News ID : 155612
Publish Date : 11/20/2023 9:30:07 AM
Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 20

Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 20

The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Monday, November 20, 2023.

NOURNEWS- The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Monday, November 20, 2023.


-- Turkmenistan ready to ramp up gas exports to Iran

The foreign minister of Turkmenistan said his country is interested in boosting gas exports to Iran.
Speaking at the closing ceremony of the 17th Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Economic Cooperation Commission in Ashgabat on Saturday, Rashid Meredow emphasized that Turkmenistan is fully prepared to increase the export of gas to Iran and this issue will be put into effect in the near future, Tasnim news agency reported.
Iran and Turkmenistan inked a gas contract in 1997 to further expand cooperation in the field of gas swap deals, he underlined.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Meredov pointed to the electricity cooperation between Tehran and Ashgabat, adding that his country is willing to export electricity to third countries via Iran.
The head of the Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Economic Cooperation Commission also expressed the willingness of Turkmenistan to develop bilateral relations in the agricultural sector, and added that Iran has gained good achievements in this sector and Ashgabat intends to take advantage of those experiences.
Turkmenistan’s foreign minister emphasized that the two countries share cultural and religious commonalities, and that cooperation between the two countries will be in the interest of the two nations.
The two countries signed two cooperation documents, worth about $1 billion, at the closing ceremony of the 17th Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Economic Cooperation Commission.
The two cooperation documents were inked in the presence of Iran’s Minister of Roads and Urban Development Mehrdad Bazrpash and Meredow.
They feature the construction of a 242km-road in Turkmenistan and also construction operation of an electricity transmission line and export of parts and equipment of the power industry.
The two cooperation documents were signed by Iran’s Deputy Roads Minister and Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructures Company (CDTIC) CEO Kheirollah Khademi, and CEO of Iran Power Management, Distribution and Transmission Company (TAVANIR) Arash Kordi and their Turkmen counterparts.
In addition, the two sides emphasized launching direct flights between Mashhad and Ashgabat.
Bazrbash pointed to the settlement of Iran’s gas debt to Turkmenistan and added that the remaining debt will be settled through bartering with the construction of Kum Dagh-Incheh Boroun Road.
Iran and Turkmenistan also signed memoranda of understanding in the fields of veterinary medicine, agriculture, electricity, power transmission lines and export of electricity equipment and construction materials from Iran to Turkmenistan.
On the proposal of the Iranian side, the 18th edition of the Iran-Turkmenistan Joint Economic Cooperation Commission will be held in Tehran in September 2024.
Meanwhile, the Iranian deputy oil minister for gas affairs said on Sunday that Iran and Iraq have agreed to form a working group on gas exports to the power plants in Baghdad.
Talking to Shana, Majid Chegeni added the group comprising Iranian and Iraqi experts will work on the extension of the contract before the end of 2023.
He pointed to the recent meeting between Iran’s Oil Minister Javad Owji and Iraqi Minister of Electricity Ziyad Ali Fazel in Tehran and said the two countries are keen to develop their relations in the gas sector.
Chegeni, who is also the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) managing director, said Iran has been meeting a major part of Iraq’s energy needs for many years, adding Baghdad is eagerly seeking to extend the gas deal.

-- Steel production to increase by 15m tons: MSC

Thanks to enormous investments made in Iran’ steel industry, the current capacity of 45 million tons of steel production in the country will reach 60 million tons in the next two years, announced the managing director of Mobarakeh Steel Company (MSC).
Mohammad-Yasser Tayyebnia described the asymmetric growth and lack of balance in the steel production chain as the most important challenge facing the industry, and said our strategy to deal with the challenge is to develop human capital, improve productivity, sustainable social-economic development and become a green industry, IRNA reported.
“Another strategy is the development of technology and innovation, which are not specific to MSC and can be used in all countries.”
The World Steel Association (WSA) in its latest report said Iran produced 22.1 million tons of crude steel in the first nine months of 2023.
According to the report, major steel production companies in the world produced more than 1.4 billion tons of crude steel from January to September 2023, showing a 0.1 percent decline compared to the same period last year.
It said Iran’s steel production volume, from January to September 2023, reached 22.1 million tons.
The 63 major steel production companies in the world produced 149.3 million tons of crude steel in September 2023, registering a 1.5 percent decline compared to the corresponding period last year.
Iran churned out 2.4 million tons of crude steel in September 2023, retaining its 10th rank in the world.
The World Steel Association reported that China produced 795.1 million tons of crude steel in the nine-month period, clinching the first rank in the world, followed by India, Japan, the United States, and Russia, respectively.

