News ID : 159575
Publish Date : 12/23/2023 5:51:51 PM
Why Ansarullah is unstoppable?


Why Ansarullah is unstoppable?

The coldest and most frightening interpretation of the massacre in Gaza was a short sentence that appeared in the front of one of the reports of Al Jazeera: "The war in Gaza is not a great threat to world peace and international security." Although it is possible to attach the public and government anger in different countries of the world like small pieces of cloth to this naked and disgusting truth, at the same time, one cannot ignore the long-term effects of ignoring all the rules of war in Gaza on the political fate of the Zionist regime, but the fact is that despite the scattered and predictable conflicts in southern Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the West Bank, the dimensions of this conflict did not go beyond the geography of the conflict; But how did Yemen change this equation?

NOURNEWS- The scenario of the Israeli and American regime in the latest attack on Gaza was to turn this strip into a large cemetery where its citizens could only choose between the three options of immediate death, being tortured, and being buried alive.

Although both Tel Aviv and Washington and their Western and Arab allies knew that the axis of resistance would not be a passive spectator of the Gaza tragedy, they saw the emergence of the second front of the conflicts from areas such as southern Lebanon as more likely. In the meantime, while calling the parties to exercise restraint, the international observers considered the possibility of the savage fire spreading to other West Asian countries stronger than any other region.

Due to this point of view, a few weeks after the start of the attack by the Israeli regime, analysts optimistically stated that the regional supporters of Palestine, while declaring their support for the people of Gaza, stood far from direct participation in the conflict or kept their resistance and opposition outside Gaza on a precise and limited scale. In simpler words, from the beginning, they saw the axis of resistance only have to options of "war" or "passivity" and with this introduction, they accused them of reacting cautiously, while maintaining the prestige of support.

In the meantime, the unequal battle in Gaza, the bombing of hospitals and shelters, the shelling of children, and the displacement and starvation of 2,300,000 innocent people (Gaza's population), although it hurts the conscience, in reality, it would have no effect in the world outside of Gaza, especially among the extra-regional actors and allies of The Zionist regime.

It is only with a full understanding of such a background that the strategic value of Yemen's missile and drone operations shows itself; The operation that took the war and its consequences to the home of Tel Aviv's allies!

The first strategy; Targeted strikes

"Wide" and "ground" attacks are a traditional tactic of old battles; Like the way that the Israeli regime finally took in response to Hamas' "Storm of Al-Aqsa" operation.

Meanwhile, with the complexity of conflicts and the emergence of advanced technologies, targeted attacks determine the outcome. Although the Zionist regime has the most expensive and modern military equipment possible, due to its primitive thinking, it considers war to be equal to "killing" and power to be equal to "force". With this view, Tel Aviv entered into an aimless conflict in Gaza, which blew away all its diplomatic and political reserves, and in the meantime, it suddenly found itself facing Yemen which has targeted its economic artery with a few limited attacks, without shedding even a drop of blood!

The second strategy; Attack on the economic artery of the Zionist regime

Optimistic calculations in the early days of the Zionist regime's attack on Gaza indicated that a one-year war would cost Tel Aviv nearly 44 billion dollars, which on paper seemed like a high but affordable cost; However, according to the observers, this figure is not very real and it is probably factored in cheaper to reduce the pressure of public opinion among financial sponsors and American taxpayers; But with the firing of missiles and drones by Yemen's Ansarullah, accounts and books were messed up and other expenses came to the table.

According to the World Bank estimate, 34% of the gross domestic product of the Zionist regime depends on trade in goods. The occupiers import and export nearly 99% of their exchange goods through waterways and shipping. A major part of this import includes food items that cannot be produced in the occupied lands, and these three components clearly showed Yemen where to target and focuse on.

The immediate impact of Yemen's attack on the sea trade of the Israeli regime showed itself in changing the route of the ships and taking longer routes, i.e. one, around the African continent. Tel Aviv also had to resort to expensive air transportation, and in the meantime, the insurance policy rates for ships that carry the goods needed by the Zionist regime are increasing every day.

