News ID : 155068
Publish Date : 11/12/2023 12:14:21 PM
Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 12

Newspaper headlines of Iranian English-language dailies on November 12

The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Sunday, November 12, 2023.

NOURNEWS- The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Sunday, November 12, 2023.


-- Lifting agricultural tariffs will increase exports: MP

Head of the Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources and Environment Committee of the Iranian Parliament announced the removal of tax tariffs on agricultural products, adding that it will increase the export of the products.
Talking to Iran Daily, Mohammad-Javad Asgari called the removal of tariffs on the export of agricultural products a turning point in production and export of the agricultural sector, noting that with the removal of tariffs and increased monitoring of the production and export of agricultural products, the country would earn more foreign exchange and create good job opportunities.
“The issue of removing tariffs on agricultural products was included both in the sixth and seventh development plans of the country, and it was already announced that any imposition of tariffs on the export of agricultural products is prohibited.”
Some countries are interested in importing Iranian agricultural products due to their organic nature and compliance with the Carnes period in Iran, the lawmaker said.
Carnes period is called the shelf life of poisons. This period starts as soon as the poison spraying is finished and continues until the time of decomposition of the chemical substances.
He assessed the country’s agricultural products export condition as suitable, saying that to have stable export income, we should diversify the export of agricultural products along with establishing commercial cooperation with more countries.
The export of agricultural products in the first six months of the current Iranian year (1402) hit 2.618 million tons, worth $1.567 billion, which has decreased by 4,000 tons in terms of weight compared to the same period last year, but had an increase of $22 million in terms of value.
According to statistics by the Trade Promotion Organization, the agricultural sector made up six percent of the total non-oil exports of the country.
Referring to the imposed sanctions on Iran, he stated that the sanctions do not include agricultural products, so it is possible to help increase forex income for the country by focusing on exports in the agricultural sector.
“We can reduce the effects of sanctions on the country’s economy through production and export,” Asgari said, noting that sustainable exports depend on providing high-quality, healthy, standard products with appropriate packaging.
To support production and export of agricultural products, high tariffs should be imposed on the imports of products, the MP noted, adding that agriculture is the largest private sector in the country, employing four million people.
Considering that there is a population of over 500 million in the region, who are interested in receiving Iranian agricultural products, it is necessary to remove the problems and legal obstacles of exports in order to pave the ground for the growth of exports to neighboring countries.
In order to increase exports, burdensome regulations should be removed from the process of exporting agricultural products so that exporters do not have to worry about these issues, the MP said, noting that, on the other hand, incentives for the export of agricultural products should be introduced so that the exporter is more encouraged to export.

-- Iran to join shale oil market: NIOC

The reserves of shale oil in Qalikouh region of Aligudarz in the western Iranian province of Lorestan will enable the country to enter shale oil market, said an official with the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC).
A sum of 15 years of field research has been conducted in the area of Aligudarz as many sampling teams have carried out the required tests which led to extraction possibility from the above ground field, added NIOC Director of Exploration Mehdi Fakour.
Shale oil extraction is categorized in two ways, said the official, explaining that in the first way, drilling wells of 1,200 meters with very expensive methods are performed only under the conditions that $30-$40 of added-value is gained by each extracted barrel, which makes the process cost-effective.
Fakour added that there is no need for such expensive process of shale oil extraction in the above ground field of Lorestan.
“The researchers of the oil exploration in the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI) have achieved a new method on Iran’s shale oil extraction, which will be registered globally,” the official announced.
A pilot plant has been built which is developed by the Iranian method, the NIOC official said, explaining that it is collecting oil, condensates and associated gas, which enjoys a very high price that will contribute to the economy of the country.
Emphasizing that the oil specification of the region should be assessed before extraction, he expressed hope that in the next two to three months, the technical and economic report will be completed by the RIPI to start the extraction operations.

