News ID : 156016
Publish Date : 11/27/2023 1:22:41 PM
Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 27

Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 27

The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Monday, November 27, 2023.

NOURNEWS- The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Monday, November 27, 2023.


- Eight-month trade exceeds $75b: IRICA

The head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration announced on Sunday that the country’s foreign trade reached about $75.5 billion during the first eight months of the current Iranian year (March 21-November 21).
Iran imported 25 million tons of non-oil commodities worth about $42.5 billion during the eight months to November 21, said Mohammad Rezvani-Far, adding that the country exported 90 million tons of goods, valued at about $33 billion in the period, IRNA reported.
“Considering the figures for the exports of electricity and techno-engineering services, Iran will have a $10-billion trade surplus for the eight months,” the official noted.
IRICA will soon release statistics on the exports of oil, electricity and techno-engineering services, so the trade balance of the country will be more accurate, Rezvani-Far stated.
“A developed customs system will be unveiled before the International Customs Day (January 26), in order to eliminate many faults of connecting to other systems as well as fulfilling customs responsibilities in the field of trade and data exchange with other systems.”
He explained that with the establishment of the system, the capability of electronic exchange of information with the customs offices of other countries will be provided.

- Win-win situation in Tehran-Riyadh trade with prioritized private sector

Iran and Saudi Arabia are two major regional powers in the Middle East, with significant economic, political and cultural influence. However, their relations have been strained for years over various geopolitical issues including oil export policy.
In March 2023, after discussions brokered by China, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to reestablish diplomatic relations, ending a seven-year rift that had severely hampered trade and cooperation between the two countries. This historic move was welcomed by the international community, as well as by the private sectors of both countries, which saw new opportunities for expanding trade and investment.
The private sector plays a vital role in the economies of both Iran and Saudi Arabia, as it provides products and services to meet the needs of their large and diverse populations, as well as contributes to their economic diversification and growth.
The private sector in both countries has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted supply chains, reduced demand, and increased costs. Therefore, the private sector needs more support and incentives from the governments to overcome these difficulties and to enhance its competitiveness and innovation.
One of the ways that the governments can support the private sector is by facilitating trade and investment between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which have complementary economic structures and potentials. Iran has a diversified economy, with strengths in sectors such as agriculture, industry, mining, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, information and communication technology, and tourism. Saudi Arabia has a more oil-dependent economy, but it is also developing sectors such as renewable energy, health, education, and entertainment.
By increasing trade and investment between the two countries, the private sector can benefit from access to new markets, lower tariffs, cheaper inputs, technology transfer, joint ventures, and economies of scale. This can also create more jobs, income, and welfare for the people of both countries, as well as reduce their dependence on oil revenues and foreign imports.
The Iranian minister of economic affairs and finance in April said Tehran aims to raise annual trade with Riyadh to $1 billion in the first step of resuming economic ties.
Ehsan Khandouzi added that the target was set by the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran and is based on the two countries’ capacities.
Therefore, there is a huge potential for increasing trade between the two countries, especially in sectors such as food, construction materials, chemicals, plastics, metals, machinery, and electrical equipment.
To realize this potential, the governments of Iran and Saudi Arabia need to take several steps, such as:
Signing a free trade agreement that would reduce or eliminate tariffs and non-tariff barriers, and harmonize standards and regulations.
Establishing a joint trade commission that would oversee and promote trade and investment cooperation, and resolve any disputes or issues.
Creating a joint chamber of commerce that would facilitate business-to-business contacts, exchange of information, and matchmaking of potential partners.
Developing transport and logistics infrastructure that would connect the two countries by road, rail, sea, and air, and reduce the time and cost of trade.
Providing financial and legal support to the private sector, such as access to credit, insurance, and guarantees.
By taking these steps, the governments of Iran and Saudi Arabia can create a win-win situation for their private sectors, and foster a positive and constructive relationship that would benefit not only their economies, but also their stability in the region.

- Monthly inflation rate drops by 0.1%: SCI

According to the latest figures released by the Statistical Center of Iran (SCI), the country’s monthly inflation rate has dropped to 2.2% for the Iranian month ending on November 21.
The report, published on Sunday, revealed that the month-on-month inflation rate in Iran decreased by 2.2% during the Iranian calendar month of Aban (October 23 to November 21, 2023), which shows a 0.1% decrease compared to the previous month, IRNA reported.
Furthermore, the annual (point-to-point) inflation rate also experienced a drop, decreasing by 0.6%, to reach 44.9%.
During the same period, the point-to-point inflation in Iran was estimated at 39.2%.

