News ID : 152702
Publish Date : 10/9/2023 7:34:14 PM
Cancellation of international flights to Tel Aviv; the sign of insecurity in the house of the spider


Cancellation of international flights to Tel Aviv; the sign of insecurity in the house of the spider

The start of surprise attacks by the Palestine Resistance Front under the title of “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation on various cities in the occupied territories caused the widespread cancellation of international flights to Tel Aviv, an issue that can have long-term psychological and economic effects on this regime.

NOURNEWS- France Press reported that the board of incoming flights at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport shows that the world's major airlines such as Air France, Lufthansa, Emirates, Ryanair, Aegean Airlines, Air India, Air Canada, and of course many American Airlines such as United Airlines, Delta, and American Airlines have suspended all their flights to this airport.

The images published in the media, which show the gathering of numerous residents of the occupied territories at the airports of this country, and their desperation because there is no flight for them to take them away from the occupied territories, also confirm France Press news and other news regarding the cancellation of flights to the Ben Gurion airport.

The decision of international airlines to cancel flights to Tel Aviv was made after the Palestinian resistance forces entered the occupied territories in an all-out and surprise operation called “Al-Aqsa Storm”; This operation continued with the support of rocket and missile attacks of the resistance towards the occupied lands, and after entering the third days since the beginning of these attacks, there is still no prospect of a ceasefire and the end of the conflicts.

During this unprecedented operation, dozens of military headquarters in different cities of the occupied territories were destroyed and hundreds of Zionists, including several senior commanders, were killed or wounded and captured.

While having extensive economic and credit effects for the Zionist regime, the noteworthy point is that the cancellation of international flights to Israel will also have very critical psychological consequences for the residents of the occupied territories.

Today, the value of the currency of Israel, the Israeli Shekel, has reached its lowest level in more than eight years; On the other hand, the central bank of this regime had to inject 30 billion dollars of currency into the market to balance the market. The extensive economic connections of the Zionist regime with the world markets and the presence of hundreds of international companies in Israel's technology hubs make the negative effects of these attacks and the cancellation of flights well felt in all economic fields, especially since the cancellation of flights creates a feeling of being surrounded and trapped in a prison, it also evokes the feeling of being imprisoned in the residents of the occupied territories. Israel has turned into the same prison that the occupying regime has imposed on 2 million oppressed residents of Gaza for 16 years, and the result was nothing but the suppressed anger of young and old Palestinians and their children.

The continuation of conflicts and missile attacks by the Palestinian resistance forces, and as a result, the insecurity of Israel's sky and ground for the regime that has tried to present itself as a safe place or some sort of safe haven to the world for the entire 75 years of occupation of Palestine, will have destructive negative effects on the public opinion of the world. Now this regime has to pay a heftier price for continuing this absurd show of security that it has created and staged with the aim of attracting Jews from all over the world and accepting the false ideal of Zionism. This regime may be able to hide the fake face of this usurper regime for a short time, but what is clear is that the insecurity of the spider's house has once again been shown to everyone in the world.

The moment of a rocket strike near Ben Gurion Airport




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