News ID : 156042
Publish Date : 11/27/2023 1:21:17 PM
Kanaani's response to Europe's anti-Iranian statement; Iran wants an end to the Gaza war

Kanaani's response to Europe's anti-Iranian statement; Iran wants an end to the Gaza war

The spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in his weekly press conference: What is shown by the reasons and evidence is that the Zionist regime wants to continue its invasion and the international community should prevent it.

NOURNEWS- The Spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanaani, stated this morning in his weekly press conference with reporters regarding the future of Gaza and the US's interference in this regard; the US has been part of the problem and has not been part of the solution in the past few decades. Regarding the issue of Palestine and the recent war in Gaza, Kanaani added: the American government was practically a part of this war, and in fact, the whole war, if it was not for the American government, this war would not have happened because Washington had the power to influence the Zionist regime and prevent this war and killing which happened against the defenseless people of Gaza.

Iran's foreign ministry spokesperson added: America has supported the Zionist regime in international forums, so the biggest contribution of America to the Palestinian issue is to withdraw its irreplaceable support from the Zionist regime. None of America's plans in this regard are realistic and based on justice and fairness and have never helped the region and Palestine.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: America has not been able to meet its military goals in the past 50 days, and what is shown by the reasons and evidence is that the Zionist regime wants to continue its invasion and the international community should prevent it.

Kanaani added: The American government wants to achieve what it did not achieve in the war against Gaza through the Security Council and in a political way. The Palestinian nation will not allow any party to achieve illegitimate goals and the fate of Palestine will be determined by its people.

He clarified: The Palestinian people have the right to decide about their future, and it is better for the American government to learn from the past, and if it wants to help, it should provide a realistic solution.

A response to Europe's anti-Iranian statement

Regarding the statement of the three European countries and some accusations against Iran, the spokesperson of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs clarified: The answer to this issue was given by the Iranian delegation in Vienna and Iran's positions were seen in this statement. The clauses included in the JCPOA are based on mutual obligations and require all members to fulfill their obligations equally.

Kanaani continued: Reciprocation of obligations is a principle in international agreements, and the next point is that Iran's nuclear activities, especially Uranium enrichment, are completely peaceful and in line with Iran's rights based on the NPT, and Iran's peaceful nuclear activities have always been according to the safeguards implemented by the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Kanaani added: Iran has fulfilled all its commitments in the framework of the JCPOA, but some people behave as if Iran has withdrawn from the JCPOA by violating Resolution 2231, and it is clear that there are political motives for expressing these positions.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: Some parties deliberately mix voluntary commitments with legal commitments and try to make accusations against Iran by hiding some facts. The JCPOA has annexes that all parties must adhere to.

He stated: Iran's cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency does not fall under the scope of the statements of some parties, and the cooperation of the two sides will continue based on the agreement signed between them. The path of negotiations and diplomatic talks is open in the JCPOA negotiations and Iran has no restrictions to carry out negotiations for the committed return of all JCPOA parties to the agreement.

Iran wants an end to the war against Gaza

Regarding the continuation of the ceasefire in Gaza and Iran's efforts in this regard, Kanaani said: We discussed the ceasefire issue with the Qatari authorities during the recent visit of the foreign minister, and one of our main goals is that the existing ceasefire takes a stable form, and the aggression of the Zionist regime should not be repeated.

He added: “The Zionist regime has shown that it does not spare any efforts to violate international laws and is not accepting any responsibility for it either.” We want the end of this war, and we will continue our consultations at the highest level, at the level of Mr. President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, with other officials of different countries and the Secretary General of the United Nations.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: “The Zionist regime is coming to the conclusion that it wants to continue this war, considering that it has not achieved anything, and the US has no will to stop the Zionist regime.”

Kanaani said: Based on the information we have, the government of Qatar is making serious efforts regarding the ceasefire, and we hope that the current ceasefire will be stable.

He said: The role of the American government in the region has always contributed to instability and insecurity, and the presence of the American fleet in the region is in line with the continued support of the Zionist regime.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs added: Iran is committed to security and stability in the region and has always played a positive role in this regard. The public opinion of the world will no longer be deceived by some projective statements and false accusations of America against Iran.

Regarding the targeting of some American bases in the region by the resistance groups, Kanaani said: We have stated many times that we have no role in this relationship, and these actions are the natural reaction of the people and the resistance groups to the non-constructive and illegal role of the United States in supporting the Zionist regime, and of course a natural reaction. It is an illegal presence in the territory of some countries in the region, including Syria, and America must accept responsibility for its actions in the region.


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