-- Turkey vows to protect Iranian water share of Aras River: Official

Turkey has pledged to respect Iran’s water share of the Aras River, according to Iranian Deputy Minister of Energy Mohammad Javanbakht.
Javanbakht, who led the Iranian delegation to the second Iran-Turkey Cooperation Committee meeting, which convened on Sunday, said that Turkey has ensured Iran that dam-making on Aras River will create no limitations for Iranian water resources, IRNA reported.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the meeting, the Iranian deputy minister said that Turkish officials stressed that these dams are mainly aimed at electricity generation.
The Turkish officials have stressed that it would be possible for Iran to use its share of the river during drought, the Javanbakht said.
Problems related to the water share in Aras were discussed in the first session of the Iran-Turkey Joint Water Cooperation Committee, held in 2021, following a visit by Javanbakht to neighboring Turkey.

-- IRGC unveils Fattah-2 hypersonic missile, other military achievements

Iran unveiled the homegrown Fattah-2 hypersonic missile, mobile defense system, drone, and other military achievements on Sunday in the presence of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei.
During the visit to the Ashura Aerospace University of Science & Technology, Ayatollah Khamenei toured an exhibition showcasing the latest achievements of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force.
The Leader listed initiative and innovation as key features of the Aerospace Force exhibition. However, he cautioned against complacency with the current level of achievements, acknowledging that various military and non-military sectors worldwide are constantly moving forward. He stressed the need for continuous efforts to avoid falling behind.
Ayatollah Khamenei considered the movement and progress within the Armed Forces as swift and desirable, emphasizing the necessity of not reducing the momentum of these advancements. The “Fattah-2” hypersonic cruise missile, the mobile air defense system “Mehran,” and the upgraded system, “9 Dey,” as well as the drone “Shahed 147,” were unveiled. The first version of Fattah, with a range of 1,400 kilometers, was unveiled in June.
The warhead of Fattah-1 has a spherical engine running on solid fuel with a movable nozzle that allows the missile to move in all directions.
Fattah-2, however, has been furnished with an HGV warhead that can maneuver and glide at hypersonic speed. An HGV warhead allows the ballistic missile to significantly change its trajectory after launch. The glide vehicle can reach a speed of Mach 5 to 20, depending on its design and utility.
The exhibition, which included missile, drone, defense and space sections, featured new and updated achievements of the young scientists and specialists of the IRGC Aerospace Force, under the title “From Idea to All-Iranian Product.”
The latest measures and developments in the field of launching satellites into space were another part of the exhibition.

Muslim states urged to sever Israel ties for a limited time
Speaking at the unveiling ceremony, the Leader said that Muslim governments should do the major task which is to prevent the flow of energy and goods to Israel.
“The Islamic governments should cut their political relations with the Zionist regime at least for a limited period,” he added. Ayatollah Khamenei also urged nations to continue protests in a bid not to let the oppression of the Palestinian people be consigned to oblivion. The Leader also said that Israel has failed to destroy Hamas despite using all its military power and conducting massive bombings on Gaza.
“The defeat of the Zionist regime in Gaza is a reality. Entering hospitals or people’s homes is not a victory because victory means defeating the opposite side, something that the Zionist regime has not achieved so far and will not be able to do so in the future,” he asserted. The whole world, Ayatollah Khamenei said, is faced with the fact that a regime with advanced and sophisticated military equipment has not been able to overcome its opposite side, which has none of this equipment.
Israel waged the brutal war on the blockaded Gaza Strip on October 7 after the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity. Since the start of the aggression, the Tel Aviv regime has killed at least 12,300 Palestinians, including more than 5,000 children, 3,300 women, and injured 30,000 others.