- Israel kills eight more Palestinians in West Bank

Israel cannot stop its killing machine in the Palestinian territories, whether in the West Bank or in the Gaza Strip. According to Palestinian health officials on Sunday, Israeli forces claimed the lives of at least eight Palestinians in the West Bank in a 24-hour period.
The killings came as the regime agreed a four-day truce with the Hamas resistance group in the Gaza Strip.
Violence in the West Bank has surged in the weeks since Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7. Israeli forces have killed dozens of Palestinians and arrested hundreds in the West Bank. Israeli settlers have also stepped up attacks.
The Palestinian Health Ministry said that five Palestinians were killed in Jenin, while three others were killed in separate areas of the West Bank since Saturday morning. One of those killed, in Al-Bireh in the central West Bank, was a teenager, the ministry said.
The intensified violence in the territory follows more than a year of escalating raids and arrests in the West Bank and deadly Palestinian attacks on Israelis. Before the Hamas assault, 2023 was already the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank in over two decades.
Israel and Hamas have briefly ceased fire to allow for more aid to enter Gaza and permit the release of captives in exchange for Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
The Israeli Army claimed that fourteen Israeli captives and three foreign nationals were handed over to the Red Cross in the Gaza Strip on Sunday.
Earlier in the day, Egypt said it received the list of 13 Israeli captives who were due to be freed on Sunday in exchange for the release of 39 Palestinian prisoners on the third day of the truce, following two earlier exchanges.
Egypt also said it received positive feedback from both sides about the idea of extending the truce for a day or two and releasing more hostages and prisoners. US President Joe Biden told reporters Friday that “the chances are real” for extending the truce.
Meanwhile, Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi called for “a permanent cease-fire and a complete end to this aggression.”
But Israeli Armed Forces chief, Herzi Halevi, said Saturday that “immediately at the end of the cease-fire” the war would continue.
Aid trucks enter Gaza
The pause in fighting has allowed more aid to reach Palestinians struggling to survive with shortages of water and other essentials. Israel had placed Gaza under a near-total siege.
A total of 61 trucks delivered food, water and medical supplies to northern Gaza on Saturday, the United Nations office for humanitarian affairs said.
Another 187 trucks of vital supplies bound for aid organizations also crossed into the Gaza Strip, it said.
The UN estimates that 1.7 million of Gaza’s 2.4 million people have been displaced by the fighting.
New tanker seized
Anti-Israel sentiment has been on the rise in the region, which has led to measures against the regime. On Sunday, a tanker linked to an Israel-affiliated company was seized off the coast of Yemen by unidentified armed individuals, a US defense official confirmed, following a series of incidents on the same shipping route. Declaring itself as part of the “axis of resistance,” Yemen has launched a series of drone and missile strikes targeting Israel since October. Sunday’s incident came a week after Yemen seized an Israel-linked cargo ship in the southern Red Sea.
Protests against Israel’s crimes in Gaza still continue across the world.  On Saturday, thousands of protesters carried placards, waved Palestinian flags and chanted slogans before Canada’s Parliament in Ottawa, demanding a permanent cease-fire.
“A pause is not enough,” said Yara Shoufani, a protest organizer, adding that “thousands of Palestinians have been killed and Gaza’s infrastructure has been destroyed.”

