News ID : 156686
Publish Date : 12/9/2023 10:13:49 AM
Reactions to the veto of the Gaza ceasefire resolution by the US

Reactions to the veto of the Gaza ceasefire resolution by the US

The representatives of different countries and groups of the world have reacted to the action of the United States in vetoing the ceasefire resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza, and all have expressed their regret and condemned the continuing human tragedy in Gaza.

NOURNEWS- The representatives of different countries and groups of the world have reacted to the action of the United States in vetoing the ceasefire resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza, and all have expressed their regret and condemned the continuing human tragedy in Gaza.

Some considered the action of the US to be the execution of thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

China's representative in the UN's Security Council:

America's use of the veto against the Security Council resolution regarding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza despite the continuing killings is regrettable.

French representative in the UN's Security Council:

We demand an immediate temporary ceasefire in Gaza to reach a permanent ceasefire in this region.

Deputy representative of Russia in the Security Council:

The veto of the Security Council resolution means the US has ordered the execution of thousands and maybe even tens of thousands of Palestinians.

Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority:

The failure of the Security Council to approve the cease-fire resolution in Gaza is a shame.

French representative at the United Nations:

We are deeply concerned about the human tragedy in Gaza and that is why we voted in favor of this resolution. The Security Council failed again.

Dmitry Polyansky, Deputy Representative of Russia to the United Nations:

 The US Preventing the establishment of a ceasefire means issuing death sentences to thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

China's representative in the Security Council:

We regret that the United States used its veto against a resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza despite the continued killing there.

Hamas: The veto of the resolution in the Security Council is the direct participation of the United States in the killing of Palestinians

A member of the political bureau of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas strongly condemned the action of the United States to veto the resolution presented to the Security Council for a cease-fire in Gaza and called it an immoral and inhumane action and position.

Izzat al-Risheq, emphasized that the US's disruption of the ceasefire in Gaza means the country's direct participation in the crimes of the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza and a green light to commit more crimes and genocide.


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