News ID : 155815
Publish Date : 11/23/2023 9:48:59 AM
Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 23

Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 23

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Muhammad Reza Ashtiani on Wednesday said enemies have ceased their threats against Iran, acknowledging the nation’s robust defense capabilities.

NOURNEWS- The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Thursday, November 23, 2023.


-- WSA: Iran’s 10-month crude steel production tops 25m tons

Iranian steelmakers churned out 25.1 million tons of crude steel in the first 10 months of 2023, according to statistics released by the World Steel Association (WSA) on Wednesday, indicating that the country stands at tenth place among steel producing countries.
The country’s steel ingot production for October 2023 registered a 3.5 percent growth compared to the figure for October 2022.
World crude steel production for the 63 countries reporting to the association was 150 million tons in October 2023, a 0.6 percent increase compared to October 2022.
China produced 79.1 million tons in October 2023, down 1.8 percent over October 2022, while India produced 12.1 million tons of steel ingots last month, up 15.1 percent compared to the figure for last year, as Japan produced 7.5 million tons, up 2.6 percent compared to the same month last year.
The United States produced 6.8 million tons of crude steel in August, up 3.4 percent. Russia is estimated to have produced 6.3 million tons, up 9.5 percent. South Korea produced 5.5 million tons, up 6.5 percent.
The World Steel Association is one of the largest and most dynamic industry associations in the world, with members in every major steel-producing country. The WSA represents steel producers, national and regional steel industry associations, and steel research institutes.
Members represent around 85 percent of global steel production.

-- Iran, Oman ink cooperation deal to boost trade

Officials from Iran and Oman signed a cooperation agreement for enhancing bilateral ties in the fields of trade and economy.
It was inked between the Arvand Free Zone Organization and the Iran-Oman Joint Chamber of Commerce following a visit by a high-ranking delegation of Iranian free zones to the Sultanate of Oman, Tasnim news agency reported.
Vice President and Secretary of Free Industrial-Trade and Special Economic Zone Hojjatollah Abdolmaleki in his visit to Oman was accompanied by CEOs of Iran’s free zones organizations.
He held talks with the chiefs of free zones, the trade minister, and heads of chambers of commerce of Oman.
Given the trade opportunities and commonalities that exist at the Arvand Free Zone, a cooperation agreement was inked between the Arvand Free Zone Organization and Iran-Oman Joint Chamber of Commerce, in line with enhancing the level of trade exchanges between the two countries.
Under the agreement, the two sides emphasized developing cooperation in the field of exports as well as exchanging investors in the areas of exports, production and rebranding.

-- Tehran, Beijing sign MoU on textile industry

Iran and China inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in the fields of textile industry and clothing.
The MoU was inked between the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iran Textile Industries Association and the head of China International Textile Trade Promotion Council in Shanghai, on the sidelines of the ITMA Asia Exhibition, IRNA reported.
The two sides expressed hope that relations between the two countries will expand further with developing investment and sharing the technical know-how and experience of industrialists.
The signing ceremony was attended by senior officials of the two countries including Director General of Clothing and Textile Industries Office of the Ministry of Trade Mohsen Gorji, members of the Board of Directors of China’s Supreme Council of Textile and Clothing Industries, and those who are involved in the field of clothing and textile industry.
The ITMA is the world’s largest international textile and garment technology exhibition, which is held once every two years in Shanghai.

-- Minister: Iran supports OPEC+ decisions

Oil Minister Javad Owji on Wednesday said Iran, as one of the founders of OPEC, always supports the agreements and decisions made by OPEC+, a group comprising the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies.
The minister added Iran is convinced that the agreement reached between the alliance’s members and issued in OPEC and non-OPEC producers’ Declaration of Cooperation brings benefits for the global oil market, producers, consumers, and the economy, Shana reported.
Owji made the remarks as OPEC+ is scheduled to meet in Vienna on November 30 and could make further changes to an agreement that already limits supply into 2024 to support the market, according to analysts and OPEC+ sources.
“All observers and experts of the oil market acknowledge the constructive achievements of the OPEC+ agreement for market stability and energy security,” stated the minister, adding the OPEC+ member states will discuss all options in their Sunday meeting to maintain oil market stability.
“The escalation and continuation of tensions in the Middle East region will lead to uncertainty and instability in energy markets, particularly the oil market, and endanger regional and global energy security,” he underlined.
“The continuation of political instability causes sharp fluctuations in global oil prices and imperils security of energy supply and sustainable development of energy industry,” continued the minister.
The sustainable stability of oil market demands the continuation of cooperation between OPEC and non-OPEC members, noted Owji, adding, the OPEC+ member states are determined to provide the oil market with stability and maintain it; and their performance and putting the Declaration of Cooperation into action during the past years prove it.
The agreement and decisions made by OPEC+ is a key factor for eliminating fluctuations in the oil market, improving the global economy, encouraging new investments in the world oil industry, and ensuring the energy supply.
OPEC+ has delayed its ministerial meeting to Nov. 30, from Nov. 26, as previously scheduled, OPEC said in a statement on Wednesday.
Oil prices extended an earlier decline following the surprise development, Reuters reported.