-- Raisi criticizes inaction on Gaza, hopes for a fair global order

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has criticized the international forums for their silence regarding Israel’s crimes in Gaza, saying people around the world seek a fair global order.
“Today, people around the world not only hold hatred towards the Zionist regime and the United Sates but also feel dissatisfied with all international mechanisms, Raisi said during an inauguration ceremony of a hospital in Tehran’s Shahriar County on Sunday, reported.     
He expressed confidence that a fair global system will emerge in the world through the determination of nations.
According to Gaza’s Health Ministry, Israeli attacks have killed 12,300 Palestinians, including more than 5,000 children, and 3,300 women, since October 7.
The Iranian chief executive also said that the resilience of the people of Gaza teaches the entire world a lesson to resist and declare hatred toward the enemies of humanity.
“The pure blood of 5,000 Palestinian children will cause divine revenge to hit today’s pharaohs and end their rule,” he said.
Meanwhile, in a letter on Sunday, the president of Iran’s Academy of Medical Sciences has called on the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to either take effective measures to stop Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip or resign, Press TV reported.
Seyed Alireza Marandi told Guterres it’s unfortunate that Israel is committing such “unique historical crimes” in your tenure and the UN has done nothing to prevent it.  
“These dark days will be recorded in history. The least you can do is to stand among the oppressed and helpless people of Gaza and on behalf of the international community order international aid to be sent to Gaza,” Marandi wrote.
Marandi also said that during the past 40 days, the countries of the world have witnessed “the great crime” of the Israeli regime, which may be unprecedented in history.

-- ‘Horrendous events’ in Gaza ‘beggar belief’: UN rights chief

The level of violence ravaging Gaza in recent days is unfathomable, the UN rights chief said Sunday, with attacks on schools harboring displaced people and a hospital turned into a “death zone”.
“The horrendous events of the past 48 hours in Gaza beggar belief,” United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said in a statement.
He spoke as the World Health Organization scrambled to evacuate the last remaining patients and staff from the Shifa Hospital, with UN officials describing the Palestinian territory’s largest health facility, raided last week by Israeli troops, as a “death zone”.
Elsewhere in northern Gaza, a Hamas health official said more than 80 people were killed on Saturday in twin strikes on Jabalia refugee camp, including on a UN school sheltering displaced people.
“The killing of so many people at schools turned shelters, hundreds fleeing for their lives from Shifa Hospital, amid continuing displacement of hundreds of thousands in southern Gaza, are actions which fly in the face of the basic protections civilians must be afforded under international law,” Turk said.
He described the images purportedly taken in the aftermath of the reported Israeli strike on the UN-run Al-Fakhura School as “horrifying”, and “clearly showing large numbers of women, children and men severely wounded or killed”.
“The pain, dread, and fear etched on the faces of children, women and men is too much to bear,” Turk said.
“How much more violence, bloodshed and misery will it take before people come to their senses? How many more civilians will be killed?”

‘Death zone’
The World Health Organization said it had led an assessment mission to Shifa Hospital and determined it was a “death zone”, urging a full evacuation.
The United Nations health agency said it was developing an evacuation plan for nearly 300 remaining patients and 25 health workers after the Israeli military had earlier ordered the evacuation of some 2,500 displaced people sheltering on the hospital grounds.
Columns of sick and injured – some of them amputees – were seen making their way out of Shifa Hospital Saturday towards the seafront without ambulances along with displaced people, doctors and nurses, as loud explosions were heard around the complex.
All premature babies at the hospital were later evacuated, a health official in the territory said.
Eight babies had died in the past days after power supplies ran out at Shifa, with not enough electricity to continue operating the incubators, Gaza’s Health Ministry said.
Deal on captives
A deal to free captives Hamas seized in its October 7 attack on Israel now hinges on “minor” practical issues, Qatar’s prime minister said Sunday, without giving details or a
“The challenges that remain in the negotiations are very minor compared to the bigger challenges; they are more logistical, they are more practical,” Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani told a joint press conference with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.
Qatar has helped broker talks aiming to free some of the 240 captives in return for a temporary cease-fire, a mediation effort that has so far led to the release of four captives.
Israel has so far refused to heed calls for a cease-fire before all the captives are released.

