News ID : 155288
Publish Date : 11/15/2023 11:24:53 PM
An almost forgotten war in midst of Israel-Hamas war

An almost forgotten war in midst of Israel-Hamas war

The impunity of Ukrainian officials and politicians for systemic corruption, for squandering the resources of the AFU and for presiding over a drastic decline of the Ukraine economy have led to a situation where Ukraine is now losing cities one by one.

NOURNEWS- Ukraine government and Volodymyr Zelensky are something of a wonder. While the extends of Kyiv’s lies and corruptions are becoming something more known to the public opinion of the world, Zelensky, still keeps on pushing a farce and baseless narration which is: Ukraine is winning the war, but it still needs more support from the west.

Before getting into the field situation of Ukraine war, everyone should consider the current situation of the world. Even if the Nazism government of Ukraine was truly victorious in its war against Russia, the current world is not the same world of 22 February 2022 – when Russia started its special military operation in Ukraine – and accordingly, the western countries cannot keep on supporting Ukraine and its corrupt regime.

Right now, West Asia region is facing a rising chance of regional conflict due to the Zionist regime’s invasion of Gaza and its war crimes. In accordance, the focus of the Western warmongers, especially US, has shifted towards their largest military base in the world, Israel, which is located in the West Asia, where the most of the world’s energy sources are located. Meanwhile, as “I see that there is a lot of fatigue … from all the sides,” Italy’s PM, Giorgia Meloni has said, the fatigue of western countries over Ukraine war and unending begging of Zelensky has gaining more traction than ever before.

So, the West no longer can solely focus on Ukraine and their civilizational war against Russia, which its sole purpose was to weaken Russia and bleed the country by thousand cuts. Furthermore, Zelensky’s decision to rule out wartime elections has led to the rising concern of US government and other western allies of Ukraine regarding the waning democratic values in Ukraine.

Now, let’s get into the situation of Ukraine’s battlefield, according to Zelensky himself, "Avdiivka, Marinka, Bakhmut front, Lyman front, Kupiansk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson oblasts are facing difficulties.". The Ukrainian president furthermore added: "It's clear that the war in the Middle East is taking away the focus from Ukraine.” He said Russia wanted this focus to be "weakened", but stressed that "everything is in our powers". But he had to admit that Russia was "controlling the skies"

Is Ukraine really in control of the Battlefield?

Avdiivka is an industrial suburb of the capital city of Donetsk still held by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Since 2014, the governing coup regime in Ukraine has waged a terror campaign against the residents of Donetsk and its suburbs, using artillery, rockets, and sniper fire. Avdiivka has served as a key fortification of this campaign.

Avdiivka has served as a key fortification for Ukrainian forces while they continue to pound nearby Donetsk city and surrounding suburbs with artillery and rocket fire. Large amounts of money have been invested by Ukraine since 2015 to fortify Avdiivka.

For nine long years, since 2014, the Ukrainian armed forces have steadily shelled the citizens of Donetsk city and the republic of the same name. There have been thousands of deaths. Western media has chosen all along not to report to its consumers what has been taking pace there. Instead, it presents a story of 'Russian-backed separatists' seeking to destroy Ukraine.

Since 2014, the Ukrainian army has built large fortifications in Avdiivka, including deep underground bunkers and passageways, protected by concrete walls five meters thick in places. This fact alone shows that from 2014 to 2022, Ukraine had no intention to fulfill the Minsk peace agreement of 2015, including stopping the shelling and rocket attacks against Donetsk and Lugansk. 

In this sector, Russian forces have increased the number of air strikes in the past days, using mostly guided aerial bombs and a large military operation by the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the Donetsk Republic has been underway for several months to capture Avdiivka,

In October, one of the most difficult military issues facing Ukraine was the unfolding battle for control of the industrial suburb of Avdiivka (Avdiivka) in the Donetsk Republic (Donbass region). Armed forces of the Russian Federation and its Donetsk Republic commenced a military drive several months ago to liberate the suburb. This occurred as a much-publicized, self-declared 'counteroffensive' by Ukraine begun in early June of this year has soon stalled and still is petering out.