-- Will cease-fire become permanent?

As per the latest news, a temporary cease-fire between Israel and Hamas is set to kick off this morning. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been dragging his feet on accepting a cease-fire, holding out until his objectives are achieved. Israel’s utmost desire was to wipe out Hamas, treating it as their top priority. Both Israel and its main supporter, the United States, labeled Hamas’ actions in the occupied territories on October 7 as terrorism, branding the resistance group a terrorist organization.
Media reports suggested that Israel and the United States hesitated to accept the cease-fire as they saw any negotiations with Hamas as a recognition of its existence. Moreover, Israel, fueled by its military superiority, believed it could swiftly end its operations in the Gaza Strip and crush Hamas. It appears that the United States and European nations supporting Israel shared the same notion, expecting Israel’s Gaza operation to swiftly attain its goals. Consequently, they opposed a cease-fire, with the United States vetoing a proposed resolution in the UN Security Council for a humanitarian pause.
Now, after 48 days of war, Israel not only failed to achieve its desired goal of obliterating Hamas, but the regime has eventually come to the negotiating table with Hamas, mediated by Qatar and Egypt. While Israel has yet to secure a decisive victory on the battlefield, it has lost the battle in the media and global public opinion.
Soon after the conflict broke out, Israel’s propaganda machine and the biased coverage of the mainstream media lost their effectiveness that portrayed Hamas attacks on October 7 as “terrorist and inhumane.” On the other hand, independent media outlets and people on social networking services became the frontrunners, disseminating information and documenting Israel’s atrocities in Gaza to the world. The images of women, children, journalists being killed, hospitals being bombed and destroyed, and the disruption of basic amenities like water and electricity laid bare Israel’s true colors for the world to see. It was only natural for mass protests and rallies to take place in the heart of America and European countries, expressing solidarity with the people of Gaza and condemning Israel’s crimes.
Simultaneously, these unprecedented and massive demonstrations sent shiver down the spine of Western politicians who staunchly support Israel. They found themselves pursuing a policy that was openly opposed by their own citizens. Gradually, Western politicians started criticizing Israel’s inhumane conduct in Gaza, to the point where even US President Joe Biden was compelled to adopt a critical stance against Netanyahu’s stubbornness in rejecting a cease-fire and disregarding civilian casualties.
Netanyahu is now facing internal pressure from the families of captives, as well as former Israeli officials, not to mention the hardline factions within Israel, particularly some members of his cabinet like hard-right Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who believes his boss has made too many concessions to Hamas.
At the same time, the Israeli prime minister is also facing external pressure from global public opinion and certain European and American politicians who view further support for the regime and its crimes as detrimental to their political future and party interests. There are hopes that the persistence of such pressure will make the temporary cease-fire a permanent one.

