News ID : 156085
Publish Date : 12/4/2023 7:00:18 PM
Will Israel achieve its goals in its war against Gaza? Russia believes "NO"

Will Israel achieve its goals in its war against Gaza? Russia believes "NO"

Some countries believe that Israel will not achieve its goals in the Gaza war and that the defeat suffered by this regime after October 7 is irreparable.

NOURNEWS- Some countries believe that Israel will not achieve its goals in the Gaza war and that the defeat suffered by this regime after October 7 is irreparable.

One of those countries that believes that Israel will not get any results in the Gaza war is Russia. Israel will hardly be able to ensure its security even by drowning the Gaza Strip in blood, Russian Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov has said.

"Even by decapitating Hamas and even by drowning the Gaza Strip in blood, it will hardly be possible to ensure Israel's security. After some time, the tide of hatred may rise again with renewed force. This cannot be ruled out," Ushakov said, speaking at the Primakov Readings academic and expert forum.

The Primakov Readings is an annual international research and expert forum dedicated to the memory of Russian statesman and diplomat Yevgeny Primakov (1929-2015). 

Also, Russia is against the control of the Gaza Strip by an international team and views the idea of establishing international control over the Gaza Strip and dividing the enclave as unacceptable, Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov said.

"Absolutely unacceptable and far-fetched ideas [are being floated] to establish international control over the Gaza Strip or divide Gaza, let alone the completely unacceptable initiatives to resettle Gaza’s population somewhere outside the enclave in order to resolve the issue," the diplomat told the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

"The most important thing is to ensure strong international support. Clearly, the negotiation process has not stalled by itself; it reflects the real complexity of this issue, which entails a plethora of intertwined elements,"the Russian envoy added.

In this regard, Viktorov highlighted the role of the Middle East Quartet of international mediators. "We have always said that the Quartet should act in close coordination and interrelation primarily with the countries of the region, which are the ones most interested in restoring peace and stability," he noted.

In an address to participants and guests of the Primakov Readings international forum, Russian President Vladimir Putin also said, "West’s attempts to maintain influence exacerbating tension in the Middle East, Ukraine."204


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