News ID : 152499
Publish Date : 10/7/2023 8:50:14 AM
Washington's game with Riyadh in the process of normalizing Tel Aviv-Riyadh relations


Washington's game with Riyadh in the process of normalizing Tel Aviv-Riyadh relations

Experience shows that regarding the process of normalization of relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, American and Zionist officials are merely willing to give Saudi Arabia commitments that cannot be turned into “guarantees” and can easily be violated and ignored!

NOURNEWS- Recently, 20 Democratic US senators expressed their concern over Washington's provision of security guarantees to Riyadh in the process of negotiations to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime.

In a letter to Joe Biden, the Democrat senators expressed their concern over providing Riyadh with any security guarantees in exchange for a compromise deal with Tel Aviv.

In the letter, they noted and emphasized the major obstacles that the Biden administration would face in Congress if it met Saudi Arabia's demands in exchange for normalization of relations with Israel, and they voiced their opposition to the Saudis' acquisition of nuclear technology.

Chris Murphy, Chris Van Hollen, Dick Durbin and Peter Welch are the senators who wrote the letter to Biden and this gained the signature of 16 other senators on the bottom of their letter.

On the one hand, writing such a letter illustrates and showcases the difficult and thorny path that exists in the process of normalizing relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, and on the other hand, it is a confirmation of Washington's failure to provide Riyadh with operational guarantees for completing the said process.

During Trump's presidency, the UAE normalized its relations with the Zionist occupying regime, and in return for this normalization, the UAE received assurances covertly and openly from Washington as director and the leading actor of the negotiations between the Zionist regime and the UAE.

After the announcement of the normalization of the relations between Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv and despite the insistence of the former US administration to the Zionist regime, Israel opposed the sale of advanced American weapons and fighter jets to Abu Dhabi and later failed to fulfill the important part of these commitments and guarantees! 

The reason for this opposition from the Zionists is clear; The Zionists believe that any security and military guarantees to countries that intend to normalize relations with Tel Aviv can pose a potential danger to the existence and security of this regime in the future.

While having these facts in mind, one can say that the issue of the Tel Aviv-Riyadh negotiations is also clear, and the guarantees promised by the US, such as laying the foundation for a two-state plan for the case of occupied Palestine or halting construction projects for building settlements in the West Bank, will certainly not materialize.

Beyond that, the assurances offered behind the scenes to Riyadh regarding the acceptance of the Saudi nuclear program and gaining assistance in the implementation of this process cannot be implemented, and this commitment does not have any realistic dimensions, and it is merely a form of verbal promise without any guarantees of execution to advance interventionist goals and America’s interests in West Asia.

Experience shows that regarding the process of normalization of relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, American and Zionist officials are merely willing to give Saudi Arabia commitments that cannot be turned into “guarantees” and can easily be violated and ignored!

BY: Pooya Mirzaei 


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