News ID : 154978
Publish Date : 11/11/2023 10:24:04 AM
Supporters of Israel have also turned against its infanticide


Supporters of Israel have also turned against its infanticide

Despite the verbal opposition of Israel's supporting countries to the continuation of this regime's infanticide, which mostly seems like propaganda to escape the pressure of global public opinion, these countries have not taken any practical steps to stop Israel's unprecedented crimes.

NOURNEWS- With the rise of massive popular protests in different countries of the world against the continued murder of civilians in Gaza by the Zionist regime's army, the countries that are known for supporting Israel and are continuously supporting this regime have also openly protested against the war crimes committed by the Zionists in Gaza, and have demanded an end to the genocide of the Palestinian people.

In an exclusive interview with the BBC, the French president said that Israel must stop killing children and women in Gaza.

The UAE ambassador to the United Nations also said at the urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council: About 2,650 people are under the rubble in Gaza, more than half of which are children. Israel's attacks are disproportionate, cruel, and inhumane, and we condemn them in the strongest terms.

Also, a few days ago, more than 100 members of the American Congress announced in a message to the President of this country, Joe Biden, that due to the high number of dead in Gaza, immediate action should be taken to stop the war and prevent more civilian casualties.

US President Joe Biden, who traveled to Tel Aviv immediately after the start of new conflicts between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist regime and announced Washington's full support for Israel's military operations against the Palestinians, has also called for a three-day ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians a few days ago.

After the US President's request was met with a cold reaction by Benjamin Netanyahu, Biden criticized Netanyahu “unprecedentedly” and said that Benjamin Netanyahu's agreement to his request for a pause in the war took longer than he had hoped.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's negative response to establishing a cease-fire was not only aimed at the American President, but he also rejected French President, Emmanuel Macron's request to stop the killing of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and said that Hamas is responsible for the deaths of people in the Gaza Strip and Tel Aviv should not be condemned for it.

In reaction to Macron's statements about the need for a ceasefire, Netanyahu said: Hamas will repeat the crimes it committed today in Gaza, tomorrow in Paris, New York, and other places in the world.

Despite the verbal opposition of Israel's supporting countries to the continuation of this regime's infanticide, which mostly seems like propaganda to escape the pressure of global public opinion, these countries have not taken any practical steps to stop Israel's unprecedented crimes.

Since the beginning of the new round of conflicts with the resistance forces, the Zionist regime has received the support of the US, Britain, France, Germany, and some other Western countries, and has made sure Tel Avis that the reaction of the Western countries does not go beyond verbal protest, in accordance, Israel not only continues to kill civilians moreover, with the continuous bombing of hospitals, aid centers and ambulances, as well as cutting off any access to water, electricity, and preventing the transfer of food and medicine to Gaza, the Zionist regime does not allow any aid be sent to thousands of injured people located in the hospitals.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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