The capture of Avdiivka and adjacent territories will ease the ongoing shelling of Donetsk, but in order to finally end all the attacks against the city and its suburbs, the Ukraine armed forces must also be driven from other settlements west of Donetsk, including Maryinka, Krasnogorovka, Karlivka and Kurakhovo.

Viktor Vodolatsky, an elected member of the Russian State Duma, explains that Avdiivka was made into a fortress under the guidance of Western military specialists and that it is very difficult to storm it. "Avdiivka is a strategic point for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in which they have invested a huge amount of Western funds and built well-protected bunkers and passageways. Tens of thousands of tons of concrete have been poured there. Therefore, it is absurd to expect that Russia would take the city tomorrow."

In Ukraine, the battle for Avdiivka is being compared to the earlier, months-long and bloody battle for control over the city of Bakhmut, which ended in May of this year with a Russian victory. The same fate is waiting for Avdiivka.

Russian and Donetsk forces are slowly creating lines to squeeze or entirely block the re-supply routes into Avdiivka of weapons, ammunition and troops, just as they did earlier at Bakhmut. And according to Ukrainian channels, the Russian forces have begun to pressure the flanks of Ukraine's defenses. The AFU losses from enormous artillery and rocket fire from the Russian side are huge. No military expert dares to predict that the flanks of the AFU pockets may hold.

Sure enough, on November 2, the same channel reported that the Ukrainian defenses of the city were beginning to collapse. Reserve forces of Ukraine transferred from the direction of Zaporizhzhia have managed to stop the Russian advances in Avdiivka for a time, but the situation has not fundamentally altered in Ukraine's favor. Kyiv will need to constantly send reserves into the city. This will weaken other fronts and open them up to Russian advances.

As in the battle for Bakhmut, the tactics of the Ukrainian armed forces are reduced to throwing new and poorly trained units of conscripted soldiers into the semi-encircled city at a high risk of death or injury. Many reservists do not even make it to the city. The only road open to Avdiivka for Ukraine has become a lengthy graveyard of Western-supplied military equipment.

For the Ukrainian authorities, the fall of Avdiivka will be a serious blow to the image of the war they are waging. According to president Volodymyr Zelensky's former adviser, Oleksiy Arestovich, who resigned and left for Europe several months ago, the fall of Avdiivka would be a harsh verdict on the corrupt Ukrainian government system in place ever since the demise of the Soviet Union.

Arestovich says the impunity of Ukrainian officials and politicians for systemic corruption, for squandering the resources of the AFU and for presiding over a drastic decline of the Ukraine economy have led to a situation where Ukraine is now losing cities one by one. All are being lost along by the same military pattern. "The prospect of losing Avdiivka after losing Popasna, Severodonetsk, Lysychansk and Bakhmut is a verdict against the current government system," he said.

The loss of Avdiivka, which is the largest Ukrainian fortification in Donbass, after a nearly five-month uninterrupted and highly ineffective 'counteroffensive' by the AFU is a powerful blow to Kyiv's reputation.

According to former Ukrainian MP, Igor Mosiychuk, a right-wing Ukrainian nationalist, the fall of Avdiivka is only a matter of time, but Ukrainian propagandists have the population living in a dream world. "The fall of Avdiivka will be a verdict against the financial and military support being provided to Ukraine," he says.

Ukrainian experts also report disagreements between the political leadership and military leadership in Ukraine. The military believes that it is not worth sacrificing its forces for the sake of holding Avdiivka, but for government authorities, the 'effectiveness' of the military needs to be demonstrated to the West in order to keep the flow of money and military assistance flowing.

Unfortunately, and tragically, peace talks are not part of the West's plans for Ukraine. For it, the war is all about weakening Russia, and the governing regime in Ukraine led by Zelensky is all in favor of receiving more funds from its western allies to use for his personal needs while his own people are dying in the battlefield as he fills his bank accounts.

As of this moment, more than half of million Ukrainians have died because of Kyiv's corrupted policies and Zelensky's desire for not ending the war due to Western countries' demands. And according to the mentioned facts; No, Ukraine is not winning the war and Avdiivka is the last fortress of Kyiv, which after it falls, Zelensky no longer can try to show Ukraine as victorious.

BY: Homayoun Barkhor


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