News ID : 154315
Publish Date : 10/31/2023 11:41:04 PM
Nasrallah's silence and ambiguity; Is zero hour nearby?


Nasrallah's silence and ambiguity; Is zero hour nearby?

Not only those who have the memory of the "Tammuz war” in their minds but all those who follow the developments in Gaza are waiting for the moment when Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah appears on the TV screen, that is, the same nightmare that the Zionist regime's media described as "Judgment Day of Israel" a few days ago.

NOURNEWS- “The Middle East is moving on a Knife-edge”; This is the term used by the media to describe the conditions of the past few weeks in West Asia, but not necessarily because of the roar of rockets in the sky of Gaza and the occupied territories, but because of the complex game and heavier uncertainty that is going on from the northern neighbor of occupied Palestine.

Although since October 7th and the surprise operation of Hamas, almost no day has passed without an exchange of fire on the border between Lebanon and occupied Palestine, but these noises seem less important compared to what the political, international, and media circles are worried about, to the extent that as much as every number of bullets and the fire of bombings in this area decreases, the volume of concerns increases also.

CNN” interprets this circumstance as: “The most deafening voice among them is the silence of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon.”

International movements show that diplomacy and its accessories have become more active in an attempt to prevent the spread of war and the expansion of the geography of conflicts, and the United States has sent two strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean under the pretext of “deterrence”.

However, some observers believe that West Asia has become a time bomb that no one knows when it will explode. The killing machine of the Zionists in Gaza, the complete siege of this coastal strip, the cutting off of any access to water, electricity, and fuel reserves, and the attack on hospitals, mosques, and churches are proof of the apocalyptic conditions in this region.

Despite the killing of journalists, internet blackouts, and serious disruption of information, the limited images and videos published regarding the situation in Gaza are extremely shocking to the extent that in the heart of London to Istanbul, Rome, New York, and Baghdad, protesting citizens are demanding “immediate ceasefire”, a demand that has been vetoed many times by the United States in the Security Council of United Nations, so that Tel Aviv would start a sea of ​​blood instead of a bloodbath.

In such a situation, many cameras have turned toward Lebanon and are focused on the movements of Hezbollah, led by Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah.

The charismatic authority of the most influential political leader of the Arab world among his supporters is due to the years of leadership of a group that, although many tend to identify it as merely military, in the past decades has provided all the services and needs that the Lebanese government was unable to provide to the people of his country.

As the head of Hezbollah, he not only took back the occupied territories of Lebanon from the aggressor regime of Israel in the 33-day war, but after the war, he cured the unhealable wounds caused by the military conflict.

Accordingly; The western media believe that the most important and of course the most dangerous area in the region is the border between Lebanon and the occupied territories, because Hezbollah has a much higher and more coherent military power than Hamas, and is experienced in urban warfare, has a proven ability to stop the occupying regime and can potentially open a third front on the border between Syria and occupied Palestine.

This background has led to the question of whether his silence is a psychological strategy against the Zionists and an example of the calm before the storm.

The teasers published under the title “Waiting for him”, along with the roar of the supporters of Palestine in Egypt, who called for the bombing of Tel Aviv by the Lebanese Hezbollah with the slogan “Attack attack Hezbollah”, shows the eagerness and expectation for the complete action and participation of the “symbol of resistance” against the occupying regime.

Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah hosted an important meeting in the last three weeks; The meeting on October 25, which was held on the 19th day of the conflict in Gaza, with “Ziyad al-Nakhalah” the secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement and “Saleh al-Arouri” the deputy head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement was held in a room where the picture of Imam Khomeini and Grand Ayatollah Khamenei was installed on the wall.

After this meeting, some media tried to decode Hezbollah's statement or things that were probably discussed behind closed doors of this meeting, not knowing that the primary result of the meeting was the alliance that was shown in the images of this tripartite meeting.

During this time, Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah also met and talked with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran and called the recent martyrs of Gaza “martyrs of the Holy Path”.

In the past days, two news-making videos were published by Hezbollah; One is a few-second cut of Nasrallah, who leaves the frame after passing by Hezbollah's emblem, and Hezbollah's office published it along with verse 5 of Surah Al-Isra that read: “When the first of the two promises came, We sent against you servants of Ours who were of great military might, and they probed (even) into the homes, and it was a promise (that was) fulfilled “

It was also announced in the second video that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah will give a speech on Friday, November 3.

Now, not only those who have the memory of the “Tammuz war” in their minds but all those who follow the developments in Gaza are waiting for the moment when Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah appears on the TV screen, that is, the same nightmare that the Zionist regime's media described as “Judgment Day of Israel” a few days ago.

BY: Mohammad Ghaderi 


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