News ID : 152591
Publish Date : 10/8/2023 12:00:07 PM
America was forced to deposit millions of dollars to Iran's account

America was forced to deposit millions of dollars to Iran's account

The Center for International Legal Affairs of the Legal Assistant of the President of Iran announced the implementation of decision No. 604 of the Iran-American Arbitration Court (Case A-15) and the deposit of 43 million dollars to the account of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Dutch Bank in The Hague.

NOURNEWS- In a part of the notice of the Center for International Legal Affairs, it is stated: In Case A-15, regarding the violation of the obligations of the US government to arrange the transfer of Iranian civilian items under Algeria's statement, the Iran-US Claims Arbitration Court decided number 604 in favor of Iran and the government of the US is condemned and must pay the damages caused to the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In another part of this statement, it is stated: Following repeated and persistent follow-ups by the Center for International Legal Affairs of the Legal Assistant of the President of Iran, in order to fulfill Iran's rights based on the verdict, the amount of 43 million dollars from the US government for the principal and the interests of the said money until the time of voting, was deposited into the account of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Dutch Bank in The Hague.


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