News ID : 153886
Publish Date : 10/25/2023 5:44:07 PM
Short review of Iranian officials' stance regarding the Palestinian crisis on 25 October

Short review of Iranian officials' stance regarding the Palestinian crisis on 25 October

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei emphasized that the US is a definite accomplice in the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza.

NOURNEWS- The following text is a short review of Iranian high officials' stance regarding the Palestinian crisis on 25 October:

-- Iran's Supreme Leader: US Definitely Complicit in Israeli Crimes against Gaza

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei emphasized that the US is a definite accomplice in the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei made the remarks on Wednesday in the meeting with members of the Congress in Commemoration of the Martyrs of Lorestan Province.

“The presence of the heads of oppressive and villain status in the occupied territories shows their concern about the disintegration of the Zionist regime,” The Leader added, referring to Western leaders' recent trips 

Stressing that Victory is definitely for Palestine,  Ayatollah Khamenei Islamic states should not be passive in the face of criminals.

Ayatollah Khamenei also said that Gaza is now “the scene of innocence on one hand and strength on the other hand.”

He described as “decisive” and “irreparable” the blow dealt to the usurping entity by Palestinian fighters in their October 7 raid, dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.

“Yes, the people of Gaza are really oppressed, and this ruthless and bloodthirsty enemy, the usurping terrorist regime, knows no boundaries to crimes. It kills a thousand people in one bombardment,” the Leader asserted.

He added, “In this case, the United States is a definite accomplice of the criminals. That is, the US hands have been polluted up to the arms with the blood of the oppressed, the children, the patients, the women, etc. In fact, [the US] is somehow managing the crimes being committed in Gaza.”

-- Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman of Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote on Twitter:

“As per Palestinian sources, the count of journalists martyred during the onslaught by the Zionist regime in Gaza has surged to a distressing 19,” Kanaani wrote on X social media platform, formerly known as Twitter, on Tuesday.

He added, “By extinguishing the lives of these journalists, it becomes no mystery that the Zionist regime and its leaders stand as war criminals, and those who support them are entwined in these transgressions”.

“The ignominious blot of taking the lives of over 5,000 Palestinian citizens across a span of nearly two weeks, a cohort which includes 2,055 innocent children and 1,119 women, along with the wounding of more than 15,000 individuals, the displacement of 1,400,000 others, and the destruction of hospitals, mosques, churches, schools, residences, ambulances, and mobile medical units, shall forever be a stain on the visage of the Zionist regime and its backers,” he further noted.

Kanaani underlined that “In the face of such manifold atrocities, no awakened conscience can remain mute”.

-- Ayatollah Ebrahim Raisi, the president of Iran: Unified stance of Muslim world could have prevented Zionist's oppression

President Raisi made the remarks while receiving a copy of the credentials of Saudi Arabia's and Tunisian ambassadors in separate meetings in Tehran on Tuesday.

Referring to the 75-year-old oppression by Zionists against defenseless and innocent Palestinian people, he underlined that the lack of unified position by Islamic countries has led to the continuation of the killings and aggression of Zionists against Palestinians in these years. He reiterated that the presence of foreigners in the region not only solves any problems but is itself a cause of exacerbating the problems.

In a separate meeting with Tunisia's ambassador to Tehran Imad Al-Rahmuni, President Raisi said that the sad tragedy and inhuman crimes that are being committed by the Zionist regime and with the direct support of the Americans in Gaza these days are an embarrassment to those countries that have gone on to normalize relations with the racist and criminal Zionist regime.

Furthermore, in a meeting with several new foreign ambassadors to Tehran, the president of Iran called for concerted action by the international community to help the Palestinian people and end the Zionist regime’s atrocities against the Gaza Strip.

-- Iran's permanent ambassador to the United Nations says the US is aiding and abetting the Israeli regime's ongoing war on the besieged Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip.

Addressing the UN Security Council on Tuesday, the Iranian envoy Amir Saeid Iravani said, “The US has further exacerbated the conflict by overtly aligning itself with the aggressor at the expense of the innocent Palestinian population.”

“It's (the US's) rapid provision of military and logistical support to the oppressive occupying regime, thus made the US complicit in the brutal massacre of innocent Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip,” he added.” The Israeli occupation expands its targeting of multiple areas in the Gaza Strip, killing about 50 martyrs during the last hour,” a ministry spokesperson said in a statement.

“The explosive force of these explosives is equivalent to the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in Japan” in 1945, the office said in a statement. “An average of 33 tons of explosives were dropped per square kilometer on the Palestinian enclave since Israel started its aggression,” it added.

Amid the atrocities, Iravani went on, the US has been standing up to the international community's overwhelming desire to take the occupying regime to task over its atrocities.

“The primary impediment to such action has been the unwavering support of the United States, which has exercised its veto power on more than 40 resolutions within the Council,” he noted.

“Iran continues to fully support the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Our commitment is to stand with Palestinian aspirations until the occupation is ended,” the envoy concluded.


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