News ID : 153676
Publish Date : 10/24/2023 11:15:40 AM
Iranian FM's conversations with the leaders of the Palestinian resistance

Iranian FM's conversations with the leaders of the Palestinian resistance

Ziyad Al-Nakhalah: The field situation and The spirit of the resistance is in a very good condition, and we will continue to face the massive aggression of the Zionist regime with strength and the enemy cannot break the will of the resistance.

NOURNEWS- In separate phone calls, Dr. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, spoke with Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement-Hamas and Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement and discussed the latest political and field developments in Palestine and the barbaric attack of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip.

In these talks, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran informed the leaders of the Islamic resistance of Palestine about the latest diplomatic actions and movements of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international arena in support of the Palestinian people and the condemnation of the war crimes of the Zionist regime and the need to stop the killing of civilians in Gaza.

Dr. Amir-Abdollahian, while announcing the renewed support of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the oppressed people of Palestine, once again emphasized the need to immediately stop the crimes of the Zionist regime in the killing of Palestinian citizens, women and children, to open the Rafah border crossing, and to continue sending humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza and to deal and resist against the forced migration and compulsion of the residents of Gaza.

In this conversation, Ismail Haniyeh thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran for its support for the Palestinian people, which he called dynamic Islamic diplomacy with the aim of clarifying the facts, and explained the latest situation in Gaza under the shadow of the ongoing crimes and killing of civilians by the Zionist regime.

He considered the unwavering support of the US to the Zionist regime as the main reason for the continuation of the crimes of this neo-Nazi regime and added: the brutal and blind attacks of the Zionists against the defenseless people and citizens in Gaza show the inability of this regime to deal with the courageous fight of resistance and stability of the Palestinian people and after resistance's great strategic blow to the enemy, with a firm will the resistance forces are still in control of the course of the battle and the fights against the occupation despite the brutality of the Zionist enemy.

The head of the political office of Hamas considered the lack of medicine, fuel, and the failure of the hospitals' electricity generators as a prelude to the occurrence of a huge humanitarian disaster in Gaza. According to him, the Resistance Front was able to establish a new strategic balance in the region with the operationalization of Al-Aqsa storm.

In this conversation, the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad of Palestine also thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran for its support to the Palestinian nation and said: despite the killing of women, children, and the elderly by the Zionist regime and the destruction of residential homes and attacks on civilian targets by this regime, the field situation and The spirit of the resistance is in a very good condition, and we will continue to face the massive aggression of the Zionist regime with strength and the enemy cannot break the will of the resistance.

Ziyad Al-Nakhalah added: International solidarity with Palestine is an important issue, and this solidarity is increasing every day, and Iran's role in this regard is important.



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