-- Nima Yushij poems still remain mysterious

Nima Yushij, the prominent figure in the contemporary literature of our country, turns 128 today, November 12. He revolutionized poetry, laying the foundation for a transformative life in the realm of poetry, introducing the sweetness of Persian language to the world.
Nima, a poet of the Mazandaran forests, breathed depth into Iranian poetry and always expressed his love for his homeland, saying, “I am Yush, I love my homeland.”
In his speech to the First Congress of Iranian Writers, 1946, in Tehran, Nima said: “My first years of life were spent among the shepherds and horse-herders who, in their seasonal movements from one grassland to another, every evening sat around the fire on the mountainside for long hours.”
Well-regarded as the sun at the center of Persian literature, he’s considered the father of modern poetry, harmonizing classical and rhythmic verses into a poetic symphony, Mehr news agency reported.
His poems guided people; however, society deemed him mad, a seeker of legends.
Nima, a child of nature, added depth into his poetry through symbols. Literary enthusiasts and experts view Nima’s language as simple and clear, conveying social message in support of the oppressed.
Nima soars with phoenix wings in the sky of Iranian literature. His thoughts, rooted in Nima’s deep reflections, remain mysterious despite the years. Scholars recognize him as a tradition-breaker in Iranian literary history. Although Nima’s form (free verse) is well-known and easy to understand, the meaning of Nima’s revolutionary work is still unclear.
​Ali Esfandiari, aka Nima Yushij, born on November 12, 1895, in Yush village, Mazandaran. In his 64 years of life, he revolutionized the millennia-old standards of Persian poetry with strong and reasoned verses. His works include diverse articles, reflections, and love letters, offering insights into social conditions and contemporary poetry analysis.
Yushij began writing poetry when he was a high school student. Until the age of 12, he lived in Yush, a village in the northern province of Mazandaran, near the Caspian Sea, where his father was a farmer.
It is said that Nima did not write in 1932 and 1933. However, in 1934, he composed the poem ‘Soqrim Castle.’ From then until 1937, Nima faced personal and psychological challenges, and, as Mehdi Akhavan-Sales described, he stayed at home to be excommunicated.
Between 1937 and 1940, Nima returned to writing with works like ‘The Phoenix’ and ‘Scavengers’.  
In addition, Nima demonstrated solidarity with Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh, evident in works like the poem ‘The Amen Bird,’ published in Atomak magazine, supporting the nationalization of the Iranian oil industry.

-- Seven-month steel output up 2%: ISPA

The latest report by the Iranian Steel Producers Association (ISPA) indicates that Iran’s steel output rose by two percent during the first seven months of the current Iranian year (March 21-October 22), compared to the same period last year.
The ISPA, in its recent report, has announced that the production of Iran’s steel products during the seven months to October 22 has reached 13 million tons, IRNA reported.
During the seven months, 18.497 million tons of semi-finished steel (billet, bloom, slab) were produced, which shows a 0.7 percent rise compared to the same period last year (18.366 million tons).
Iranian steel plants produced 11.693 million tons of billets and blooms, and 6.804 million tons of slabs in the said period.


-- Presidents Raisi, Sisi Meet in Riyadh

President Ebrahim Raisi here Saturday met with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, stating that Iran sees no obstacle to expanding relations with Cairo, as he called for unity among the Muslim countries.
“Our definite political will is to establish real relations with Iran,” President Sisi said, adding he had assigned the relevant ministers to follow up deepening relations between the two countries, IRNA reported.

-- Raisi, Assad Agree Resistance is Final Solution

The presidents of Iran and Syria here Saturday discussed the latest developments in Gaza and necessary coordination, agreeing that the only determining factor in the final situation is to strengthen the resistance.
President Bashar al-Assad and President Ebrahim Raisi also listed relief and sending humanitarian aid to the oppressed people of Gaza among the issues emphasized by both parties in their meeting, IRNA reported.