-- Hamas-Israel truce deal gets global welcome

Israel and Hamas agreed on Wednesday to a cease-fire in Gaza for at least four days, to let in aid and release at least 50 people captured by fighters in exchange for at least 150 Palestinians jailed in Israel.
Nations around the globe welcomed the announcement that Israel and Hamas reached a deal to exchange prisoners and pause Israel’s ferocious fighting and bombardment in Gaza. The World Health Organization also welcomed the deal, but the UN health agency’s chief said it would not end civilian suffering.
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, who was in Beirut told a press conference upon his arrival in Beirut, “The six weeks of resistance in Gaza proved that the main losers in the face of global public opinion are the United States and Israel.”
“There is no doubt that the future of Gaza and Palestine will be determined by the Palestinian people alone,” he added.
Amir-Abdollahian quoted the leaders of the resistance as saying that the fingers of the resistance will remain on the trigger until the realization of the full rights of Palestinians and the complete liberation of Palestine.
The first truce in a brutal seven-week-old war, reached after mediation by Qatar, was hailed around the world as a sign of progress that could ease the suffering of Gaza’s civilians and the exchange of prisoners. Israel said the cease-fire could be extended further, as long as more hostages were freed.
Hamas and allied groups captured around 240 Israelis when fighters rampaged through southern Israeli towns on Oct. 7. Previously, Hamas had released just four.
The truce was not expected to begin until Thursday morning. The Palestinian Authority hailed the truce, calling for a more permanent cease-fire.
“President Mahmoud Abbas and the leadership welcome the humanitarian truce agreement, value the Qatari-Egyptian effort made, and reaffirm the call for a comprehensive cessation of the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people and the entry of humanitarian aid,” senior PA official Hussein al-Sheikh wrote on X.
US President Joe Biden thanked the leaders of Qatar and Egypt for their “critical leadership” in reaching the deal.
Mentioning the release of prisoners, he expressed his gratification that the prisoners “will be reunited with their families once this deal is fully implemented”.
British Foreign Secretary David Cameron called the deal a crucial step towards providing relief to the families of the prisoners and addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said the “breakthrough” agreement “must be used to bring vital aid to people in Gaza”.
Beijing hoped “that it will help ease the plight of the humanitarian crisis, de-escalate the conflict and ease tensions”, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning.
The Kremlin called the deal “the first good news from Gaza in a very long time”, noting that “it is only on the basis of these kinds of pauses that some outlines of future attempts at a sustainable settlement can be built”.
Egypt, which helped broker the deal, hailed the success in creating a “humanitarian truce,” according to President Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi, who welcomed the deal and noted “the continuation of the Egyptian efforts to reach final and sustainable solutions… to guarantee the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people”.
Jordan’s Foreign Ministry also issued a statement, praising Qatar and Egypt for their roles in brokering the “humanitarian truce”. The statement stressed that the truce must allow for increased aid to Gaza and lead to a more permanent cease-fire which stops the “targeting of Palestinians and their forced displacement”.
Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said it hoped the “humanitarian pause” will be part of efforts “to completely end the conflict as soon as possible and initiate a process towards a just and lasting peace on the basis of a two-state solution”.
EU chief Ursula von der Leyen said she had ordered her European Commission to step up aid deliveries to Gaza. “The European Commission will do its utmost to use this pause for a humanitarian surge to Gaza,” she said in a statement, adding, “I wholeheartedly welcome the agreement”.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres “welcomes the agreement reached by Israel and Hamas, with the mediation of Qatar, supported by Egypt and the United States,” a spokesman for the UN chief said in a statement, adding, “This is an important step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done”.


-- Defense Minister: Enemies Have Ceased to Threaten Iran

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Muhammad Reza Ashtiani on Wednesday said enemies have ceased their threats against Iran, acknowledging the nation’s robust defense capabilities.
Speaking to reporters after a cabinet meeting, the minister praised Iran’s defense power, stating that it has effectively deterred any threats from adversaries. He said Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei had expressed satisfaction after witnessing the accomplishments of the IRGC Aerospace Forces.

-- President Raisi Talks to Resistance TV Channels

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday had an interview over the developments in Palestine with five resistance channels – namely Al-Manar of Lebanon, Aletejah TV of Iraq, Palestine Today and Al-Aqsa of Palestine and Almasirah TV of Yemen.
In his interview, the president answered to different questions about Operation Al-Aqsa Storm Operation, Zionist crimes in Gaza and the role of the U.S., the initiatives by the Islamic resistance groups, international supports for Palestine and the future of the war in Gaza.