Israel’s casualties
The regime’s army said Sunday three more soldiers were killed in fighting in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, raising the number of troop deaths there to 62 since the conflict began.
Fighting raged Sunday in Gaza, more than six weeks after a shock Hamas attack sparked an air and ground offensive by Israel.
In Gaza, around 12,300 people, more than 5,000 of them children, have been killed in the conflict.

Israeli ship seized
Since the beginning of the conflict, resistance groups, including Ansarullah movement in Yemen, have warned Israel over its brutal attacks on Gaza.
Yemen said on Sunday that its armed forces have seized an Israeli ship and detained dozens of its crew members in the Red Sea following warnings by the Yemeni Ansarullah movement that the force will target any Israeli ship crossing the country’s territorial waters.
52 people who were on board the ship were also arrested.
The incident came after a spokesman for Ansarullah, Yahya Sarea, said on Sunday the group will target all ships owned or operated by Israeli companies, or carrying the Israeli flag.


-- Biden Exposes Flaws of the Brutal System of Liberal Democracy

Joe Biden, the US president whose hands are dipped in the innocent blood of over 12,000 civilians of Gaza, mostly women and children, unwittingly exposed the articulately concealed fallacies of the highly flawed system of liberal democracy by calling behind the back China’s President Xi Jinping a ‘dictator’, shortly after being outwitted in a personal meeting.
The blockhead who criminally supports the illegal Zionist entity’s terrorism against Palestinians and has sent weapons and warships to West Asia to intensify the genocide in Gaza, besides backing the killing of scores of thousands of Slavs in Ukraine, wrongly thinks of himself as an advocate of democracy when according to the West’s own definition ‘democracy’ means a representative or popular government that heeds the people’s voice and the public demand for peace.
The US citizens want the end of the war that NATO has pushed Ukraine into against Russia, but Biden and his regime in blind support of the Zionist jester Volodymyr Zelenksy – a non-Semitic Khazar claimant to Judaism – is sending state-of-the-art military hardware to Kiev to try to disturb all efforts for peace and stability in eastern Europe by President Vladimir Putin – also called ‘dictator’ by the bloodthirsty adherent of ‘democracy’ in Washington.
For the past six weeks hundreds of thousands of conscientious US citizens of all strata of society, including Christians, Muslims, Jews, and non-believers, are demanding ceasefire in Gaza, calling for freedom of Palestine from 75 years of east European Zionist occupation, and questioning the squandering of hundreds of billions of dollars of the hard-earned money of the American taxpayers as aid to abet Israel’s crimes against humanity.
Yet, Biden the elected head of a so-called representative government completely ignores public demands and popular voices (even from his own offices), for peace and respect for humanitarian values, and instead intensifies war, bloodshed, destruction, and ethnic-cleansing.
Moreover, like his predecessors in the White House who were all bloodthirsty claimants of democracy with a record of terrorism, atomic bombing, and massacre of millions of people all over the globe, Biden is a cheat, a liar, a promoter of discrimination at home, a proliferator of tensions abroad, a preventer of the progress of world countries through sanctions, and a plunderer of the wealth of nations.
The US is not alone in this tyrannical field of liberal democracy. It enjoys the criminal company of tricksters of the regimes of Western Europe, especially of Britain, France, and Germany. 
It is also aligned with the unelected potentates of several Arab and African colonial-created states where people have no vice, and are suppressed with US-supplied weaponry – although second or third rate when compared to armaments given free to the illegal Zionist entity.
And, of course, liberal democracy means the US should be hands-in-glove with Usurper Israel to treat the natives of Palestine as ‘human-like animals’ to be brutalized, bulldozed, bombed, and blown to bits at will.
In contrast, we have to admit in view of the record that speaks for itself, Biden’s ‘dictators’ have never behaved in such a brutal manner as the claimants of liberal democracy, ensuring all the while the progress of their nations and goodwill on the global scale with efforts for peace and removal of tensions between countries, along with castigation of the crimes against humanity of terroristic regimes.

