News ID : 154190
Publish Date : 10/30/2023 2:05:26 PM
Kanaani: The Zionist regime has committed all four international crime, JCPOA negotiations are ongoing within its framework

Kanaani: The Zionist regime has committed all four international crime, JCPOA negotiations are ongoing within its framework

Saying that Iran’s FM mentioned in his speech that the Zionist regime has committed all four international crimes not once but many times, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran stated: Pursuing these crimes and pursuing them legally is an international responsibility.

NOURNEWS-  Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, today at the beginning of his press conference regarding the developments in Palestine said: 24 days have passed since the beginning of the brutal attacks of the Zionist regime. Attacks that have crossed all red lines and violated all principles and regulations of international law. The Zionist regime actions are same as the murder and atrocities against all humanity.

Condoling the brutal killing and martyrdom of more than eight thousand Palestinians, he said: 3,342 of them are children and 2,062 are women. I offer my condolences to the patient Palestinian nation. Also, we offer our condolences to humanity and the free nations of the world for the death of morals and human values ​​in the dictionary of the American government and some European regimes. I remember the late Mahmoud Darwish, a painful Palestinian poet, who mentioned the suffering of the Palestinian nation in this verse. “We are victims who experienced all kinds of murders, but we are prodigies who do not die and cannot die.” We send greetings to the high spirits of Palestinian martyrs and pray that God will help the patience of this great nation with its victory.

Regarding the situation in Gaza and the legal actions and follow-ups of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran said: The story of the Zionist crime is not the story of yesterday and today and it not a onetime occurrence. It is an ongoing 75-year-old suffering. Fortunately, in the light of the Zionists' crimes, the world has realized Israel’s racist nature more than ever before. As Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized in the United Nations, the regime has launched more than twenty wars in the region and has committed military aggression without exception. Today, it still occupies parts of the territory of neighboring countries.

Kanaani stated that in his speech, which was completely legal, Amir-Abdollahian pointed out that the Zionist regime has committed all four international crimes not once but many times. The Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court saw that it was not possible to cross at the Rafah crossing.

He added: It is necessary to conduct an investigation in this connection. For many years, Iran has requested that an international investigation committee be formed in connection with the crimes of the Zionists and report its findings.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that in the recent meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Iran’s FM put forward various proposals in their speech, and said: Among other things, in the meeting with the Secretary General, he clarified the proposal that a specialized committee consisting of international lawyers be formed, and document the regime's crimes, including during the current imposed war, and prepare the ground for presenting these documents to international courts. This was Iran's demand in the recent talks. This is the demand of the public opinion of the world, who are more than ever in the streets and demanding.

Regarding Egypt's readiness to send Iran's aid, Kanaani said: This matter has been and still is Iran's concern. We emphasized the necessity of stopping the military attacks of the regime as the first priority. We also discussed lifting the blockade and creating a passage for sending humanitarian aid.

He continued: This issue was raised in a conversation with the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs. It was also followed up by the Iranian Red Crescent in connection with the Red Cross. This issue was raised in the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran with the representative of the United Nations. Unfortunately, the conditions at the Rafah border have not been created in such a way. So far, the amount of aid that has passed is less than a hundred trucks, and all the aid has been deposited in Egypt. Our officials are in contact with Egypt. Iran is ready to send aid if conditions exist.

Regarding the performance of Iranian embassies in relation to Palestine, Kanaani said: It is in line with the duties of the diplomatic system, and Iranian embassies are the arms of pursuing Iran's policies. Pursuing this issue is a priority and the diplomatic system is pursuing the support of Palestine with all its arms. They are in contact with their counterparts, ambassadors and diplomats, as well as in contact with international representatives.

Regarding the possibility of Hezbollah entering the war, Kanaani said: I am also waiting for Mr. Nasrallah's speech.

He talked about the cancellation of the JCPOA negotiation session and said: the subject of the negotiations is open within the defined framework and within the framework of the Sultan of Oman. Naturally, with the existence of the Palestinian issue, there are delays in some issues. This path is dynamic. If necessary, we will of course inform the needed information about the issue.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said about the claims of the Western authorities against Iran regarding the developments in Palestine: My answer is in two words. Stop it.

