News ID : 155316
Publish Date : 11/17/2023 7:00:54 AM
The speech of Yemen’s Ansarullah chief regarding the latest developments in the region

The speech of Yemen’s Ansarullah chief regarding the latest developments in the region

​Abdul-Malik al-Houthi: God asked the Ummah to fight and scare the enemy.

NOURNEWS- The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement has called on Arab countries and the Muslim world to adopt a clear stance in the face of Israel’s ongoing atrocities against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi made the remarks in a televised speech broadcast live on Tuesday to commemorate the anniversary of “Martyrs” in the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a.

Israel has been heavily bombing Gaza since October 7, after the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas launched massive Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity in response to the Israeli regime's decades-long suppression of Palestinians.

According to the Gaza-based health ministry, more than 11,255 Palestinians, including 4,630 children and 3,130 women, have been killed and more than 29,000 others injured in the Israeli strikes.

Houthi stressed that the Israeli regime is committing genocide in Gaza and the Muslim world has shown a “weak and limited” stance on the occupying regime’s atrocities.

“Gaza is experiencing genocide and cold-blooded killing of its people even at the mosques, schools, hospitals, and the international organizations in which they take shelter,” the leader of the popular Yemeni resistance movement said.

“In the face of the major tragedy that the Palestinian people [have been suffering] for more than 70 years, a limited and weak stance has been shown by over a billion Muslims,” he lamented. “Arab regimes are losing seriousness and do not have the will to act seriously towards Gaza.”

Houthi underlined that the Gaza Strip is subjected to a joint Israeli-Arab siege, and the neighboring countries are not seriously trying to deliver food, medicine, and humanitarian aid that the blockade area needs.

In his televised address on Tuesday, the Ansarullah chief also expressed his disappointment with the final statement issued by the Arab-Islamic Summit in Riyadh over the weekend.

“Although the Arab-Islamic Summit was an emergency meeting of 57 countries, it did not come up with a position or practical action, and this is shameful and sad,” Houthi said.

“The summit that claimed to represent all Muslims only produced statements with no practical stance. Is this capability of over a billion and a half Muslims?” he added. “Fifty-seven Arab and Islamic countries, with all their … capabilities, came out with a statement that could have been issued by a primary school and by one person.”

The Ansarullah chief also stressed that the outcome of the summit was a very ordinary statement that was “ridiculed by the Israelis.”

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi continued and said: The Zionist enemy is committing the worst crimes against the Palestinian people. The main goal and focus of the Zionist regime in Gaza are on hospitals, the enemy uses all tools and devices in commission of its crimes in Gaza.

Most of the martyrs of Gaza are children and women. The level of brutality of the Zionists and the oppression of the people of Gaza can be seen in the recent crimes. Passing Zionist tanks over corpses is an outrage and a crime that has reached its highest level. Silent and sleeping consciences should wake up after seeing the crimes of the Zionists.

The people of Gaza are under a joint Israeli and Arab siege. An elementary school and one person could have written this statement. Israel got this message from the Riyadh summit that there are no obstacles against it, and it can do whatever it wants.

Saudi Arabia is holding a dance festival while the people of Gaza are being slaughtered. The Saudi government gave billions of dollars to a Jewish Zionist singer who insulted God in his songs and invited thousands of dancers and singers to come to Riyadh.

Furthermore, in his speech, the leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah touched upon Yemen’s support of the Palestinian cause and said: Yemen will be with Palestine at all military levels. From the very beginning, we announced that we would be with the Palestinian people. This is our official and popular position. The masses of Yemeni people are taking steps to help the Palestinian people.

The people of Yemen showed their religious identity in their demonstrations, which have never been held anywhere else. If we had a land border with Palestine, hundreds of thousands of Yemenis would go to Gaza. We will continue our drone and missile attacks. We will target every target of the Zionist regime inside or outside the occupied territories.

We hit every ship that flies the Israeli flag through the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandab. Israeli ships that pass through the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandab should be very careful. Zionist ships do not dare to plant the Israeli flag because they will surely be attacked.

American and Israeli goods should be embargoed. I ask all the people of Islamic and Arab countries to boycott American and Israeli goods. In countries that do not allow people to protest, they can help Palestine by boycotting American and Israeli goods.

There is a possibility of expanding the circle of conflict in the region, we continue to support Palestine. We continue our actions on a daily basis.

In the end, Houthi once again stressed that the position of the Yemeni people on the issue of Gaza is “firm,” and said Sana’a would continue to provide support and assistance to the Palestinian people and their resistance until Palestine is liberated from the Israeli occupation.



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