-- Nasrallah to Americans: Cease Gaza Aggression for New Fronts to Stop

Lebanon’s Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made his second speech since the start of the war on Saturday, where he called for increased pressure on the U.S. “because it is the one holding the decision in the first place”.
“To the Americans, I say: If you want the secondary fronts to stop, you must cease the aggression on Gaza,” he said.
“The most important thing at the moment is the change in world opinion regarding Israel, which is killing thousands of children and women,” he added.
He also said that the occupying regime of Israel “seeks revenge without moral, legal or humanitarian limits. This demonstrates the nature of this entity”.
Nasrallah hailed the recent counterattacks by Islamic resistance groups in Iraq and Yemen against U.S. troops and the Zionist regime.
The Hebzollah leader also paid homage to Lebanese martyrs as he marked Lebanon’s Martyrs’ Day.
“We feel the sacrifices of our martyrs as we live in security and dignity,” he said. “Our martyrs are those who shouldered their responsibilities towards the Ummah (nation) despite the high cost.”
He said the day this year with significant events taking place in Palestine and Lebanon.
“The Israeli enemy is ramping up the brutal aggression on Gaza as the resistance fighters are heroically defending their land” he said, adding the enemy is flagrantly attacking Gaza hospitals and civilian targets before the eyes of the entire world.
“One of the major aims behind the Israeli crimes is to subdue the people of the region,” he said, adding that despite Israeli atrocities throughout 75 years, the people of the region have been sticking to the choice of resistance.
Nasrallah said the Zionist regime’s brutal aggression is aimed at putting an end to the resistance, but it won’t succeed to subdue the Palestinian people.

Nasrallah said, “We are witnessing a shift in the international public opinion as the Israeli savagery and cruelty is being exposed.”
“Time is running out for the Zionist entity and those who back it,” he said.
Nasrallah also lashed out at Arab countries, saying “Can’t 57 states open the crossing in order to deliver aid and fuel to Gaza?”, referring to the Rafah crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
He said despite the horrible conditions in Gaza, Palestinian fighters are standing firm against the Israelis.
“When Israel sends elite forces to Gaza, it is a failure,” he said, the Zionist regime has failed to portray itself as the victorious power.
“The glorious and legendary battlefield in Gaza is a decisive factor in the course of the war.”
Nasrallah also lauded the resistance of Yemen, saying it had “forced the Israeli enemy to transfer some of its defense systems to Eilat.”
Touching on Iraqi resistance groups attacking U.S. troops, saying the operations display the bravery of the Iraqis in the face of U.S. occupation forces stationed in the Arab country.
“The U.S. has been futilely pressuring the resistance in Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen via Western and Arab channels, but the only way to halt the Iraqi and Syrian attacks is to stop the war on Gaza,” he said.
The Hezbollah chief also hailed the unwavering Iranian support for the resistance movements across the region.
In Lebanon, he said, operations have been ongoing since October 8 despite the enemy’s threats mainly posed by Israeli drones.
He said the resistance in Lebanon retaliated instantly to the horrible crime that killed a Lebanese woman and her three granddaughters in Aynata last week.
“We’ve informed the Israeli enemy that we won’t be lenient regarding targeting civilians,” he said.
He said actions on the battlefield speak louder than the words, adding “we look forward to the victory of Palestine and to the Israeli defeat”.