- Sizable portion of Iranians suffer from obesity

The head of the Center for Endocrine Glands and Metabolism at Shahid Beheshti University’s School of Medical Sciences, referring to the growing trend of overweight and obesity in the country, stated that 60 to 70 percent of individuals over the age of 20 in the country are overweight or obese, and only 30 to 40 percent of adults have a normal and healthy weight.
Fereidoun Azizi, in an exclusive interview with Iran Daily, added that the trend of increasing overweight and obesity in Tehran is higher than in other parts of the country, with 70 percent of the population in Tehran being affected by overweight and obesity.
(However, it is important for readers to approach these statistics with caution, as the true figures can only be accurately determined through comprehensive scientific research on a large scale.)
Azizi, comparing the obesity situation in Iran with various regions, explained that in Western countries, especially the United States and Canada, the obesity rate is higher, with a total of 75 percent of the population in these countries experiencing overweight and obesity, and among them, obese individuals have a larger share.
Referring to a research program on the status of overweight and obesity in the country over the past 30 years, he stated that looking at the results of these studies over the three decades, we observe that the population with overweight has gradually decreased during these years, while the population with obesity in the country has increased.
He continued by mentioning that obesity is divided into two levels, overweight and obesity, determined based on BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI is a measurement tool that indicates how proportionate your height and weight are and whether an individual is underweight or overweight. BMI is calculated by dividing weight (in kilograms) by height (in meters) squared. Knowing factors such as age, weight, height, and gender is important to obtain accurate results.
Azizi said that based on this, individuals with a BMI between 18.5 to 25 have a normal weight, individuals with a BMI between 25 to 30 are overweight, and individuals with a BMI above 30 are considered obese, usually weighing over 100 kilograms.
Referring to the fact that a very low or very high BMI can be problematic for an individual’s health, he said that if a person’s BMI is below 18.5, the individual may face health problems in terms of body immunity against diseases.
The endocrinologist said that over the past three decades, the number of individuals with a BMI between 25 to 30, which used to constitute around 50 to 60 percent of the country’s population, has gradually decreased, and the number of obese individuals in the country, which was previously five percent, has increased.
Azizi listed obesity as the most common endocrine and metabolic disorder in the country and explained that after obesity, which is a disease in itself, diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism are the next most common endocrine and metabolic disorders in the country.
He noted that in Iran, there are other endocrine gland disorders that are very important and dangerous, although they are not considered common diseases. These include diseases of the supra-renal and pituitary glands, which are very important diseases but do not have much prevalence.
Referring to the fact that obese individuals are divided into two groups, high-risk and low-risk, he explained that one group of obese individuals are those who do not have metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar, etc., do not smoke, and do not have abdominal obesity. These individuals have a better future.
Azizi continued by stating that in another group, those with metabolic diseases and abdominal obesity have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and premature death.
Azizi, pointing out the connection between obesity and fat accumulation in the abdominal area with cardiovascular diseases, said that in women, fat accumulation in the thigh, buttocks, and hands is more, while abdominal obesity is relatively more common in men, and this can be one of the reasons for higher mortality in men.
He said that to measure the level of abdominal obesity, you can place a tape around your waist, starting from the belly button, and 90 centimeters is the starting point for abdominal obesity.
He stated that if a child is obese at the ages of four and five, the likelihood of becoming obese in adolescence, puberty, and adulthood is five times higher than those who have a normal weight at these ages. Also, children who sleep less than 10 to 11 hours in their first year of life are more likely to become obese, showing the importance of attention in the early years.


- Hezbollah: Operation Al-Aqsa Flood ‘Marvelous’, Effects Not Fully Revealed Yet

A high-ranking official with the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has called the Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “marvelous”, saying its effects will be known soon.
During a memorial ceremony in Lebanon on Sunday, Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem said, “Al-Aqsa Storm was great and marvelous work that dug deep into the Israeli entity and it comes to fruition in the near future.”
Sheikh Qassem praised the Palestinian resistance in the face of the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip, noting that the enemy has failed to sow sedition among our ranks.
“The groundbreaking achievement of the Al-Aqsa Flood will be an indication that the resistance cannot be defeated.”
He underlined that the Zionist regime failed to achieve anything during 50 days of its brutal aggression on Gaza.
“This resistance, with its men, children, women, and everything it possesses, cannot be defeated, and victories will follow, most notably the victory of Gaza,” Sheikh Qassem noted.
“The resistance was not harmed Flood its strength was not diminished in any way, and we are with it in Lebanon, Iraq, and Yemen,” Qassem said.
He added that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which was launched by Palestinian resistance groups on October 7, was “a fundamental work” and must succeed.
“If it was not for the steadfastness of the resistance, the prisoner exchange deal would not have been reached. Israel was forced to accept a ceasefire,” he said in reference to the truce, which went into effect on Friday.
As per the terms of the truce, 150 Palestinian women and children will be released from Zionist regime prisons in exchange for 50 Israeli captives.
According to Sheikh Qassem, the Israeli regime did not even dare to launch an operation to free the captives held by Hamas, and had to wait for the proposed swap deal by the resistance movement.
“The regime is facing a crisis and catastrophe,” the Hezbollah official added. “Extending the current four-day truce would be the best option for Israel as the Palestinian resistance was in no way affected by the regime’s operation against the Gaza Strip.”