The recent missile and drone attacks on the port of "Eilat" on the shore of the Red Sea threatened and weakened not only the security of the Israeli regime, but also the economic ambitions of the Zionists, including the vital income from tourism. Eilat is the same anchorage that was supposed to be the most important pipeline to transport UAE oil three years ago following the agreement to normalize relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. These developments, along with the previous political and social unrest of the Zionist regime before the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the reduction of foreign reserves, forced borrowing and financial contraction, have made the Israel's economy more vulnerable than ever. The 70% reduction in investment in the framework of the withdrawal of investors and the collective departure of immigrants to the countries of origin is only part of the fragile aspects of the Israeli regime's economy, and Yemen, as it has shown in the past, has well identified the other side's economic Achilles' heel!

The third strategy; A signal to Tel Aviv's allies

"Bab el-Mandab Strait" is not only the vital crossing of the Israeli regime; This strategic water strait is the connecting link between East and West Asia trade with Europe, which passes 30-40% of the world's container traffic next to the Suez Canal. Estimates indicate that 12 to 15 percent of world trade passes through this waterway, and 7 to 10 percent of oil and 8 percent of liquefied natural gas are transported through this route. Statistics show that 6 million barrels of oil go from Asia to Europe through this waterway every day. If this sea route is unusable for any reason, ships and vessels must go around the entire African continent to deliver their cargo. The volume of commercial transactions in Bab el-Mandab has made the geopolitical value of Yemen unique throughout history; Because this country is at the intersection of the Horn of Africa and Saudi Arabia, overlooking the Bab el-Mandab Strait, the key energy passage of the world.

However, it was not taken very seriously on the day when Yemen's military arm, Ansarullah asked the Israeli regime to end the killing and siege of Gaza, otherwise, or it would face a serious reaction from them. Even the seizure of the "Galaxy Leader" ship by Yemen was considered a "symbolic" measure to support the people of Gaza, and the Israeli regime tried to downplay the weight of Ansarullah's operation by pretending to be indifferent to this issue and making claims that it had nothing to do with the seized cargo.

The intensification of Yemen's missile and drone attacks on the port of Eilat and ships carrying Israeli cargoes were also considered and classified by Tel Aviv as "harmful" actions. However, the political and western allies of the Israeli regime, who saw their ships, cargoes, and floating capital in danger in the waters of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, did not agree with Tel Aviv. As of today, five major international shipping companies have announced that they have suspended the transit of goods through the Red Sea until further notice; The companies that own and monopolize about half of the container freight market in the world.

The first company that announced that it would not allow its ships to pass through the Bab el-Mandab crossing was Denmark's Maersk Shipping (APM-Maersk), which owns one of the largest container shipping fleets. The volume of goods moved by this company is more than 40 million containers. Maersk has 300 ships with which it transports sensitive goods, oil, liquefied gas, and oil derivatives and has 20% of the transportation market.

The German company "Hapag-Lloyd" was the second shipping company that suspended the voyage of its vessels on the Red Sea route, followed by the Mediterranean shipping company "MSC", which has 800 ships in the field of trading various goods, including drugs and explosive materials and is considered the world's largest commercial sea fleet, announced that it will avoid this route. The French company "CMA-CGM", which has a large fleet of 593 ships, announced that it uses alternative routes. British Petroleum (BP) also recently joined most of the world's shipping companies and diverted its tankers from the Red Sea. The "Over Green" company also announced that it will require its container ships to stop their trips in this way "until further notice". The international company "Orient Overseas Container Line" (OOCL), one of the largest transport companies in the world, recently announced that it will stop the export and import of all kinds of goods to the occupied territories.

The list of companies that send their ships back from the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandab is getting longer every day. Although Yemen has announced that it does not allow the passage of ships that carry goods to or from the Zionist regime, however, "capital" is very volatile and the risk of traffic in the sea shadowed by missiles and drones is a cost that commercial companies have to pay which They don't want to pay. The withdrawal of the shipping giants is a disruption and delay in the transportation of essential goods, including energy, which brought the consequences of the war in West Asia to the home of Tel Aviv's European allies, and the continuation of the war in Gaza is a great threat to trade and the global economy!