-- Gaza Hospitals Under Siege, Constant Israeli Fire

Gaza hospitals reported being under constant fire and running on nearly exhausted supplies Saturday as the occupying regime of Israel rejected key allies’ condemnation of a rising civilian death toll in the besieged territory.
The director of the Palestinian territory’s largest hospital, Al-Shifa, said on Saturday the compound was struck repeatedly overnight and lost power for hours after its generator was hit.
“We received calls about dozens of dead and hundreds wounded in air and artillery strikes, but our ambulances weren’t able to go out because of gunfire,” said hospital director Muhammad Abu Salmiya.
The Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said dozens of premature babies at Al-Shifa compound were at risk of dying because the lack of generator fuel meant their incubators could be shut down on Saturday as fighting raged.
They added one of the babies had died, and one person was killed and several others wounded in a strike on Al-Shifa early Saturday.
ZIonist forces have placed Al-Shifa under siege. No one is allowed in or out, and there’s no electricity, internet, or water. The siege is enforced as Israeli fighter jets and tanks shell areas near the hospital, while armed drones target anyone who attempts to move around in its vicinity.
Doctors without Borders confirmed reports of Palestinians being shot at as they try to leave the hospital. Local witnesses said Israeli forces killed at least one Palestinian woman as they tried to leave the hospital.
The Palestinian Red Crescent sent out an emergency call out and said Israeli tanks were less than 20 meters away from the Al-Quds hospital in Gaza.
Writing on X, the PRCS said the Al-Quds hospital, which has been attacked by Israeli forces, is hosting 14,000 displace people.
“Direct shooting at the hospital, creating a state of extreme panic and fear among 14,000 displaced people,” said the PRCS.
The regional director for Near and Middle East at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said information coming out of Al-Shifa hospital were “distressing”.
In a brief post on X, Fabrizio Carboni said the situation “cannot continue like this” as “thousands of wounded, displaced people and medical staff are at risk”.
The Palestinian Minister of Health Dr Mai Al-Kaila condemned the international community for failing to protect hospitals from Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.
“What is happening now against hospitals is a decision to kill those in them, as the wounded are dying due to the exhaustion of fuel and medical consumables,” Kaila told reporters.
“Surgeons are performing surgeries without anesthesia, and there is no electricity on the lights of mobile phones for them to operate in the night.
“The catastrophe that is occurring in Gaza now is unprecedented in Palestinian and international history.
“Our hospitals are being besieged

and bombed, and their patients, medical staff, and displaced people are being killed in full view of the entire world.”
The suffering in Gaza has prompted growing calls for a halt in five weeks of brutal Israeli bombings in order to protect civilian lives and allow humanitarian aid into the densely populated territory.
French President Emmanuel Macron expressed concern after being the first Western leader to travel to Occupied Palestine to express support for Israel following the Oct. 7 operation by Hamas.
“These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed,” Macron said on Saturday.
Israel’s extremist prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back, saying the responsibility for any harm to civilians lies with Hamas.
Hamas fighters smashed through the militarized fence on October 7, killing around 1,200 Zionists and capturing about 240 others, according to the most recent Israeli figures.
Islamic Jihad, another Palestinian resistance group present in Gaza, said on Saturday its “fighters are engaged in fierce clashes in the vicinity of Al-Shifa hospital complex” and other areas of Gaza City, claiming to have caused “casualties in the ranks of the (Israeli) enemy forces”.
Lukewarm concern over the civilian toll has also come from staunch Israel ally Washington, with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken saying Friday: “Far too many Palestinians have been killed.”
The conflict has stoked regional tensions, with deadly cross-border exchanges between the Zionist army and Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement.
In northern Gaza, the director of the Indonesian hospital said lack of fuel forced the facility to cut power to thinks like their desalination plant, scanners and lifts.
“The hospital is working with 30-40 percent of its capacity,” Atef Al-Kahlot said.
“We call on the honorable people of the world, if any of them are left, to put pressure on the occupation forces to supply the Indonesian hospital and the rest of the hospitals in the Gaza Strip.”
A wounded boy at the Indonesian hospital, Youssef Al-Najjar, said he was waiting for surgery but the necessary machines were off due to lack of power.
“I’m very thirsty but I’m not allowed to drink or eat until the operation is done,” he added.
Twenty of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are “no longer functioning”, the UN’s humanitarian agency said.
Fighting has reduced some streets in Gaza to ruins, with the sounds of apparent explosions and gunfire caught Saturday on AFPTV’s Gaza City camera.
The bodies of about 50 people killed in a strike on Gaza City’s Al-Buraq school were taken to the Al-Shifa hospital, its director said Friday.
Strikes were hitting buildings at the southern end of Gaza in Rafah, the area of the densely-populated territory to which civilians have been urged to evacuate.
“They struck us with a missile, and they are innocent people,” said Harb Fojou, standing near the rubble of a destroyed building.
Almost 1.6 million people have been internally displaced since October 7, according to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees UNRWA -- about two thirds of Gaza’s population.

