News ID : 156155
Publish Date : 12/4/2023 6:00:14 PM
Tehran and Dakar emphasize on expansions of relations

Tehran and Dakar emphasize on expansions of relations

Referring to the long-standing relations between the two countries and the capacities of Iran in various fields, Bagheri Kani called for the continuation and development of relations in all political, economic, and parliamentary fields.

NOURNEWS- Ali Bagheri Kani, political deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, in continuation of his trip to Dakar, on Tuesday28 November, met and talked with the Speaker of the National Assembly of Senegal.

In this meeting, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs stated: The initiative of holding the Periodic Meeting of African Peace and Security shows Senegal's interest in restoring the African identity and consolidating the independence of African countries.

Referring to the long-standing relations between the two countries and the capacities of Iran in various fields, Bagheri Kani called for the continuation and development of relations in all political, economic, and parliamentary fields.

Referring to the role and importance of the parliamentary cooperation of Islamic countries, Bagheri Kani called for the use of this capacity to achieve and safeguard the rights of the Palestinian people and stop the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza. In this meeting, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran informed Amadou Mame Diop, the speaker of Senegal's parliament of the invitation of the Speaker of the Islamic Council to visit Tehran.

While thanking the political deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran for his presence in the African Peace and Security Forum, Amadou Mame Diop said: the two countries have always had good relations due to their cultural commonality, and we want to develop relations with Iran in the fields of agriculture, energy, industries, and mines.

Referring to Senegal's chairmanship of the Palestinian Rights Committee at the United Nations, he said: "Dakar's position on supporting the Palestinian nation is stable and never-changing." While thanking his Iranian counterpart for the invitation, he expressed hope that he would visit the Islamic Republic of Iran as soon as possible.


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