News ID : 155184
Publish Date : 11/17/2023 3:31:37 AM
Kanaani: Iran tries to increase the moral costs of supporting the Zionist regime in the world

Kanaani: Iran tries to increase the moral costs of supporting the Zionist regime in the world

The spokesperson of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: During this period, we tried to increase the moral costs of supporting the Zionist regime for the governments that support the Zionist regime against the wishes of the public opinion of their countries.

NOURNEWS- Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, attended his weekly press conference and answered the questions of the media on November 13.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said about the developments in Palestine: According to the media, the director of the Gaza branch of the International Red Cross mentioned that they are facing a terrible disaster. These are the statements of the official in charge of Gaza. Kanaani added: The World Health Organization describes the condition of Al Shifa Hospital as worrying. This is the opinion of international authorities regarding the humanitarian situation in critical areas.

Kanaani stated that the Zionist regime bombards hospitals with complete insolence and has surrounded and fired at Al Shifa Hospital, and he added: When the world does not show any deterrent reaction, the result is that other hospitals are targeted one by one, water and electricity are cut off, fuel and energy are blocked, and at the end, we are seeing that oppressed children are martyred one by one.

He continued: Who should pay attention? Other than the American government, Britain, France, and Germany? Who should pay attention to the views of the nations of the world who want to end the war? It is the responsibility of the world to take action against the Zionist regime which, under the international support of the American government in the Security Council of the Zionist regime, is calmly committing terrible crimes that cannot be described. We hope that the world will come to its senses. Forbid the continuation of crimes, pay attention to the outcry of the oppressed people of Gaza, and take practical action.

Regarding Iran's active diplomacy to stop the crimes in Gaza, the spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry said: Iran has started and continues to take various measures at all levels in connection with the heartbreaking situation in Gaza since the first day of the attack on the Gaza Strip. Iran has declared at the national level that the action of the Palestinian forces was a completely legitimate action within the framework of the rights of the occupied nation, and this legitimate right has been recognized from the perspective of international law.

Pointing out that the next chain of Iran's effort was in the region, Kanaani said: Iran tried to convince effective governments with their connections that immediate measures should be taken to prevent the Zionist regime's crimes. Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made periodical trips and has had phone conversations between the president and the heads of the countries were carried out also.

He continued: We also witnessed the holding of the summit of the heads of Islamic countries. Letters that have been sent. Countries as well as friendly countries that are members of the Security Council were asked to try to play their role.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Iran has made efforts at all these levels and stated: Fortunately, the summit was held and the president participated. A meeting at this level and with good and acceptable provisions is an indication that Iran's efforts to mobilize the Arab-Islamic countries in the region to the Palestinian issue have been successful.

Kanaani pointed out four main issues of Iran's priorities and said: Iran’s first priority is to stop the war. The second is the lifting of the siege the opening of the humanitarian crossing and the sending of humanitarian aid, as well as confronting the coercive measures of the regime and displacing the Palestinian people.

He continued: In the 3 rounds of the foreign minister's phone conversation with his Egyptian counterpart and the good meeting that took place in Riyadh, the issue of aid delivery and the opening of the Rafah crossing was one of the issues emphasized by Iran.

Regarding the trip of the Afghan delegation to Iran, Kanaani said: In connection with Iran’s water share issue, the Iranian authorities raised this issue in their talks, and it is one of Iran's demands. This trip was aimed at strengthening trade relations between Iran and Afghanistan. Iran tried to prove that as a friendly and brotherly country, it is with the Afghan nation to help improve the economic conditions of the people of this country and to improve Iran-Afghanistan relations. The results of the trips were promising. The five memorandums were signed during this trip mainly focused on commercial relations. Overall, this trip was successful and provided a new ground for the two countries to strengthen their cooperation within the framework of common interests.

Regarding the meeting of Islamic leaders in Riyadh and Iran's satisfaction with the outcome of this summit, he said: it was a success to hold the summit of Islamic countries and for countries to participate in this meeting at high levels, and it was held as a result of Iran's efforts and the good cooperation of Saudi Arabia. The fact that the nations throughout the Islamic world have been requesting Islamic governments to take the necessary measures to support Palestine for more than a month, holding a meeting at the headquarters of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, shows that the governments are serious in supporting the Palestinian issue.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued: In this context, the provisions of the issued statement were strong provisions. In the discussion of supporting the Palestinian nation and condemning the crimes of the regime, the request for an end to the attacks and the necessity of opening humanitarian aid routes to Gaza, the discussion of legal and criminal prosecution, and other matters.

Referring to Iran's official reservations in connection with some clauses of the final statement, Kanaani said: Iran expressed these reservations in the preparatory expert meetings, and at the end of the meeting, they were officially reflected to the secretariat. The important thing is that this meeting was held and was successful. But this meeting was necessary, and it is necessary to implement the provisions of the resolution and the committee that is going to be formed should seriously follow the requested matters in the international forums.

He added: In addition, the Palestinian nation expects the Islamic governments to take the necessary measures in the practical field in addition to the resolution, and this is Iran's demand as well. Meetings were held both at the level of the president and foreign ministers, it was emphasized in these meetings that the Islamic countries must use their economic capacities against the Zionist regime. Stop sending oil and also stop relations with this regime was also raised.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called these cases capacities that are at the disposal of governments and have their own effects and stated: Iran hopes that in addition to the multilateral mechanisms of Islamic countries, they will use their own capacity to pressure the regime. The world is responsible for the Palestinian issue.

Kanaani said about America's positions towards Iran: America seeks to push a biased narrative and change the facts. They always express baseless accusations, such as that the regional forces are taking orders from Iran.