-- Iranian FM: Resistance’s Finger to Remain on Trigger

Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian said here Wednesday six weeks of heroic resistance of the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza proved that time is not on Israel’s side if the war drags on, stressing that the global public opinion would see the occupying regime and the U.S. as the main losers.
Amir-Abdollahian made the remarks upon his arrival here, where he was expected to discuss the recent developments in the region, including the Zionist regime’s war on the Gaza Strip, with Lebanese authorities.
“Without a doubt, the future of Gaza and the future of Palestine will be decided only by the Palestinian people,” the top Iranian diplomat said.
“We have heard from the resistance leaders in the region that the finger of the resistance will remain on the trigger until the Palestinian people’s rights are fully restored and their fight has achieved its goals,” he added.
Amir-Abdollahian said he was in Beirut “to consult with high Lebanese authorities about how to maximize security in the region and how to restore Palestinian rights”.
His remarks came hours after Palestinian resistance movement Hamas announced that it had agreed to a four-day truce with Israel.
Hamas said in a statement that the deal, mediated by Qatar and Egypt, will allow the entry of hundreds of humanitarian, medical and fuel aid trucks to Gaza.
The deal will also see the release of 50 Israeli war prisoners in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinian women and children from the occupying entity’s jails.
David Barnea, head of Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency, arrived in Qatar to meet Qatar’s Prime Minister Muhammad bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, to discuss details of the deal.
According to the U.S. news outlet Axios, there are still details of the agreement to be ironed out, including when the ceasefire should start and the sequencing of the release of captives held by Israel and Hamas.
Hezbollah will adhere to the truce called between Israel and Hamas, a source from the organization told Al-Jazeera on Wednesday.
“Hezbollah will adhere to the truce announced if the Israeli occupation forces adhere to it,” the source told the outlet.
Residents will get a respite from the Israeli genocide, which has seen the number of Palestinians martyred cross 14,000, including at least 5,840 children.
Before the ceasefire, one of the last operating hospitals in Gaza received more than 60 dead bodies overnight Wednesday.
The director of Kamal Adwan hospital, Ahmed al-Kahlout, told Al Jazeera that the hospital did not have a “single drop of fuel” and staff worked using handheld searchlights.
“A lot of buildings have been badly affected. We need to keep in mind this hospital is now the only one operating hospital from Wadi Gaza till northern Gaza,” he said.
Meanwhile, the bodies of Palestinians previously held at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City by Zionist forces were finally buried in Khan Younis, in southern Gaza.
Oxfam welcomed the news of a truce but warned that it is only a “band aid” that will not resolve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.
Oxfam GB’s head of policy and advocacy, Katy Chakrabortty, said she hoped that the agreement could be the beginning of “a road toward a permanent ceasefire” but said that currently looked “distant”.
“This pause of the relentless

bombing and destruction that is causing such suffering to more than two million Palestinians is a welcome respite for the delivery of some humanitarian aid – but no more than that,” she said in a statement.
“The next four days will be eaten up by a desperate emergency effort that can offer only very limited relief, not equal to the size of suffering and destruction and ultimately with no sustainability. This is a band-aid that will be ripped off a bleeding wound after four days.”
A former Israeli interior minister said that the “solution” for the situation in the Gaza Strip is for two million people to be removed from the enclave.
Speaking to Israeli TV, Ayalet Shaked said that other countries should be told to absorb refugees from Gaza.
“We need to take advantage of the destruction [to tell] the countries that each of them should take a quota, it can be 20,000 or 50,000,” she told Channel 13. “We need two million to leave. That’s the solution for Gaza.”
Meanwhile, Sweden’s prime minister faced ridicule after appearing to just stop himself saying “Israel has the right to genocide” during a speech.
Ulf Kristersson was speaking to an audience in Gothenburg on Tuesday when he addressed the subject of Sweden’s attitude to the war in Gaza.
“Sweden and the EU stand united in that Israel has a right to geno...self-defense,” he said.
A number of audience members laughed at his mistake, while others started calling out “Has Israel the right to commit genocide?” 

-- Iraq Condemns Deadly U.S. Strikes as ‘Dangerous Escalation’

Iraq’s government condemned overnight U.S. airstrikes south of Baghdad that killed eight members of Iraqi popular resistance forces Kataib Hezbollah, saying they were a “dangerous escalation” not coordinated with authorities.
The Iraqi government condemned the U.S. strikes as “a clear violation of sovereignty and an attempt to disrupt the stable internal security situation,” while also noting attacks by armed groups went against Iraq’s national interest.
Prominent Iraqi politician Hadi al-Ameri called on Washington to withdraw its troops from Iraq after five members of Iraqi resistance forces were killed in the U.S. airstrike.
Hadi al-Ameri, the head of Iraq’s al-Fatah Alliance reacted to the United States army’s move in targeting the Iraqi resistance group’s positions and emphasized the need for the immediate withdrawal of American troops and the international coalition from Iraq.
The resistance group Kataib Hezbollah said in a statement earlier on Wednesday that five of its members were killed in its stronghold of Jurf al-Sakhar, south of Baghdad in U.S. strikes that Washington said were in response to intensified attacks by those resistance fighters against its troops over the past few weeks.
The Islamic resistance in Iraq intensified their attacks on the occupying US troops after Oct. 7 when the Zionist Israeli regime backed by the United States army launched its aggression on the Gaza Strip in Palestine.
U.S. forces have been attacked 66 times in the Middle East since the uptick in violence that began in mid-October, Defense Department deputy spokesperson Sabrina Singh has confirmed.
“U.S. forces have been attacked approximately 66 times since October 17. Thirty-two separate times in Iraq and 34 separate times in Syria,” Singh said during a media briefing on Tuesday.
U.S. personnel have sustained approximately 62 injuries in these attacks, Singh added, noting that the number of injuries does not include those sustained during the Monday night attack because they are still being evaluated.
U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Syria have seen a significant increase in the number of attacks since the breakout of the Zionist regime’s aggression in early October.


