpile of 60% enriched uranium had reached 121.5 kilograms, showing a decline of 6.8%. Additionally, its reserves of 20% enriched uranium had risen to 712.2 kilograms.

The Director General of the agency expressed doubt about Iran remaining committed to the agreements suggested to address safeguarding issues. As usual, he avoided answering the question: why have secret documents and reports related to the agency's member states found their way into the media again, becoming a source for generating a negative atmosphere against the agency's member states?
Over the past years, due to its strong belief in the need to address disagreements and misunderstandings through dialogue and interaction, Iran has consistently maintained close and constructive dealings with the agency. Iran has reached agreements with the agency on several significant cases, including two out of the four disputed sites, the agency's ambiguity regarding particles of 4% enriched uranium, and the imbalance of nuclear materials at the Jaber-ibn Hayyan Laboratory. Additionally, Iran has engaged in ongoing technical and legal negotiations regarding cases under the agency's examination.

The way the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has dealt with Iran's collaborative approach, particularly its attempts to create a negative atmosphere against Iran during the meeting of the Board of Governors, suggests that the agency and its director general are straying from the legal and technical path under the influence of adverse politics from the US, European countries, and the Zionist Regime. Their actions appear to be deceitful and transparently politically motivated.

The Islamic Republic of Iran, alongside its continuous efforts to fulfill its commitments under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, will naturally utilize its array of legal rights and tools to confront the unreasonable and illogical excesses of aggressive and unfounded pressures aimed at exerting political pressure on our country. Countries and entities that do not appreciate Iran's cooperative approach and instead take steps to disturb the atmosphere of cooperation should naturally be prepared to accept responsibility for their provocative actions against Iran.





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