The fourth strategy; the Advertising maneuver

Smoking hookah on the deck of the Israeli ship seized by Yemen or holding wedding parties on the "Galaxy Leader" and publishing its photos and videos were only part of Yemen's Ansarullah's media operation to show its maritime power. Yemen is aware of the importance of the fact that the military operation will be more effective when it has a proper and favorable reflection in the field of information.

"Ansarullah" of Yemen, like other regular military forces, has come to the understanding that its maximum success depends on the use of technology in the military industry and the representation of this technology in the field of propaganda. Classified warnings and step-by-step advances of Yemen in missile and drone attacks in the last two and a half months after the Zionist attack on Gaza were indicative of a smart chess that advanced the operational aspect and the propaganda aspect in parallel and gave Yemen's upper hand in both "Bab el-Mandab" and the negotiation table.

The fifth strategy; Deterrence and pressure to stop the war

The existential philosophy of Yemen's "Ansarullah" in the conflict of the Saudi coalition attack was to defend against aggression and discourage the other side from continuing the war. The war in Yemen imposed a lot of financial and human costs on this country, and it was in the middle of the battle that drone and missile operations in Yemen became an effective tool to convince the other side to end the war. Yemen has adopted a similar approach to the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza, and from the first day of the attacks until now, the only condition for stopping its missile and drone operations is to stop the attack and siege of Gaza by the Zionists, and it has been bound by it.

The sixth strategy; "Strengthening" the axis of resistance

Many analysts consider Yemen's emergence as a new regional actor to be the biggest development of the last two and a half months; Although this country has always had a special position due to its geopolitical position, Ansarullah's air operations in the Red Sea caused both the Gaza war to become the focus of the world's attention from a different perspective and Yemen to show off its ability to influence regional developments.

The seventh strategy; drone capabilities

The wars of the present era are considered to be wars of technology and results; In this battle, fronts that are equipped with cyber and aerospace technologies are more likely to succeed. The current views confirm that in today's world, the mentioned technologies determine the date, manner, and even the time of the end of conflicts. In the world and modern wars, planes and airlines play a much more effective role than ground and sea battles, and from this point of view, many believe that "drones" will determine the future of conflicts. The production of drones is economically more efficient, and destroying or countering them with defense missiles imposes a lot of cost on the opposite front; For example, the production of a surface-to-air missile costs more than one million euros, and it is used to shoot a drone, which in some cases costs less than 30,000 dollars; A number that shows that every drone that reaches its targets and is shot down has caused a loss of at least one million euros to the other side! Observers consider the turning point of Ansarullah's power transformation to be the acquisition of drone power and believe that drone armies are a part of the world's military "future" that the Yemenis possess "today".

The eighth strategy; Vague war calendar

The generals who follow and analyze Yemeni military operations agree on the rule that the timing of Ansarullah's attacks is not regular. The Yemeni armed forces were never bound to daily attacks or repetition of operations in a regular historical and calendar interval, and this has made Ansarullah highly unpredictable and elusive. This feature has caused Yemeni military operations not to lose their effectiveness. Ansarullah is aware of this golden rule of war that the constant use of threats, whether military or propaganda, distorts its credibility, loses its psychological power, and becomes something normal. From this point of view, Yemen tries to remain in the frame of an "influential threat" and use its playing cards in the field and diplomacy in a timely manner.

In today's world, more power belongs to an actor who has more powerful tools, and Yemen has so far been able to change the unequal balance of the conflict in Gaza through these smart strategies and raise the indirect costs of supporting Tel Aviv or the indifference of countries to the Gaza war. In recent weeks, Ansarullah has shown that it can put Tel Aviv and its allies under economic pressure and turn from a "small problem" into a "big security threat" for the Zionist regime. The ineffectiveness of the "sanction" option and the military conflict with Yemen in the last ten years have caused America, the Zionist regime, and Tel Aviv's Western and Arab allies to be confused about choosing opposing options; Because Ansarullah can still put more pressure on the Israeli regime and its allies, especially the few Islamic countries that agreed to normalize relations with the Zionist regime.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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