-- First signs of victory for Hamas 

The Hamas political group and its armed wing have emerged stronger and unscratched as the Israeli occupation faces a global backlash. A Qatari-Egyptian deal to temporarily halt fighting in the besieged Gaza Strip is to take effect on Thursday morning. Amid the deadly devastation that the Israeli military has inflicted on the besieged Gaza Strip, the regime has bowed down to pressure and accepted Hamas’s terms of a Qatari-mediated pause in fighting the Palestinian resistance. After six weeks of bombardment and a failed ground invasion, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated goal to destroy Hamas has proved futile. Instead, it is Hamas?, which took Israeli captives and said all along it will not negotiate any agreement that does not foresee the release of Palestinian political prisoners, women, and children held under the harshest conditions in Israeli dungeons. It has secured its first objective. And it is Hamas, which has kept up a brave resistance to the last moment that has forced the regime into a Vietnamese-style pressure to call it quits - for now. The actions of the Israeli army have disgusted so many around the world, as has been reflected by the largest global demonstrations since the invasion of Iraq, in support of the Palestinians. It has been Hamas that has taken the moral high ground. Even according to the Israeli hostages, they have been treated humanely by the resistance organization. Since October 7, and throughout the Israeli war on Gaza, experts have maintained that the Israeli regime will commit as much death and destruction against Palestinian civilians and civilian sites but end up being forced to engage in a prisoner exchange deal. History has repeated itself, and whilst this isn’t a ceasefire and only a limited exchange of prisoners by either side, the end game will be the same. Hamas will remain in power, earn more respect for its resistance capabilities, and force the regime into another prisoner exchange agreement. The ruling power in Gaza outlined the official terms of the truce that it had rubber-stamped. “Following several days of negotiations, we announce, with the assistance and guidance of Allah the Almighty, the reaching of a humanitarian truce agreement (temporary ceasefire) spanning four days,” it said. “This result is a testament to the persistent and commendable efforts of Qatar and Egypt,” it added. It outlines the terms of the agreement, which are as follows: • A ceasefire enacted by both parties across Gaza; • The intensified entry of trucks carrying humanitarian aid, relief supplies, medical assistance, and fuel to all regions of the Gaza Strip; • The release of 50 Israeli women and children below the age of 19, in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinian women and children in Israeli prisons; • No Israeli air traffic in the south of Gaza whatsoever for four days; • No Israeli air traffic in the north of Gaza for six hours daily, from 10 am to 4 pm.

-- Envoy dismisses sham allegations on Iran’s nuclear program

The false charges that the representatives of France, the UK, and Germany have made against Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities have been flatly denied by the Iranian ambassador to the UN. On Tuesday, Amir Saied Iravani hit back at the European E3 for spreading misleading and false information about Iran’s commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and its peaceful nuclear program in a letter to UN Security Council President Zhang Jun and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. What follows is the full text of the Iranian envoy’s letter: Upon instructions from my Government, I am writing to you regarding the joint letter dated 14 November 2023 from the Permanent Representatives of France, Germany, and the United Kingdom to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2023/875). In the letter, the representatives of these three countries (E3) made unfounded accusations against Iran, alleging violations of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) while disregarding their own blatant violations of the Resolution. In rejecting these allegations, I wish to state the following points: 1) In its joint letter, the E3 purposefully spread misleading and false information regarding Iran’s commitments.

-- Amir Abdollahian says time will never work in Israel’s favor

Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian has said that six weeks of Gaza’s resistance unquestionably shown that time will never be on the side of the Israeli regime. Upon an official invitation from Lebanese officials, Iran’s foreign minister arrived at Beirut airport on Wednesday and was warmly welcomed by the leaders of the Palestinian and Lebanese groups. The tour is being undertaken in the context of the Iranian top diplomat’s talks and negotiations with regional and international officials on the Palestinian issue. He stated that the Palestinians’ 6-week resistance proved that the United States and Israel are the primary losers. Amir Abdollahian also paid homage to the Palestinian and Lebanese journalist victims, namely two journalists killed in southern Lebanon. During a press conference, he noted that “there is no doubt that the future of Gaza and Palestine will be determined by the Palestinian people only.” 


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