The cooperation framework of the Caspian coastal countries is defined, and the talks are conducted within that framework

He said, regarding the cooperation of the Caspian coastal countries: In the framework of the cooperation between the Caspian coastal countries, multiple mechanisms have been defined. There are joint meetings between the member countries at specific intervals. Due to the importance of the Caspian Sea area, the special representatives have meetings and contacts continuously and outside the framework. Our special representative and the head of the special secretariat for the Caspian Sea had busy days with their counterparts in the past months. These calls continue. And we have a meeting at two different levels, and we are going to discuss economic and commercial cooperation. It is also concerned with environmental issues.

Ending the aggression of the Zionist regime is Iran's priority

Regarding Iran's plan for a ceasefire in Gaza, Kanaani said: “The issue of ending the regime's aggression is one of Iran's priorities, which we have considered from the beginning.” Iran's effort has been to strengthen the pressure of the international community in view of the Zionist regime's disobedience to the international demand to end the aggression so that the regime is forced to give in to this demand.

The spokesman added: In the context of the efforts of Iran and the neighboring countries, now the general demand of the international community is to end the regime's attacks as soon as possible. This matter has definitely shown the United Nations that it is a collective demand.

The functioning of the Security Council is not effective

He said regarding Iran's position regarding inaction towards Gaza: Unfortunately, the international forums showed that they were not successful in fulfilling their inherent mission in ending the crisis. If the functioning of the Security Council was effective, we would not have seen long years of crisis in Palestine. It is worth noting that a number of countries, especially the United States, hold the Security Council hostage to their interests and do not allow this council to perform its duties. Our effort is to make the UN function properly by consulting different countries.

Regarding the attack on US bases in the region, you reap what you sow

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated regarding Iran's position regarding the attacks on American bases in the region: You reap what you sow. Support for tension will lead to reactions. We transferred and reflected many times. Supporting the aggressor will result in the reaction of the nations. What the Americans say is part of the action and reaction of the nations. This is part of America's wrong policies in the region.

We voted for the resolution on Palestine, but we also expressed our reservations

Regarding Iran's vote on the UN resolution on Palestine, he said: This is a common thing in important issues related to the resolutions that are voted on in the UN. Especially in matters related to fundamental international issues. Regarding the resolutions, each country may have a positive opinion on most of the provisions, but have a different policy on some provisions.

Kanaani continued: The common custom in the United Nations is that countries vote while registering their reservations. In the same resolution, Iran has used this issue. Iran voted in favor of the resolution, but has expressed its reservations in the statement.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran talked about Iran's initiative regarding Palestine in a conversation with regional leaders: The conversation was generally focused on the issue of Palestine. Naturally, it requires continuous efforts. Yesterday's talks with the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Qatar focused on finding a solution to end the military aggression.

Stating that mechanisms are proposed in these talks, he said: an immediate solution should be found for this situation. Other countries can help. Unfortunately, the US government is on the side of the regime and the regime has imposed a complete blockade.

Some countries had requests from Iran regarding their prisoners with Hamas

Kanaani continued: Regarding the issue of prisoners, due to the request of some countries that have citizens there, they had requests from Iran to help and release them. This issue was raised with Hamas officials and we got a positive promise. But the point is that Hamas officials emphasize that the prevailing war conditions and bombings do not allow the implementation of this operation.

Regarding the reactions to the foreign minister's positions, he said: In connection with the minister's speech, the headquarters of the United Nations is the headquarters of the governments of the world, and countries can attend and express their positions. The foreign minister was also present and expressed his principled views based on the United Nations Charter regarding Palestine.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs considered these statements to be the clear position of Iran and added: It is natural that some supporters of the regime do not accept the positions of the right. In connection with the developments in the region and the issue of Lebanon's borders, unfortunately, in the continuation of the approach taken by the regime, the region in the shadow of these crimes and the aggression of the regime against the people of Gaza can be pregnant with unforeseen crises. This is a concern that Iran has repeatedly warned against. Naturally, it is up to the supporters of the regime to restrain him. The regime's threat is not only directed at the Palestinian land, the 75-year history of the regime showed that it is a threat against everyone. At least twenty military aggressions have been committed against the neighbors. Naturally, the nations of the region will not stand idly by. The stability of Lebanon is important for Iran, but the Lebanese make decisions for their own conditions. We have announced many times.


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