He added: We have stated many times that the resistance groups in the region do not take orders from Iran, nor do we. They decide for themselves. Instead of making accusations, America should pay attention to its own behavior and unacceptable actions in support of the Zionist regime. From the very beginning, Iran has expressed its concern about the expansion of the war, and on the other hand, we have announced that the continuation of America's support for the crimes of the Zionist regime and opposition to the establishment of a ceasefire can become the basis for the opening of new fronts.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminded: America must understand that only by immediately stopping the killings, removing the complete human blockade, and withdrawing the military from the region, it can prevent the possibility of the war spreading to other regions. This matter completely depends on the behavior of the Zionist regime and the US government as a sponsor of the said regime.

Regarding the opinion of some countries regarding the two-state solution in the Palestinian lands, Kanaani said: Iran believes in the formation of a single Palestinian state from the sea to the river in relation to the Palestinian issue. Mr. Raisi also emphasized this issue in Riyadh and reminded Iran's diplomatic solution registered with the United Nations to hold a comprehensive referendum for all Palestinian citizens. Iran's position regarding the Palestinian issue is clear and has not changed.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said regarding the restriction imposed on sending humanitarian aid to Gaza due to the obstruction of the Zionist regime: the issue of providing aid to Gaza has become a complex situation due to the obstruction of the regime. Despite sending a lot of aid, the donator countries could not deliver the aid to the people of Gaza due to the regime's obstruction. Most of the aid is stored inside Egypt, and the amount of aid is like a drop in the ocean based on the statistics of world resources. This shows that all human principles and laws are being violated by the regime. In Iran's talks with Egyptian authorities, the issue of Egypt's further efforts to reopen the crossing was emphasized.

Regarding the threat of using atomic bombs by the Zionist regime, Kanaani said: This matter must be brought to the attention of the Security Council. The issue of unconventional weapons and phosphorus bombs is the responsibility of the international community and the Security Council to pay attention and put the regime under serious pressure.

Regarding the Zionist regime's accusation against Iran for supporting the resistance groups, he said: Iran's support for the resistance is not a secret. We consider the anti-Zionist resistance to be legitimate and have an internationally recognized right. A regime that has imposed numerous wars in the region and is now imposing an unequal war against Gaza.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that we do not hide Iran's support for the resistance groups and stated: We will continue our political and spiritual support. The resistance groups have the necessary power to resist the regime, and they showed this ability. The claims made by the Zionist regime are absurd, and they seek to justify their disgraceful failure. The al-Aqsa operation showed that the resistance has the ability to design and implement operations against the regime and make this regime passive.

Regarding the messages sent by the US, Kanaani said: The Americans were sending a message that we are not looking to expand the war, and you should use your influence to prevent the escalation of the war. Our answer was that the resistance groups decide independently. These American messages contradict America’s practical actions. America is responsible for the war, stands by the Zionist regime, and has also prevented the adoption of a resolution to end the regime's attacks. The American government must respond to these contradictions.

Regarding the implementation of the Iran-Iraq security agreement, Kanaani said that security agreements are being pursued within their framework and their implementation. The Iraqi authorities also presented reports on how it was implemented. They announced some positions and views recently. This issue is being pursued within the framework of the joint committee of the two countries.

Regarding the meeting of Iran’s president with his Egyptian counterpart and Iran-Egypt relations, Kanaani said: The meeting of the presidents of Iran and Egypt in Riyadh was an important meeting. We have a positive assessment of the visit. Good discussions were held. Regarding Palestine, they discussed the necessity of strengthening support for Palestine and reopening the Rafah crossing.

The Spokesman added: It was also decided that the foreign ministers of the two countries will hold talks on strengthening the relations between the two countries. We consider the improvement of relations between Tehran and Cairo to be beneficial for both countries and the region. Iran and Egypt are two countries in the Islamic world with capacity. These help to play an effective role in strengthening regional interests in the shadow of promoting bilateral relations.

Regarding the introduction of the ambassador to Yemen, he said: We are paying attention to sending the ambassador, and some issues are related to the internal conditions of Yemen, and with the improvement of the conditions, the sending of the ambassador will be prepared.

Regarding the dual behavior of some supporters of the Zionist regime in not achieving a ceasefire in Gaza, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: US government officials and some supporters of the regime say that despite the difficult situation, the time for a ceasefire has not come yet. We see this hypocritical behavior and speech in the behavioral domain of some countries. What is certain is that ending the Zionist regime's war against Gaza is a global demand.

Kanaani continued: More than fifty countries announced in Riyadh that they want a ceasefire. More than 120 countries declared in the United Nations that they want the war to end. The nations of the world are also announcing continuously on the streets. Stopping war is a global demand. But the one who does not comply is the American government and several European countries. The minds of the world will judge for itself.

Regarding the Saudi ambassador's visit to the science and technology exhibition in Iran, Kanaani said: In the shadow of the resumption of political relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the ground has been created for strengthening cooperation, including economic and commercial. This is one of the issues agreed upon by the two countries. We already had cooperation mechanisms and documents and that could help.

He continued: Visiting the technological exhibition is usually among the common duties of diplomats. In the talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries, as well as Mr. President and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, economic issues were the focus of the two countries. We hope to see the expansion of economic cooperation between the two countries.

Regarding France's claims to send messages to Iran, he said: Different countries claim or suggest that they have sent messages to Iran. Those countries that send these messages, instead of sending them to Iran, which has repeatedly said that does not have any no role, should end their unilateral support of the Zionist regime and pressure the Zionist regime to end its crimes.


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