- Consensus Grows Worldwide for One-State Solution

The latest operation by Gaza’s freedom fighters on October 7 not only shattered the supposed military/intelligence superiority of the illegal Zionist entity but made the world realize that the only solution to the chronic question of Palestine is one single state extending from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, and from Egypt’s Sinai in the south to the border of Lebanon.
Patriotic Palestinians and pious Muslims all over the world have never stepped back from this principled position over the past 75 years despite the Western regimes’ unprincipled support for usurper Israel, firmly saying that the illegal East European migrants should peacefully leave this Islamic land, if not, the day will surely come when they will be driven out in ignominy.
Once this happens, there won’t be any tensions, crises, wars, and bloodshed in West Asia, and no need for the presence of any foreign military forces or American bases, which are actually centres of terrorism.
It is rather unfortunate that the UN, which is controlled by the US, has ignored the most practical democratic solution for permanent peace in Palestine proposed by the Leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 
“A referendum involving all the indigenous people of Palestine, that is Muslims, Christians, and the original Jewish minority for formation of a single government of a single country with Bayt al-Moqaddas as the capital, where all the three faiths practice their rituals without encroaching upon the sanctities of others.”
The refusal by the miscalculating heads of state of the US, Britain, France, and Germany, to endorse this suggestion is the main cause for the senseless rounds of killings, especially the current genocide unleashed by Israel on Gaza with the support of its godfather the US, in a futile bid to decimate Palestinians and prolong its illegitimate existence in the Levant.
The destruction of Gaza and the massacre of over 15,000 people, including 5,500 children have, however, backfired on the perpetrators, as is evident by the huge rallies in the West demanding: “Palestine shall be free from the river to the sea,” in defiance of the ban placed by the regimes. 
Conscientious people worldwide are now calling for bringing to justice not just the war criminals in Tel Aviv but also US president, whose stupid act in sending military forces to the region and supplying defeated Israel with the most lethal weapons to kill innocent civilians has intensified the carnage in Gaza.
In other words, Joe Biden and his comrades-in-crimes in Washington have axed their own feet, and it is only a matter of time before the US pays dearly for its unbridled terrorism in our part of the world if it continues it blind support for Israel and refuses to close down its bases.
Even the Arab and other Muslim states, whose rulers had been forced to grant bases to the US military forces and were pressured into setting up diplomatic ties with usurper Israel on the assumption that the impractical ‘two-state solution’ will finally prevail, are now realizing their folly. 
The masses in the so-called pro-US countries have never endorsed the policies o their regimes, and have always viewed Israel as a foreign illegal entity to be weeded out from the Levant.
The following days, weeks, and months, are therefore crucial, and all pointers indicate the erasing of the cobweb called Israel.

- Senior Official Visits Bangkok After Release of Thais

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani has said that the large-scale anti-Israeli operation launched by the Gaza Strip-based Palestinian resistance movements was a natural reaction by Palestinians in the face of continued Israeli occupation.
During a press briefing at the Iranian embassy in the Thai capital city of Bangkok on Sunday, Bagheri Kani told reporters that Operation Al-Aqsa Strom, carried out by Hamas on October 7, was a “legitimate reaction” to Israel’s violence against Palestinians.
“The crisis in the occupied territories did not erupt as a result of the developments that took place on October 7. The operation launched by Hamas was the Palestinians’ natural and legitimate reaction to the 75-years-long occupation of their land by the Zionist regime,” he said.
He also voiced concern about the fate of foreign captives, especially Thai citizens, held in Gaza following the Hamas operation.
According to Bagheri Kani the issue of Thai prisoners was seriously pursued by Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian during his recent trips to Lebanon and Qatar and meetings with senior representatives of Palestinian resistance groups there.
During his short stay in Bangkok, Bagheri Kani also met with high-ranking Thai officials, including President of the National Assembly Wan Muhamad Noor Matha, Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul and acting chairman of the National Security Council Chatchai Bangchuad.
The two sides underlined the need for the promotion of bilateral relations, particularly in the field of economy and tourism, and highlighted the longstanding amicable relations between the two nations.

- 100,000 Protest in Tel Aviv to Mark ’50 Days of Hell’ 

Some 100,000 people gathered Saturday night in front of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, near the war ministry headquarters, to mark “50 Days of Hell” since Operation Al-Aqsa Storm by Hamas on October 7.
The crowd was full of Zionists of all ages, including youth groups and others in the black shirts of the Bring Them Home Now organization, calling on the regime to return captives held in Gaza.