-- Muslim Leaders Urge Immediate End to War on Gaza

World leaders attending the Arab-Islamic emergency summit here said Saturday that Israeli aggression in Gaza amounts to “war crimes, barbaric and inhumane massacres by the occupation government.”
They called for an immediate end to the invasion of Gaza, declaring at a joint Islamic-Arab summit in Riyadh that Israel bears responsibility for “crimes” against Palestinians.
Dozens of leaders including Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who was welcomed back into the Arab League earlier this year, attended the meeting.
Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman said the kingdom affirms its “condemnation and categorical rejection of this barbaric war against our brothers in Palestine”.
“We are facing a humanitarian catastrophe that proves the failure of the Security Council and the international community to put an end to the flagrant Israeli violations of international laws,” he said in an address to the summit.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said Palestinians are facing a “genocidal war” and called on the United States to end Israeli “aggression”.
Raisi hailed Hamas for its war against Israel and urged Islamic countries to impose oil and goods sanctions on Israel.
“There is no other way but to resist Israel, we kiss the hands of Hamas for its resistance against Israel,” Raisi said in his address.
The occupying regime of Israel has escalated its war on Gaza, where 11,078 people had been martyred as of Friday, 40% of them children, according to Palestinian officials.
The leaders also rejected calling the Israeli aggression as a “war” or “self defense.”
President Raisi said the occupying regime of Israel must be brought to justice in international courts over its genocide of the Palestinian people in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Addressing the joint emergency meeting of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Iranian president said crimes committed by the usurping Zionist regime in recent weeks have brought shame on a historical scale to morality, law and humanity.
Raisi said the U.S. government is the mastermind and main accomplice in the crimes of the Zionist regime.
“Now that the international assemblies under the influence of the United States are suffering from indecisiveness, and lack of character and identity, we must take the field,” he said.

