News ID : 152185
Publish Date : 10/1/2023 12:27:09 PM
Ahmadian: The security agreement between Iran and Iraq must be fully implemented

Ahmadian: The security agreement between Iran and Iraq must be fully implemented

Qasim al-Araji, the National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister of Iraq, arrived in Tehran to meet with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council and some other senior officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In these meetings, regional and bilateral issues, including the implementation of the security agreement between the two countries, will be discussed.

NOURNEWS- Qasim al-Araji, the National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister of Iraq, arrived in Tehran to meet with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council and some other senior officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In these meetings, regional and bilateral issues, including the implementation of the security agreement between the two countries, will be discussed.

Ahmadian: The security agreement between the two countries must be fully and accurately implemented

Qasim al-Araji, Iraq's National Security Adviser, who has traveled to Tehran, met with Dr. Ali Akbar Ahmadian, the representative of the Supreme Leader and the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, and discussed with him about bilateral issues of the two countries and how to fully implement the security agreement between Tehran and Baghdad, furthermore, both of the high officials have exchanged views their views regarding aforementioned matters.

In this meeting, Ahmadian expressed his gratitude for the good cooperation and arrangements of the Iraqi government in holding the Arbaeen ceremony as magnificent as it was possible, as well as the warm hospitality of the Iraqi people, stating that the Arbaeen ceremony, in addition to its important political and cultural dimensions and spiritual blessings, brings the two nations of Iran and Iraq and Muslim and Shiite closer together.

While stating that the security agreement between the two countries guarantees the security of the borders of the two countries and a reasonable and appropriate road map to eliminate insecure components in the two countries and the region, The Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran emphasized on the strict and complete implementation of this agreement.

Referring to the agreements between Iran and Iraq in various fields, especially the economic field, Ahmadian said: “There are many potentials for the all-round improvement of the relations between the two countries in various sectors, which should be actualized with joint efforts and double efforts.”

In this meeting, Qasim al-Araji, the secretary of the Iraq's National Security Council, emphasized on the determination and willingness of the government and the Iraq's National Security Institution to implement the security agreement between the two countries and said: We will welcome and use every opportunity to develop and deepen Tehran-Baghdad relations.


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