News ID : 166574
Publish Date : 3/4/2024 3:09:22 PM
OIC failed to play role in supporting Palestine: Iran FM spox

OIC failed to play role in supporting Palestine: Iran FM spox

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaan has said that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has not played its role in supporting Palestine as it was expected to do.

Kanaani made the comment on Monday during his weekly press briefing in Tehran. He said that the OIC will hold an emergency meeting in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday about Gaza, the second such meeting since the Israeli regime waged its war on the besieged Palestinian territory five months ago. 

“We will witness an important event about Palestine at the OIC headquarters in Jeddah tomorrow, which will be the second emergency meeting by Islamic countries’ foreign ministers. Both meetings are the result of diplomatic efforts by Iran and some other members of this organization”, Kanaani said. The spokesman at the same time criticized the OIC for its failure to take action to stop Israeli crimes against Palestinians in Gaza over the past months.

“Regarding the key position and importance of this organization, and the fact that it was established mainly because of the Palestinian issue, the organization was expected to take effective action during these five months of the Zionist regime’s crimes against the people of Gaza”, Kanaani said about an arson attack against Al-Aqsa Mosque by an extremist Jew in August 1969, which led to the formation of the OIC a month later.

“Unfortunately, we did not witness that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation plays its role in supporting Palestine as it should do”, he added.

“In the wake of warmongering by Zionist officials and the US's unlimited support for it, this cruel war is continuing, and the OIC now faces a test tomorrow to show how much it will use its potential to back Palestine”, the Iranian diplomat told reporters.

He added that the leaders of Islamic countries are expected to unanimously take a strong decision on taking effective steps aimed at supporting Palestine, which will immediately stop the war in Gaza.

Arash joint gas field

Speaking about some claims made by certain Persian Gulf littoral states about the use of the Arash joint gas field, the spokesman said Iran has already expressed its fundamental stance on the issue, which is relying on international laws, over and over.

Unilaterally-made claims will establish no rights for the claimer, he asserted, adding, “We have stressed the continuation of legal and technical talks with the Kuwaiti officials.”

Iran follows a policy of establishing a positive and constructive atmosphere in its relations with neighbors, so citing such issues in unilateral statements is unacceptable, he noted.

Arash is a gas field shared by Iran, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.

Visit of Iranian President to Algeria

About the recent travel of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Algeria, Kanaani said Algeria is among the important Islamic countries in Africa, and Tehran enjoys brotherly and friendly ties with Algiers in various areas.

The two countries have common attitudes towards regional questions, the issue of Palestine, and the developments in Gaza, Kanaani underlined adding that the two countries’ presidents have held good talks during Raisi’s visit.

He expressed hope that the level of trade relations between the two countries would upgrade.

President Raisi departed for Algeria late on Friday (March 1) at the invitation of his Algerian counterpart to attend the 7th summit of heads of state and government of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) had been slated for March 2 in the North African state.

Iran's position regarding Ukrainian crisis

We have stressed many times that war is not the solution and we welcome dialogue and a political solution to solve the crisis in Ukraine and are ready to mediate in this regard, Kanaani said.

He rejected baseless allegations against Iran, saying that these accusations are made by those who themselves export large-scale weapons to Ukraine and fan the flame of war.

Hirmand's water rights and issues related to Afghanistan

Iran's position is clear and based on the 1973 treaty, which is a proven right, he said.

The authorities of Afghanistan also expressed their adherence to this treaty and we expect the Afghan authorities to provide Iran's water rights, he noted.

We do not consider the formation of imaginary and self-proclaimed coalitions as fundamentally helpful to the region, and we consider these to disrupt order and security, he stated.

Issue of Palestine

Based on its crisis-creating nature, the Zionist regime is promoting tension in the region, Kanaani said.

All actions of the Israeli regime against countries is in line with insecurity and the spread of war to the region, and its responsibilities lie with this regime and its supporters, including the United States, which by playing a negative role and abusing the right of veto in the UN Security Council, has made the UNSC inefficient, he added.

Rejecting GCC statement

Kanaani also spoke about a statement which foreign ministers of the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and their counterparts from Egypt, Morocco and Jordan issued in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Sunday.

The spokesman criticized the statement for supporting the UAE’s territorial claims over the three Persian Gulf islands of Abu Mousa and The Lesser Tumb and Greater Tunb, saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran has always emphasized its sovereignty over the islands based on international law.

“The Persian Gulf Cooperation Council is not in a position to make comments on this issue”, Kanaani said, adding that issuing unilateral statements are against the positive environment in the relations between Iran and the Persian Gulf countries.

“Iran expects its neighbors to take a realistic approach to avoid false remarks.”

Iran-Iraq security pact

On the security agreement, which Iran and Iraq signed in 2023 and calls on the Arab country to disarm separatist terror groups operating at the border, Kanaani said that the deal is the result of the determination of the two countries to promote security.

The agreement has largely been implemented and a joint committee is overseeing its implementation, he said, adding that the two countries are also engaged in negotiations and the Iraqi government is committed in that regard.

Iran-Russia ties

The Iranian diplomat also said that his country has relations with Russia in different fields, rejecting “unfounded allegations” by US officials over Tehran-Moscow cooperation on regional issues as well as the Ukraine war.

Kanaani said that those allegations are attributed to a “political approach”, and Iran will continue its bilateral cooperation with “friendly countries” based on its recognized rights.

IP gas pipeline project

About Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas cooperation, the spokesman said the Pakistani side was committed to implement the first phase of the project with 80 kilometers following the pursuit from the Iranian officials and the continued exchange of energy delegations between the two countries.

Kanaani noted that implementation of the gas project is approved by Pakistani government’s power division.

Iran started its operation about a decade ago and Pakistan made a request about six years ago for completing the project by 2024, Kanaani added to his remarks.

So, the related talks at the level of petroleum and energy ministers were held between the two countries, and Islamabad made its decision within the framework of those talks, the spokesman underlined.

Israel’s war in Gaza

Commenting on the US airman self-immolation in protest of the Israeli regime’s warmongering, Kanaani said the world received the right message from the move.

He described such moves as expressive voices heard by all in the world, so it is impossible that the American officials would not have heard it.

“If they respect their nation, they have to cease war in Gaza … and stop supporting the Zionist regime.”

Taliban investment in Chabahar

Iran's cooperation with the caretaker government of Afghanistan has clear goals and principles, Kanaani said.

Helping the stability and development of Afghanistan is an important principle in regulating relations between Iran and the Afghan caretaker government, he added.

Stability in Afghanistan contributes to stability and security in the region, he noted.

Elections in the United States

We consider the US elections as an internal issue. What is important for us is the behavior of the US administration towards Iran.

The change of presidents in the US is the business of Americans, Kanaani said.

The US administration unilaterally pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and the responsibility lies with the United States.

He added that the main goal of Iran is to lift the oppressive sanctions and enjoy the nation's rights defined in the framework of this agreement.

Diplomatic channels are still active through mediation, Kanaani stressed.

We adhere to the negotiation table, and if the other party has goodwill, grounds will be paved for concluding the negotiations and the return of all parties to the table.


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