- Iran ambassador says assets not blocked in Qatar

The U.S. authorities’ allegations that newly freed Iranian assets have been frozen in the state of Qatar have been refuted by Iran’s ambassador to the Persian Gulf nation. In an exclusive interview with IRNA that was published on Saturday, Ambassador Ali Salehabadi stated that the banking procedure is in progress and that the Iranian funds, which were unfrozen as part of a prisoner exchange agreement with the United States, are still completely available. “Six Iranian banks are cooperating with two Qatari banks, and we are closely monitoring the intricate details of the banking developments. The banking procedures are progressing smoothly,” he said. The envoy also stated that Qatari officials were determined to help the process. “Joint initiatives between Iran and Qatar are underway to ensure the optimal and comprehensive use of these banking resources.” Back in October, Qatar’s Prime Minister announced his country is committed to fulfilling a deal with Iran and the U.S. which involves $6 billion of Iranian funds parked in Qatari banks.

- Spain takes resolute approach against Zionist aggression

In a span of 50 days during the Israel-Hamas conflict, Spain made significant moves in response to the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime. Examining news reports in Spain over the 50 days of the conflict, here is a compilation of key events: “The Barcelona City Council cuts ties with Israel”; “Spain’s Prime Minister declares intent to recognize Palestine State unless the European Union takes official action”; “Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister commits to imposing sanctions, diplomatic pressure, and an arms trade embargo against Israel at the beginning of the new government term”; “Spain’s Minister of Social Rights called for Benjamin Netanyahu to be brought before the International Criminal Court”; “Pro-Palestine protests erupt in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga.

- West Bank faces brutal aggression under the shadow of war

Palestinian health officials say Israeli occupation forces have killed at least eight people in the occupied West Bank over the past 24 hours. The fatalities include a young child. Whilst the regime has given the green light for illegal settlers to attack Palestinians ( a move that has drawn international outrage), it appears that it has not satisfied the Israeli regime. Its forces have been conducting almost daily raids in the occupied West Bank amid a war on Gaza that has achieved very little harm against Hamas and other resistance factions. The Palestinian health ministry said five people were killed when Israeli ground and air forces raided the flashpoint city of Jenin and its adjacent refugee camp.

- Navigating internal rifts: Israel’s hopeless search for identity

Upon Hamas’s surprise operation on October 7, Israeli officials were confronted with a significant revelation, laying bare entrenched internal conflicts that have pervaded the political landscape of the Zionist regime in recent years. The Zionists claim that internal protests, strikes, and conflicts within security and military institutions for more than six months influenced Hamas’s decision to launch Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. The roots of these conflicts in the past five years lie in the social schisms within the diverse society of Israel. The newfound complexities can be traced to the issues resulting from the migration of various ethnicities and cultures to the occupied territories. This aspect is evident even in the discourse of the regime’s leaders when referring to the Israeli population.

- Iran’s crude steel output exceeds 25m tons in 10 months: WSA

Production of crude steel in Iran reached 25.1 million tons in the first 10 months of 2023, registering a 0.1 percent decline as compared to the same period of time in the past year, according to the latest report released by the World Steel Association (WSA). The WSA data put the world’s 10-month crude steel production at 1.567 billion tons, IRNA reported. The report shows that Iran’s crude steel output also stood at 3.1 million tons in October, and Iran maintained its place as the world’s 10th largest steel producer in the mentioned period. The world’s 71 steel producers managed to produce 150 million tons of steel in October 2023, 0.6 percent more than the figure for the previous year’s same month. Based on the WSA report, China, India, Japan, the U.S., and Russia were the world’s top steel producers in the first 10 months of 2023, respectively. The previous WSA report had put Iran’s steel output in the first nine months of 2023 at 22.1 million tons, also 0.6 percent less than the same period in 2022. The Islamic Republic’s monthly crude steel output stood at 2.4 million tons in September, indicating a decrease of 12.7 percent compared to the figure for September 2022. The Iranian Steel industry has been constantly developing over the past years against all the pressures and obstacles created by outside forces like the U.S. sanctions and the coronavirus outbreak that has severely affected the performance of the world’s top producers. The country is expected to climb to seventh place among the world’s top steel producers by the Iranian calendar year 1404 (March 2025).


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