News ID : 156999
Publish Date : 12/13/2023 11:12:44 AM
Biden's fear and behind the scenes of the recent decision of the US in the UNSC!


Biden's fear and behind the scenes of the recent decision of the US in the UNSC!

The Zionists have warned Biden that any retreat by the White House from its current approach will lead to the disclosure of facts, including the seditious manner of Biden and his companions in the Gaza war and the disclosure of the costly and wrong advice of the Pentagon and CENTCOM to the Zionists.

NOURNEWS- Recent developments in the world arena, which are often focused on the Zionist crimes against the oppressed nation of Palestine and the Palestinians, clearly indicate that “Joe Biden” and “Benjamin Netanyahu” have become the main losers of the Gaza war.

The recent brazen action of the American government in vetoing the cease-fire resolution in the Gaza Strip, which was issued due to the United Nations Secretary General's reference to Article 99 of the Charter of Nations, once again led to the anger of the world public opinion and even turned a significant part of the American voters away from the Democrats and Biden.

During the past days, some senior members of the US State Department and some Democratic senators such as “Bernie Sanders” and “Elizabeth Warren”, have warned regarding the continuation of the White House's approach to the Gaza war and its impact on the defeat in the elections 2024 in their secret meetings and sometimes their open positions.

At the same time, the Wall Street Journal reported on the tension between Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu due to their disagreement on the process of attacking Gaza, and the American newspaper Politico also claimed; that Biden has issued an order to prepare the necessary preparations for banning the issuance of visas and imposing sanctions against the extremist Zionist settlers!

In such a situation, in examining the recent behavior of the American government, one should not be satisfied only with Washington's usual strategy of supporting the Zionists. Meanwhile, there is another important factor that cannot be easily overlooked.

The fact is that the shadow of AIPAC and Netanyahu's threats continues to weigh heavily on the American president. The reason for this threat is related to the initial design of the Gaza war by the Biden administration.

After the Al-Aqsa storm operation, the White House, Pentagon, and CENTCOM took over the design and management of the Gaza war and even asked Tel Aviv to hand over the control of the field to Washington.

The presence of thousands of American riflemen on the shores of Gaza and hundreds of Pentagon senior military personnel in the Gaza war operations room has shown the strong and central role of America in the genocide of the people of Gaza.

In other words; Here we saw not only the integration of American and Israeli military power but also the dominance of US field management over the pitiful scene of genocide and crimes in Gaza.

The calculations of Biden and his companions, like the environmental and field calculations of the Zionists, were based on the quick destruction of Hamas and the complete occupation of Gaza, and Washington and Tel Aviv never imagined that the battle would be eroded and that their declared goals in the Gaza war would not be achieved, but the Americans and the Zionist did not achieve any of their declared goals because of the heroic and intelligent resistance of Gaza residents and Hamas fighters.

In such a situation, the Zionists have warned Biden that despite the heavy joint defeat of the United States and Israel in the Gaza Strip, any retreat by the White House from its current approach will lead to the disclosure of facts, including the seditious manner of Biden and his companions in the Gaza war and the unveiling of costly and failed consultations of the Pentagon and CENTCOM to the Zionists.

It is obvious that these documents are not going to remain hidden for a long time and will soon become evidence and examples of the total failure of Washington and Tel Aviv in the Gaza Strip.

With these explanations; Like Netanyahu, Biden should prepare himself to enter the dustbin of history, a fate that will await the successors of the two American and Zionist executioners.


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