News ID : 153188
Publish Date : 10/17/2023 8:00:04 PM
Raisi and Putin discuss latest development in Gaza

Raisi and Putin discuss latest development in Gaza

Deputy Chief of Staff for Political Affairs to Iran’s President Mohammad Jamshidi has said that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, in a phone conversation, reviewed the latest developments in Gaza and Caucasus.

NOURNEWS- Deputy Chief of Staff for Political Affairs to Iran’s President Mohammad Jamshidi has said that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, in a phone conversation, reviewed the latest developments in Gaza and Caucasus.

“In a phone call between President Raisi and President Putin, Raisi warned about continued Zionist war crimes,” Jamshidi said in a post on the messaging platform X, formerly known as Twitter, on Monday.

He added that “President Raisi said the continued siege, massacre of women, children and a ground attack on Gaza and its legal and elected government will lead to a long and multifront war”.

“They also discussed the Caucasus,” he noted.

According to the presidential office in Iran, President Raisi said that the current situation in Gaza raises the possibility of extending the scope of the conflict to other fronts.

Describing the approach of Western countries, and especially the US, in blindly supporting the Zionist regime, as an incentive for Zionists to escalate and continue the genocide in Gaza, Raisi underlined that the great catastrophe that is taking place in the region is the result of the failed policies of the US and other Western supporters of the Zionist regime.

Considering Russia’s position in condemning the war crimes and genocide of the Zionist regime in Gaza positive, he said that given what is happening in Gaza, there is a possibility of extending the scope of the war and conflict to other fronts, which will be harder to control if this happens.

Iran expects all countries and international bodies, including Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, to play a more effective role in stopping the war crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza, he added.

To compensate for its disgraceful defeat, the Zionist regime is pursuing the crime and genocide of defenseless civilians in Gaza by massive blind bombing and use of heavy and unconventional weapons against residential areas on the one hand and forcing Palestinians to leave their homes and countries on the other hand, he further noted.

The Zionist regime's leaders are trying to link the roots of recent events to external causes, the Iranian President said highlighting that the root of the conflicts must be considered in 75 years of oppression, crime, apartheid, killing, and desecration of the inhabitants, and the sanctities of the Palestinian people.

Emphasizing that today, stopping the Israeli attacks as soon as possible and lifting the blockade of Gaza should be a priority for all countries, President Raisi underlined that the friendship and neighborliness of Iran and Russia, along with the common positions of the two sides on the Palestinian issue, can be an appropriate platform for consultations and efforts to establish and strengthen peace and stability in the region.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Raisi expressed satisfaction with the expanding process of the two countries' interactions in the economic and trade fields, and emphasized the need to accelerate the advancement of cooperation between the two countries, especially in the fields of energy and transportation.

President Putin, for his part, stressed that Russia's analysis of the causes of the current crisis in Gaza is the same as Iran's, saying that the Zionist regime's massive attacks on a populated region, where more than 2 million defenseless people live, have no justification and must be stopped as soon as possible.

He added that conducting ground operations in Gaza has very heavy costs and impacts in terms of military and humanitarian issues, noted that the Americans tried to advance their own strategy to resolve the Palestinian issue, but this solution has failed.

Russia is also concerned about the spread of the current conflict in Gaza to other areas, he noted.


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