News ID : 156813
Publish Date : 12/11/2023 10:00:40 AM
International bill of Human Rights and a slaughterhouse called Gaza


International bill of Human Rights and a slaughterhouse called Gaza

Gaza is now the second volume of the bitter book called "Memories of Darkness", which presents a shameful picture of human rights violations by Zionist racists. The first volume was written by Nazi racists during World War II. Now, with the veto of the cease-fire resolution by the United States, the names of Washington politicians can be included among the authors of this ominous book.

NOURNEWS- Just one day before December 10, International Day of Human Rights, when 13 members of the UN Security Council voted in favor of the resolution proposed by the United Arab Emirates for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the representative of the United States raised his hand as a sign of veto in front of the eyes of the shocked world, once again approves the brutal killing of the homeless people of Gaza by the usurping Zionists. The coincidence of this veto with the International Day of Human Rights created a bitter irony that has been making the nations of the world laugh with teary eyes for at least 75 years.

In 1948, when only three years had passed since the end of the Second World War, the members of the United Nations drafted a text containing 30 articles, which became known as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the vast majority of countries in the world joined it and themselves were introduced to it to obey it. The general theme of this legal document, in all its 30 clauses, is to respect the inherent dignity and dignity of human beings and provide basic human freedoms regardless of all racial, religious, ethnic, gender, and class distinctions. The organizers of the declaration hoped that it would be easier to secure human rights under the shadow of this consensus document. However, the objective facts showed that this declaration soon became a tool for discrimination and violence and the trampling of human dignity.

The latest example of the violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights should be found in the streets, schools, mosques, and hospitals of Gaza. What is happening now in this oppressed and resistant city is in absolute conflict with every clause of the 30th Declaration of Human Rights. If any of these 30 principles are referred to, it can be a high-profile indictment condemning the barbarity of the Zionists.

The tragedy deepens when global efforts to curb this endless and inhumane violence are met with official opposition from Washington, and the proposed resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza is vetoed by the United States. The White House's action is so ugly and baseless that America's usual partners in the Security Council were surprised by Washington's veto and took a stand to condemn this decision. Nicolas de Rivière, the representative of France, said that “once again this council has failed.” He stated: “France is deeply concerned about the human tragedy that is happening in Gaza.”  António Guterres considered the US decision to veto the ceasefire resolution as a “paralysis of the Security Council” and said: “We are facing a serious risk of collapse of the humanitarian aid mechanism. “The situation is rapidly turning into a disaster, with irreversible consequences for all Palestinians, as well as peace and security in the region.” Amnesty International also considered the action of the United States as “instrumental use of the veto” and called it unacceptable. Many other leaders and political figures of the world also adopted a more or less similar position about this action of the White House.

Now, outside fragrant legal documents and polite international conventions and glossy global statements, the share of “Palestinian humanity” in Israel's terrible crimes in Gaza, 17,500 torn and lifeless bodies, 46,500 wounded without medicine and hospitals, and nearly 8 thousand missing humans buried under the rubble of this helpless city, and there is no one to pull them out from under the hard and cement coils and bury them in marked graves. Among these oppressed victims, more than two-thirds of them are women and children, and more than 95% of them are civilians. Will these incredible figures be attached to those fragrant, polite, and shiny documents so that they may be an instructive and lasting appendix to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

A document that wanted to make the planet a safe place for all the children of Adam, now can't do anything but dust all that iron and concrete with a small handkerchief or scratch the stones and pillars with delicate and brittle nails. António Guterres, who is now the head of the United Nations, when he reported the number of human casualties in Gaza a few days ago, with a crooked neck and a tone mixed with malice, he introduced this city as a “children's cemetery”. Gaza is now the second volume of the bitter book “Memories of Darkness”, which presents a shameful picture of human rights violations by Zionist racists. The first volume was written by Nazi racists during World War II. Now, with the veto of the fire resolution by the United States, the names of Washington politicians can also be included among the authors of this sinister book.



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