News ID : 153159
Publish Date : 10/17/2023 3:38:53 PM
The latest action of the US Congress will create more violence and crisis!


The latest action of the US Congress will create more violence and crisis!

A bipartisan delegation of Democrats and Republicans appointed by the US Congress stated in a report that the US should expand its forces to strengthen alliances and modernize nuclear weapons for possible war with Russia and China.

NOURNEWS- In the midst of the full-scale crime of the occupying regime against the people of Gaza, a meaningful action was taken by the US Congress, which, although apparently not related to the developments in Palestine, is an objective example of Washington's grand policy of injecting lasting crises into the international system.

A bipartisan delegation of Democrats and Republicans appointed by the US Congress stated in a report that the US should expand its forces to strengthen alliances and modernize nuclear weapons for possible war with Russia and China.

The panel's report, called the “Commission on Strategic Situation,” comes amid tensions with China over Taiwan and other issues and escalating friction with Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

Some American analysts contend that the findings will change the current national security strategy and also require a massive increase in defense spending with uncertain congressional support.

The boundaries of deterrence and action in this abstract equation are also unclear! However, it is evident that US officials have viewed the creation of lasting crises in the field of international relations as a constant premise in America’s foreign policies.

In this equation, it basically doesn't matter who is in charge in Washington. This is a bipartisan policy and strategy based on the “American bio crisis.”

Accordingly, the Americans believe that there is a direct relationship between the creation and continuation of strategic crises in different regions of the world and their maneuverability in the field of international relations, so the deeper the crises and the wider their scope, the more maneuverability will be available for the US in the international stage.

In fact, Democrats and Republicans play the leading role in crisis creation projects to prepare for the White House's “biological crisis.”

The US authorities' excuses for this “bio crisis” are also contemplated in their own way! For example, supporters of this plan say that the US and its allies must always be prepared to defeat both enemies meaning China and Russia, at the same time because the existing US-led international order is at stake.

In the critique of this presumption, it suffices to say that the plan proposed by Congress is essentially based on action, not deterrence. Beyond that, the false bipartisan assumption that the international order was formed under Washington has been challenged even by many Western strategists and theorists.

Francis Fukuyama, Noam Chomsky, and other prominent political think tanks believe that Washington's play-making power in the international system has been damaged, and even Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are talking about the end of the unipolar era.

It is important to say that in 2022, US Congress created a panel based on six Democrats and six Republicans to assess long-term threats to the country and recommend changes in US forces and nuclear weapons, whose main goal is to theorize the creation of lasting crises in the field of international relations as a way of acting on U.S. foreign policy.

BY: Pooya Mirzaei


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