News ID : 154876
Publish Date : 11/10/2023 6:00:00 AM
The Zionist regime’s lies cannot hide its defeat

The Zionist regime’s lies cannot hide its defeat

While most of the Zionist regime’s officials are claiming victory over this regime’s ground invasion in Gaza, even the Hebrew media are forced to deny and clarify IDF’s lies and contradict this regime’s statements.

NOURNEWS- On October 7, 2023, the West Asia region, the international community, and especially the Zionist regime and its Western supporters were shaken by Hamas’s surprise operation deep into the occupied lands. The Al Aqsa Storm operation has once again focused the world spotlight on the Palestinian Cause, their crisis, and of course the horrible condition imposed on the Palestinian people by the usurper regime of Jerusalem.

This operation has led to the death of 1400 Israelis - mostly military - the imprisonment of nearly 200 Israelis by Hamas, and in the words of Ehud Barak, “the greatest failure in Israel’s history”. In the aftermath of this operation, the Zionist regime has started massive air strikes and blind bombardment of Gaza that has claimed the lives of more than 11,000 Palestinians of which, 4324 are children.

In the rate of civilians and children being martyred due to Zionists’ vile attack on Gaza, António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations has named this enclave as the graveyard of children.

Throughout history, after every defeat, the Zionist regime has always turned to the commission of war crimes, and deliberate attacks on hospitals and non-military areas while saying Hamas is using Palestinians as “human shields” without providing any proof for its baseless and malicious claims that are being used as an excuse by the IDF and Israel’s officials to commit war crimes and wash their hands off of Palestinians blood.

But, one of the main characteristics of the Zionist regime is the use of fabricated stories, lies, and its media and soft power capabilities in the world. At the start of the conflict, the Zionist regime – with the help of the White House – started to push a story regarding massive rapes and beheaded babies by Hamas, and used these vile and fake stories to furthermore make its attacks on Gaza and its young population – in average, 50 percent of the 2 million population of Gaza are under 18 – more barbaric than before. Eventually, due to the vigilance of the public opinion of the world, the Zionists and every Western country that supported these stories were forced to say they were lying.

Now, entering the 11th day since the start of Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza with the agenda of “destroying Hamas” and not being able to achieve any victory during these ground attacks, once again the IDF and the Zionist regime are turned into using lies to validate their barbaric crimes such as IDF’s recent attack against an ambulance on its way to transport injured civilian trough Rafah crossing and air strikes against Al Shifa hospital in Gaza.

According to IDF, Hamas is using hospitals, mosques, and civil areas as its base of operation. In accordance, IDF has recently presented a “tunnel” under Qatari hospital, a claim was denied by Al Jazeera channel and the claimed “tunnel” was just a water tank, the important point here is that the IDF was physically there and decided to lie!

Furthermore, IDF published a video showing off a conflict which in the said conflict, Israeli soldiers were killing members of Hamas inside a tunnel, this particular lie was so unbelievable that channel 13 of the Zionist regime was forced to shine light on the matter and confess that the said video was 2 years old.

What is the reason behind IDF and the Zionist regime’s unending lies?

Benjamin Netanyahu, the current PM of the Zionist regime and a target for numerous corruption and legal cases has experienced the biggest defeat in Israel’s history, Netanyahu clearly knows that the end of the Gaza war is synonymous with the end of his political life and the opening of four court cases against him, so he expands the scope of the war as a defensive shield for his minimal and short-term survival in power.

His insistence on remaining in power and continuing the crime in Gaza is such that he recently answered a press conference in response to the question of whether he would resign or not. He said: “The only thing I intend to put aside is Hamas!”

In accordance, his government needs to show the world that it is not facing a new defeat in its ground invasion of Gaza, but according to field sources, and in contradiction to the claims of the Zionist regime and IDF, as of the 32nd day of the war, IDF has been forced to retreat in some of the northern areas of Gaza and is advancing very slowly in the other areas.

In the north, IOF started an intense advancement towards Al-Shati but got ambushed & and trapped by the resistance receiving heavy blows also the ongoing clashes west of Beit Lahia have mounted no advancements. In the south of Gaza City, ongoing clashes in the Tal al-Hawa area have been reported, and the IOF claims to have secured the coastline, but it’s merely a confrontation zone, and it is not secured.

The Israeli regime tries to secure the coastline but has been unsuccessful in doing so. It’s important to note that these areas are shelled both by air and sea while ground troops try to advance. And most importantly, approximately more than 136 Israeli tanks, APCs, and bulldozers have been destroyed.

Another dimension of the Zionist regime’s lies is in regard to the casualties of the Israeli forces. Similar to the US, the occupying regime of Jerusalem, never announces the true number of its casualties, and most of the time, they just announced a fake number of injured.

Regarding this matter, Ephraim Mordechai, a prominent Israeli journalist, has been arrested by Israel’s security forces due to his report on the shocking number of IDF’s casualties.

Mordechai boldly claimed to have witnessed a distressing scene within a Tel Aviv hospital—bodies of Israeli soldiers stacked in alarming numbers, a revelation that sent shockwaves through the nation. Adding fuel to the fire, he claimed that the military had withheld these bodies from their grieving families.

In accordance with the vile crimes committed by the Zionist regime and this regime’s unending lies to whitewash its war crimes, how can any free human being believe any of this fascist regime’s statements? Just remember this regime’s scandals over its air strike on Gaza’s Baptist hospital, Al Shifa hospital, Al Maghazi refugee camp, and other numerous examples of this regime’s deliberate attack on civilians.

As of this moment, since the Zionist regime began its aggression on October 7, the death toll from the war in Gaza has reached 10,569 of which 4,324 are children and 2,823 are women, with more than 26,000 more wounded.

BY: Homayoun Barkhor


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