The president said Arab and Muslim countries shoulder a responsibility to protect Palestine and the oppressed people of Gaza.
Raisi put forward Iran’s 10 urgent solutions and suggestions for the benefit of the Palestinian nation.
The president urged Muslim leaders attending the summit to take a “decisive and swift” decision in support of Palestinians. He said the United States and Israel must be obliged to accept an immediate halt to the war machine.
The Iranian president gave primacy to the complete lifting of the human blockade of Gaza and immediate and unconditional reopening of the Rafah border crossing in cooperation with Egypt to send humanitarian aid to people in Gaza as Iran’s second proposal.
He said pressure exerted by the U.S. and its Western allies is by no means an excuse to close borders.
As Iran’s third offer, Raisi urged Israel’s immediate military withdrawal from Gaza, saying Gaza belongs to Palestinians and not those who act under the command of the U.S. and Israel.
He warned countries, including Muslim nations, to be cautious about any American-Zionist plot under the pretext of ensuring security in Palestine.
Raisi said Iran’s fourth proposal urges all Muslim countries to terminate any political and economic relations with Israel. He said economic sanction, particularly in the energy sector, against the regime must figure high on the agenda.
As Iran’s fifth offer, the president called on all Muslim countries to label the Zionist regime’s army a terrorist organization. He stressed the importance of establishing an international court to prosecute the criminal leaders of Israel and the U.S., particularly those who have played a role in the genocide in Gaza.
The president called for the establishment of a special fund for the immediate reconstruction of Gaza with the acceptance of the Muslim countries attending the summit.
Referring to an Israeli airstrike on Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the besieged Gaza Strip, which killed hundreds of Palestinians, the president said October 18 should be named as the day of genocide and crime against humanity.
If Israel keeps its crimes going in the “unequal war,” Raisi said, Muslim countries must arm the Palestinian people and help them fight the occupying warmonger.
The president underscored the importance of the liberation of Palestine “from the river to the sea” as a permanent and democratic solution.
He said, “What is taking place in Gaza is a confrontation between the axis of honor and axis of evil, and everyone must clarify their side.”
The president said the U.S. is the main perpetrator and accomplice in Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. Israel is the “illegitimate child of America,” Raisi said.
“It is America that has preferred support it over the sacred lives of thousands of oppressed Palestinian children. By immediately forming its security cabinet in the occupied territories, America encouraged the Zionist regime to carry out criminal operations against the helpless people of Gaza and called it legitimate defense.”
He said the U.S. had sent its warship to the region to effectively enter the war on behalf of Israel.
“The all-out support of the Zionist regime in the UN Security Council and preventing the adoption of a resolution to stop the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza was another service of America to the aggressors, allowing them to conduct war crimes more than ever.”
The Iranian president drew an analogy between the scale of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza and the U.S. crime of atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Raisi said the Muslim world would be able to overcome problems and hardships through unity and integrity. He said Iran is for the policy of good neighborliness and harmony within the Muslim world.
Earlier in the day, the president said the time had come for action over the war on Gaza rather than talk.
“Gaza is not an arena for words. It should be for action,” Raisi said at Tehran airport before departing for the summit of Arab and Islamic nations in the Saudi Arabian capital.
“Today, the unity of the Islamic countries is very important,” he added.
It was the first visit to Saudi Arabia by an Iranian president since Tehran and Riyadh ended years of hostility under a China-brokered deal in March.
“The summit will send a strong message to warmongers in the region and result in the cessation of war crimes in Palestine,” Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amir-Abdollahian, who accompanied Raisi, was quoted as saying.
“America says it doesn’t want an expansion of the war and has sent messages to Iran and several countries [to this effect]. But these statements are not consistent with America’s actions,” Raisi said in the televised comments at Tehran airport.
“The war machine in Gaza is in the hands of America, which is preventing a ceasefire in Gaza and expanding the war. The world must see the true face of America,” Raisi said.
The Saudis were edging closer to normalization with Israel before the outbreak of the war.
The de facto Saudi leader later met with President Raisi, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported, in their first meeting since the two countries restored ties.

-- From the River to the Sea Palestine Will be Free

As the genocide in Gaza nears 12,000 fatalities and the complicity of the US and UK in the Zionist entity’s mass massacre of civilians becomes all the more clear while people around the globe and governments of the free world demand immediate ceasefire and freedom of Palestine, it seems the region and the world have entered a new stage that will culminate in not only the end of Israel but also the end of imperialism in Washington and London.
The phrase “From the River (Jordan) to the (Mediterranean) Sea” used all these years by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in reference to the eastern and western borders of one single country called Palestine, is now echoing in Europe and the US, even in the corridors of Congress.
Unfortunately, the UN and the North American and West European regimes turned a blind eye to this sagacious proposal of Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei for a peaceful solution to the chronic question through referendum involving all the original inhabitants of Palestine, that is, Muslims, Christians, and the real Semitic Jewish minority, on the assumption that brute military measures will ensure the continued usurpation of the land by the non-Semitic European Khazar Zionists.
This explains why the besieged Gazans tired of the 75-long occupation of their homeland launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm” on October 7 in the 1948 occupied parts of Palestine to shatter the myth of military/intelligence invincibility of usurper Israel.
This also explains why the Americans and the British rushed weapons and troops to the region to personally supervise the savage unabated month-long bombardment of little Gaza, horrified at the imminent collapse of the spurious Zionist entity, which in the words of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary of Lebanon’s legendry anti-terrorist movement, Hezbollah, is weaker than a cobweb.
Now the question is: Will the slaughter of the innocents and even the genocidal calls of the mass murderers in the corridors of power in White House and the White Hall to wipe out all Gazans, ensure the survival of a spider house?
Definitely not, even if it means the undemocratic censuring of Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib for her bold speech in the House in support of the now widely echoing slogan all over the world: “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free.”
This has indeed become a catchphrase worldwide as is evident by the huge rallies being staged, especially in the heart of the US and Britain, where the few genocidal politicians, terrified by the growing pro-Palestine rallies, are fast becoming a minority.
This is fully indicative of the fast approaching end of usurper Israel, and with the demise of Zionism and the myth of holocaust, the next generation of Americans, British, French, and Germans, will change the outdated imperialist governmental setups in Washington and London.