-- ‘Just World Order’ to Emerge From Blood of Gazans

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said Sunday a “just world order” will emerge from the blood of the Palestinian people who are the target of a genocidal war being waged by the occupying regime of Israel.
Addressing a gathering of people in Tehran’s Shahriar County, Raisi said people across the world hold hatred toward the Zionist regime and are disappointed at the United Nations and its Security Council, which are no longer effective in preventing Israeli atrocities against Palestinians.
“Today, people feel that they should seek the establishment of a just world order,” he said.
“A just world order will definitely be formed through the will of nations and the pure blood of the Palestinians.”
The president also said the resilience of the people of Gaza is a lesson to the entire world to resist and declare hatred toward the enemies of humanity.
“The pure blood of 5,000 Palestinian children will cause divine revenge to hit today’s pharaohs and end their rule,” he said.
On Saturday night, Iran strongly condemned Israeli airstrikes on UN-run schools in the northern Gaza Strip, which martyred dozens of people, including children.
“Unfortunately, the occupying Zionist regime is ruthlessly and viciously perpetrating new war crimes and carnages on a daily basis against Palestinian women and children, who have taken refuge in houses, shelters and temporary accommodation centers, in light of the inaction of world states and international bodies,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said.
He called upon the international community, particularly the Muslim world, to take on their responsibilities and adopt immediate and deterrent actions in the face of the naked and premeditated genocide of the criminal Israeli regime against the defenseless Palestinian people.
At least 50 people were martyred in Israeli air raids on the Al-Fakhoora School, run by the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), in the Jabalia refugee camp, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said.
Several people were also martyred and hundreds of others injured in a separate attack on another school in Tal al-Zaatar neighborhood.
Hundreds of people are believed to have taken shelter at both schools from barbaric Israeli airstrikes.
“Shelters are a place for safety. Schools are a place for learning. Tragic news of the children, women and men killed while sheltering at Al-Fakhouri school in northern Gaza. Civilians cannot and should not have to bear this any longer,” UN relief chief Martin Griffiths said in reaction to the Israeli air raids.

-- CNN: Israel ‘Rearranged’ Weapons at Shifa Hospital

An analysis Saturday by CNN did not exclude the possibility that the Zionist army “rearranged” weapons it claimed to have found at the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City before the international media were allowed to visit the site.
CNN said that according to a Nov. 15 video published by Israeli army spokesperson Jonathan Concricus, an AK-47 gun was seen behind an MRI machine in one of the buildings in the Al-Shifa Hospital complex.
But when Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst visited the site, he filmed two AK-47 guns behind the MRI machine, not one as appeared in the earlier video by the Israeli army.
“It is unclear where the second AK-47 gun came from and why it is not visible in the earlier IDF clip,” said CNN.
It noted in its analysis that BBC was also granted access to the MRI room at the hospital and filmed the two AK-47 guns.
The occupying regime of Israel has long accused Hamas of using the Al-Shifa Hospital to direct military operations -- an allegation vehemently denied by the Palestinian resistance group.
The Gaza-based Health Ministry said dozens of patients, including premature babies, have died at the hospital between Nov. 11-16 due to a lack of electricity as the Israeli army cordoned off the hospital before storming.
On Sunday, 31 “very sick” premature babies were safely transferred from Gaza’s main hospital to another in the south on Sunday, and will be moved to Egypt on Monday, health officials said, as scores of other critically wounded patients remained stranded there days after Israeli forces entered the compound.
The fate of the newborns at Shifa Hospital had captured global attention after the release of images showing doctors trying to keep them warm. A power blackout had shut down incubators and other equipment, and food, water and medical supplies ran out as Zionist forces faced stiff resistance from Palestinian fighters outside the hospital.
World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on social media that the “very sick” babies were evacuated along with six health workers and 10 staff family members. They were taken in ambulances of the Palestinian Red Crescent to a hospital in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, where they were receiving urgent care.
The babies suffered from dehydration, vomiting, hypothermia and some had sepsis because they didn’t receive any medication, and they had not been in “suitable conditions for them to stay alive,” said Mohamed Zaqout, director of Gaza hospitals. They’ll go to Egypt for more specialized care, he said.
A WHO team that visited the hospital on Saturday said 291 patients were still there, including the babies, trauma patients with severely infected wounds, and others with spinal injuries who are unable to move. Four babies died in the two days before their visit, according to Zaqout.

About 2,500 displaced people, mobile patients and medical staff left Shifa Hospital on Saturday morning, the WHO said. It said 25 medical staff remained, along with the patients.
“Patients and health staff with whom they spoke were terrified for their safety and health, and pleaded for evacuation,” the agency said, describing Shifa as a death zone.
Heavy clashes were reported in the built-up Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza overnight into Sunday. “There was the constant sound of gunfire and tank shelling,” Yassin Sharif, who is sheltering in a UN-run hospital in the camp, said by phone. “It was another night of horror.”
The commissioner-general of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Philippe Lazzarini, said 24 people were martyred in what witnesses described as an Israeli airstrike on a school in a crowded UN shelter in Jabaliya the day before.  
More than 11,500 Palestinians have been martyred, according to Palestinian health authorities. A further 2,700 have been reported missing, believed buried under rubble.  
 More than two-thirds of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million have fled their homes. The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, or UNRWA, is struggling to provide basic services to hundreds of thousands of people sheltering in and around schools and other facilities. Seventeen of its facilities have been directly hit and 176 people reportedly killed, the agency said.
Their misery has worsened in recent days with the arrival of winter, as cold winds and driving rain buffet tent camps.
Israel cut off all fuel imports at the start of the war, causing Gaza’s sole power plant and most water treatment systems to shut down, leaving most residents without electricity or running water.
The Israeli military plans to expand its invasion to southern Gaza, where Israel has told Palestinian civilians to seek refuge. The Zionist regime has repeatedly struck the south, often killing civilians.
The evacuation zone is already crammed with displaced civilians, and it was not clear where they would go if the invasion moved closer. Egypt has refused to accept any influx of Palestinian refugees, in part because of fears that Israel would not allow them to return.

-- Iranian FM: Palestinian Military Potentials Still Untapped 

Palestinian resistance groups are smartly managing the pressure on the Zionist regime and its allies and there are still untapped potentials, an Iranian member of parliament said, citing Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian.  
Abolfazl Amouei, the rapporteur of parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said that the foreign minister had made the remarks during his presence at the commission on Sunday.

-- Fresh Rallies Held Across World in Solidarity With Palestine

People across the world have held fresh rallies to express solidarity with Palestinians and demand an end to the Zionist regime’s war on Gaza.
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered on a main thoroughfare in Pakistan’s second-largest city, Lahore, on Sunday to show solidarity with the people of Gaza, where Israeli forces have intensified strikes and launched a ground operation.
Protesters, including women and children, gathered on Canal Road near the Punjab University and marched towards Kalma Square, waving tri-color Palestinian flags and wearing arms and headbands engraved with the slogan “Labbaik ya Gaza” (Aqsa, we are here).
Organized by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), the country’s mainstream religiopolitical party, the march is viewed as one of the biggest rallies held in Pakistan since Oct. 7.
Organizers claimed that over 100,000 people attended the rally, while security officials estimated that the figure was closer to 50,000.
“Palestine will be free,” “Down with Israel,” and “Stop genocide against Palestinians” were among the slogans inscribed on banners and placards carried by protesters.
“Labbaik, Labbaik, Labbaik ya Gaza” ( Gaza we are here), thousands chanted in unison as JI chief Siraj-ul-Haq, wearing a “keffiyeh” scarf, and other leaders made a hand-chain to express solidarity with Palestinians.
Thousands of people also flooded the streets of the Irish capital in solidarity with the Palestinian people for the sixth week in a row, calling for an end to the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza.
Pro-Palestinian protests began from the Garden of Remembrance and marched across the River Liffey with protesters waving Palestinian flags and chanting slogans.
“In our thousands in our millions, we are all Palestinians,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Ceasefire now,” they chanted.
Protesters also marched to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Iveagh House, where they took part in a sit-in.
In Belfast, too, thousands of people also took part in a pro-Palestine protest. They marched from Writers Square to the offices of Northern Secretary Chris Heaton Harris in the city center.
In a press conference in Paris on Tuesday, Irish Prime Minister Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said that Ireland was “working really hard at the EU level and UN level to put pressure on” a ceasefire to be implemented.
About 2,500 pro-Palestinian protesters marched in Berlin in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip as German police accompanied the demonstration with several hundred officers.
The protesters demanded a free Palestine in chants as they walked through the streets, calling for Israel to “stop the war on Gaza.”
They also accused the German government of taking a biased approach to the Gaza war by siding with the Zionist regime.