-- Tears but no action

Weeks of graphic footage reaching the international community showing the Israeli mass murder of civilians in the Gaza Strip has forced the West to speak out. But speaking out is one thing and punishing the regime is another, especially when the West has a legal obligation to do so under international law. The minimum requirement by the West is to impose sanctions on the Israeli regime, its political and military leadership, as well as other officials responsible for the Gaza bloodbath. Yet the West practices double standards, which has been on full display. The irony is that Western officials have begun to acknowledge the Israeli massacres, but the United States and the United Kingdom, in particular, have gone to the extreme to protect their major destabilizing proxy in West Asia. The West has acknowledged Israeli indiscriminate use of force, yet it is shielding the regime from any prosecution and is complicit in the Israeli aggression.

-- How I learned to believe in Holocaust: A look at modern atrocities

There is no denying that the Holocaust completely ravaged the Jewish community, but once we are able to go beyond the pointless arguments about whether or not the Holocaust happened during World War II, we may start embracing the fact that the original Holocaust actually happened at least a few thousand years before the twentieth century. Already accepted and embraced by all religions (even confirmed in the traditions and holy book of Islam), the other Holocaust was the criminal order of Pharaoh to immediately kill all male infants among the children of Israelite right after Pharaoh’s sorcerers announced the coming of a baby named Moses who would eventually overthrow the king. This way, thousands of innocent children became sacrifices to this ominous logic. Strikingly, today’s events in Gaza echo this same outdated logic of the ancient Pharaoh. Over a month has passed since the genocide in Gaza, with over 11,000 unarmed civilians, including at least 5,000 children, perishing.

-- The Yankees’ anxiety over Iran soft power in China

American publication Newsweek has published an article criticizing the Iranian emabssy in China for using a social media platform to shed light on the plight of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The Newsweek website titled its article as “A place in the Heart” to level accusations against freedom-lovers who seek the truth about the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip. With Israeli war crimes exacerbated in the Gaza Strip, nearly all people worldwide got worried about the condition of the oppressed Palestinians. The Israeli army’s barbaric actions, including genocide and a bunch of other violations, have been alarming. The Gaza war has expanded from just a confrontation between Hamas fighters and Israeli forces to more dangerous levels where more Palestinians are being martyred.

-- Demonstrations against Gaza massacre on both sides of the Atlantic

Dozens of protesters blocked the entrances to the facilities of military suppliers in the United Kingdom and the United States, demanding an end to arms sales to Israel. They were joined in their rallies by trade unionists. Holding banners and Palestinian flags outside a BAE Systems factory in southeastern England on Friday, they targeted the United Kingdom’s biggest military supplier. “Stop arming Israel”, read one sign at the protest at BAE’s Rochester, Kent, where the firm tests and assembles electronic equipment used on military aircraft and in surveillance systems. Other placards read “no business as usual” and “taxpayers have blood on their hands”. Organizers said they were aiming to shut down the factory “which provides components for military aircraft currently being used by Israeli forces in the bombardment of Gaza”. 

-- Iranian companies’ entrance to Cuba’s market to be facilitated: Cuban president

The president of Cuba announced the facilitation of the entry of Iranian companies into the Cuban market. Miguel Díaz-Canel made the remarks while visiting the pavilion of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the 39th Havana International Trade Fair (FIHAV 2023), accompanied by a group of officials from this country. While appreciating the presence of the Iranian firms in the mentioned exhibition, the official reiterated that his country is ready to facilitate the entrance of Iranian companies in the Cuban market. He also emphasized on the participation of Iranian companies in supplying consumer goods needed by this country and added: “We have been waiting for the arrival of Iranian goods in the Cuban market for a long time.”



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