-- Killing children without guilty conscience product of Zionists’ racism: Leader

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei toured an exhibition showing the latest achievements of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force in a visit to the Ashura Aerospace University of Science & Technology on Sunday. After stating a number of points and expressing his satisfaction about the IRGC›s Aerospace Force achievements shown in this exhibition, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution addressed the recent developments that have unfolded in Palestine including the Zionist regime’s ongoing crimes in Gaza, according to Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the events in Gaza revealed many facts that were hidden from people around the world. One of these facts has been the support of the heads of Western countries for racial discrimination. The Leader described the Zionist regime as a manifestation of racism, stating, «The Zionists consider themselves as a superior race and they consider the rest of the human race to be inferior. That is why they have killed several thousand children without any remorse.» On the same note, he emphasized, «When the President of the United States, the Chancellor of Germany, the President of France and the Prime Minister of England support and help such a racist regime with all the things that they claim, it means that these men support racism, which is one the most despised issues in the world.»

-- Iran among top 5 countries in intl. Olympiads

The outstanding achievements of Iranian students in international Olympiads have placed the country among the top five nations in the world. “The educational system of other countries is excellent, yet Iran is among the top 5 countries in the world in the international Olympiads, YJC quoted Elham Yavari, the head of the National Organization for the Development of Brilliant Talents (SAMPAD), as saying. Yavari pointed to a reform-based plan approved by Iran’s Ministry of Education in 2011 that defined a 20-year prospect for the elevation of educational standards and improvement of the educational system across the country. The head of SAMPAD said the scheme, dubbed the Fundamental Reform Document, educates students in the six fields of sports, science, entrepreneurship and economy,

-- Iran claim 2023 World Sitting Volleyball World Cup title

Reigning world champions Iran and Asian champions China captured the 2023 World ParaVolley Sitting Volleyball World Cup gold medals in Cairo, Egypt, after going undefeated on Saturday. Iran topped the men’s podium after their 3-0 (25-21, 25-19, 25-17) victory over hosts Egypt, completing their tournament sweep. The world champions started the scoring but were met with the hosts’ strong resistance in the opening set. Iran gave its top player Morteza Mehrzad a breather as they led with a two-point cushion at 15-13 but had to call a timeout at the score of 19-all. And at 21-all, Mehrzad had to come back in to help out with the offence. Egypt managed to score two more markers, but Iran escaped with a 25-21 set win. Mehrzad also started in the next two frames but got some rest during each set as his teammates controlled the tempo of the game. Iran closed the second and third sets 25-19 and 25-17, respectively, to secure the gold medal. 

-- Iran’s non-oil export to Pakistan rises 62% in 7 months on year

The value of Iran’s non-oil export to Pakistan increased by 62 percent during the first seven months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-October 22), as compared to the same period of time in the past year, the spokesman of the International Relations and Trade Development Committee of Iran’s House of Industry, Mining and Trade announced. Ruhollah Latifi said that Iran exported non-oil commodities worth $1.14 billion to its neighbor Pakistan in the seven-month period of this year. He also announced that Iran imported commodities valued at $352.64 million from Pakistan during the first seven months of this year, with 39 percent drop year on year. The official has previously announced that Iran’s non-oil export to Pakistan increased by 18 percent in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended on March 20).


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